Hi Girls
its a while since ive been on this site , been catching up with the latest advice - excellent as usual . Id like to buddy up with anyone in the west yorks area. Ive been in the business only a year - but ive learnt a lot in that time i think !! it would be nice to have a mate in the same industry to meet up with just for socialising and a chat , as well as support for each other . Im also considering renting out my room ( in my new place - ready new year ) as it would be a lot safer . Get in touch if your in the area .
Great idea BTW , thanks to the mods ! It breaks my heart sometimes when i see new naive (young) girls on the free sites who havent thought about security ect . I try to point them in this sites direction as its the only site of its type !! Keep up the good work !!
Cleo XXX

Ps - nothing to do with this thread - but i really want these Dita Von Teese Wonderbra sets !!!