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Author Topic: Buddy/any sort of help needed in Scotland  (Read 2824 times)


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Buddy/any sort of help needed in Scotland
« on: 16 August 2024, 06:38:30 pm »
Heyyyy I'm amy I'm new to this industry and I'm looking for a buddy mainly or any other kind of support if possible an escort driver etc sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong space I'm a young female I'm 18 I'm very very chilled and very layed back I'm down to help any female who may also be new to this industry or who may just be looking for some sorta support or guidance I've learned from the mistakes I've made and want to hopefully help someone else not make those mistakes or to help me them out in anyway that they really need anyways I'll stop rambling on now my number is 07563 842322 just hit me up if u like the sound of this oh and I'm in dundee BTW but I'm willing to travel to anywhere

[title edited to remove all caps]
« Last Edit: 16 August 2024, 09:43:56 pm by SAAFE »