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Author Topic: Buddy System needs new co ordinator  (Read 6377 times)


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Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« on: 22 February 2009, 10:43:52 am »
Im looking to pass over the running of the Buddy System to an established lady.  I just dont have the time at the moment that it needs.

If you are interested then please do email me on

Its a very simple system I am using at the moment, but it does need a bit more support and advertising which at the moment I dont have time to do.


Penny x x x


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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #1 on: 22 February 2009, 11:47:18 am »
Perhaps you could say in here how many hours a month it requires to be done effectively and so ladies can see what they might want to take on.

How do you find and 'vet' buddies?

How do people needing buddies find you, do most come through SAAFE? If so, could someone run it from the forum here (if the admins were happy for that to happen) or is there something completely seperate?

Is it feasible for more than one person to run it?

How many buddies do you already have?

Sorry for so many questions!


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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #2 on: 22 February 2009, 12:43:23 pm »
Sorry to hear that you're giving it up Penny. I know it's been a godsend to a lot of escorts. Kudos to you for thinking it up in the first place.
But yes, if you can expand a bit more on what you did as co-ordinator, it can give other escorts who might be interested in taking over your reigns an idea of what it entails.


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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #3 on: 23 March 2009, 05:55:16 pm »
Penny, is there an update to the takeover of the Buddy System? I've had a couple of PMs from ladies asking.


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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #4 on: 28 March 2009, 08:17:00 pm »
Sorry ive not been around as much this past month or so, my personal life seems to have overtaken me a bit.

I am in the process of revamping the Buddy System, with its own website and I am looking for help to co ordinate and run it.

At the moment all new enquiry emails to me are being told that the system is on hold but if they wish any help or advice then to come back to me, and a few have.

I feel that its time for the Buddy System to evolve a little bit, to make it more accessable and easier to use, and manage.

Any suggestions and help greatly welcomed.

Penny x x x


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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #5 on: 28 March 2009, 08:42:36 pm »
Good to hear from you Penny,
Great news about the revamp and good to hear that you've changed your mind about the buddy system.

Well, what I'll carry on doing in the meantime then is to delete the buddy system forum on here and keep the buddy link-up forum. That way people who come through to Saafe can still find themselves a buddy, especially as most readers are new, and those who'd like to offer to be a buddy can do so here too. It's been working pretty well so far.

And so you don't have too much on your plate what with the new site, I'll remove you as moderator here and it can basically run itself.

Best of luck with the new site.


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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #6 on: 30 March 2009, 01:46:44 pm »
Good to hear from you Penny,
Great news about the revamp and good to hear that you've changed your mind about the buddy system.

Well, what I'll carry on doing in the meantime then is to delete the buddy system forum on here and keep the buddy link-up forum. That way people who come through to Saafe can still find themselves a buddy, especially as most readers are new, and those who'd like to offer to be a buddy can do so here too. It's been working pretty well so far.

And so you don't have too much on your plate what with the new site, I'll remove you as moderator here and it can basically run itself.

Best of luck with the new site.

Its a great shame that you have now removed the buddy system part of the forum here, I was hoping to advise and continue to promote it on saafe.  Is this not what you want then?


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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #7 on: 30 March 2009, 03:51:37 pm »

Its a great shame that you have now removed the buddy system part of the forum here, I was hoping to advise and continue to promote it on saafe.  Is this not what you want then?

Hi Penny,
The Buddy System part of the forum hadn't been used in a great while then when you said you wanted to move on I thought it was best just to have the Buddy Link-up part of the forum where I've tried to make it more self-sufficient and ladies can get in contact with each other.

When you have the new website up and running I'd be happy having it promoted from Saafe. I can't wait to see it myself. Maybe as you say, a revamp with fresh ideas and others to help out is what's needed. You can sticky it here and on the main part of the forum.


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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #8 on: 30 March 2009, 04:05:33 pm »
I have not mentioned moving on Brandy.  I have only mentioned wanting to improve the Buddy System and for it to evolve and grow.  Either by me or someone else.  I have now decided that it would be best for it to have its own dedicated website and email account.

It wont have an advice forum on it, so I will be linking it to Saafe for that.  A link back from Saafe would be appreciated too.

As it appears you dont want the Buddy System running from here, just your own Buddy Link up perhaps it would be best to change the name slightly so that new ladies dont get confused with both services.




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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #9 on: 30 March 2009, 04:23:30 pm »
Okay, now I'm really confused and my head's hurting me. The first two lines of your original post was:

Im looking to pass over the running of the Buddy System to an established lady.  I just dont have the time at the moment that it needs.

I've been trying to keep things ticking over whilst you were looking for someone to take over from you. No big deal, nothing nefarious going on. The Buddy System hadn't been used in a while, hence the Link-up, which was put up when ladies said they couldn't get a hold of you anymore. Then you announced that you no longer had the time that it needed, I removed the Buddy System and kept this in place.
There's nothing else to it. I'm trying to do the right thing for the industry and for ladies concerned. Is there a problem?


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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #10 on: 30 March 2009, 04:30:10 pm »
My original post of 22nd February did say that I was looking to hand it over, due to other personal committments. 

Then due to lack of response and lots of thought on my part, I made the decision to keep it on, with help if I can get it, and to evolve it further with a website of its own.  This was stated in my post of 28th March.

I do appreciate the work you have done in setting up the Buddy Link up system, so that girls can provide security for each other.

You then took down the Buddy System part of the forum, after my post of 28th March, which to be honest made me feel as if you no longer wanted it to be a part of your board.  If this is so, then no problem, just let me know.

Ladies who have contacted me directly have all had replies from me, stating that I was unable to run a full service but if they needed any help to come back to me.  Only a few did.  I have now contacted all the ladies who have emailed me directly over the past month or so to advise them of the current situaiton.

There has been a lot going on behind the scenes, which has now prompted me to give the Buddy System the push that it needs.



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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #11 on: 30 March 2009, 04:36:39 pm »
I'm glad to hear you've changed your mind. So I take it now there's no problem? When you've got the brand new site up and running let us know and we can link it from here.


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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #12 on: 21 April 2009, 09:59:59 pm »
Any news on the new Buddy Scheme website Penny?

In the meantime, do you have any suitable Buddys for the new girls who are asking?


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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #13 on: 23 April 2009, 05:53:35 pm »
Website is being worked on as we speak Trafford, so hopefully early next month it will go live.

Any ladies emailing me on the new escort buddy email account have been set up with a buddy, so if any ladies have posted here I might have missed it.  Please do email me on

Will keep you posted



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Re: Buddy System needs new co ordinator
« Reply #14 on: 23 April 2009, 09:13:21 pm »
Website is being worked on as we speak Trafford, so hopefully early next month it will go live.

Any ladies emailing me on the new escort buddy email account have been set up with a buddy, so if any ladies have posted here I might have missed it.  Please do email me on

Will keep you posted


Nice one Penny. It would be great to see the new site. What I'll do in the meantime then is post your hotmail buddy addy should ladies ask.