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Author Topic: buddy group meet a few times per week in central london!  (Read 731 times)


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buddy group meet a few times per week in central london!
« on: 09 August 2012, 03:17:37 pm »
If you are an independent female escort why not come to our buddy group and meet other girls in the same profession who are looking to meet friends doing the same job, to give advice and  support... A few of us are going to meet on 15 August at 1pm for a coffee so if you fancy coming along please email.


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Re: buddy group meet a few times per week in central london!
« Reply #1 on: 09 August 2012, 04:01:57 pm »
We don't generally encourage newbies to meet up with random strangers who've just appeared here out of nowhere, particularly when they are posting anonymously. And to the OP, there are no 'girls' on SAAFE - we are adult women.

There are already plenty of posts regarding this, but it's worth stating again that anybody interested in arranging to meet others in person should treat the situation just as you would if you were meeting anybody else unknown to you on the strength of a few words exchanged online - do not pass on ANY personal information, meet in a public place and make sure you tell somebody else where you are going and when you are expecting to return.

YD, if you post some more information about yourself and your 'buddy group', your post might not look quite so odd.