Pretty much EXACTLY the same ass all the other posts
, just looking for escort buddies and friends who i can chat with about everything job included! gets sooo annoying trying to remember what i can and cant say when im talking with friends and family
, would be nce to have someone who understands what im dealing with! lol
If your interested send me a PM and ill add you to my msn or something! 
I would love to, but I'm so busy atm
With regards to lying to friends and family... I keep diary- one with social commitments and another to organise my jobs/work life. The 1st I can take away when I visit my parents, open in front of everyone and one strictly for my eyes only.
Make a note of what hours you work in your 'office job' or whatever then you'll have something to refer to. I always 'work' in my pretend job set hours so I ensure I never answer the 'phone, post on Facebook etc during those hours. If I do have to call anyone I'm stood outside and 'can't stop because it's 1.30pm and I'm at lunch.
Every now and then I might even check the t/l website and update my Facebook status- 'central line was down again today- what a day!' When all I've really been doing is lazing around in my pi's watching tv! It adds to the authenticity and don't feel bad about lying- you're protecting them! Besides, it's all part of the fun