SAAFE forum

General Category => Buddy Link-up => Topic started by: darlingnancy on 07 March 2014, 05:31:02 pm

Title: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 07 March 2014, 05:31:02 pm
Hi there.  These have been running successfully for a long time now. 

We are offering breakfasts for sex workers only on Wednesdays, 10am-12noon, from Wednesday 12 March until Wednesday 23 April.

The breakfasts are simply social, for support & solidarity among sex workers!  Free coffee & croissants and the chance to socialise with other sex workers  :D

There is also the opportunity, if required, to get EFL support/one-to-one custom language help/general conversational skills. 

But these breakfasts are open to ALL sex workers!  Message me for details xxx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: sweet jane on 12 March 2014, 06:59:18 pm
I went to the breakfast this morning, it was nice and friendly - good to have a space to meet other people working in the industry and be able to chat.  :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Swedish on 12 March 2014, 10:55:19 pm
Just noticed this now :(
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: sweet jane on 13 March 2014, 10:05:09 am
It's every week till April 23rd, so maybe next time?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Swedish on 13 March 2014, 05:10:36 pm
Would love to join next time :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: sweet jane on 15 March 2014, 11:59:55 am
Would love to join next time :)

 :) I won't be there next time as I'm off to the seaside for a week, but if you PM darlingnancy she can give you the details!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 19 March 2014, 07:26:24 pm
Thankyou sweet jane!

I'm sorry I hadn't checked my messages sooner.  I just forgot! 

We had another lovely breakfast today.  Tea, coffee, croissants, and lots of great conversation about our work.  I've messaged you, Swedish, and hope very much to meet you soon. 
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 19 March 2014, 07:34:27 pm
Hello again.  Anyone doing any kind of work related to sex (!) is welcome to come for coffee, tea, croissants and more!  Some of us may know each other, but at each meet-up there is always someone new.  And everyone is always so, so lovely.

There's a huge variety of jobs, ages, and reasons for working.  There is zero agenda to these meetings - they are purely for socialising and support.  The breakfast is DELICIOUS and it's free.  There is seriously no catch. 

We meet in East London; message me for more info, and I'm so sorry I didn't check in for my messages last week.  I just forgot, but I won't again xxx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 07 April 2014, 11:29:30 pm
I'm just posting again to say that these have been going really well, so they will be extended till the end of May - and may possibly be an ongoing event.

Wednesdays, East London, 10am - 12 noon.  Message me for the address.  Free coffee, tea, and delicious breakfast foods, plus great conversation.  Completely confidential safe space, and everyone attending (& hosting!) must be a current sex worker.

Love & croissants - nancy x

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: DanielleWilliams on 10 April 2014, 05:32:02 pm
how do i get more info on this? (adress) xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: lailah terri on 11 April 2014, 02:07:55 am
Pm darling nancy x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 06 May 2014, 07:48:55 pm
how do i get more info on this? (adress) xx

Message me for the details, DanielleWilliams - and anyone else who is currently working.  The breakfasts are going really well.

I'll make sure I remember to check my messages regularly. 
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 09 June 2014, 12:22:07 pm
Hello all..just another reminder that these are still running, and are going really well.  A very good way to start a summer's day!

They will be every Wednesday, 10am - noon (ish), until the last Wednesday in July.

Hope you can make it - message me for the details, or if you have any questions. 

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 15 July 2014, 04:51:17 pm
I'm just sharing this info here as well...

These have been a great success and will run until 30 July. 

Free breakfasts (for current sex workers only) are held in East London, every Wednesday from 10am - 12noon.

They're a really great opportunity to socialise with other sex workers and to share resources.  Because they've been such a great success (they've been running in some version or another since 2010), they should be running through the autumn as well.   :D

It's a really friendly, easy, welcoming space to take part in.  Completely confidential, one to one EFL support available if required.  Or just a cup of coffee and a croissant!

Message for more details   :D
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Saucepot on 15 July 2014, 05:03:02 pm
Would love to go to something like this but I'm in Essex  :(
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 15 July 2014, 05:05:48 pm
Three more breakfasts...last one is 30 July.

Every Wednesday, 10-12 noon, current sex workers only, very very easy to reach East London location.  Free breakfasts and great supportive atmosphere.  Breakfasts are confidential, one-to-one EFL support is available....a great space to share tips and resources, or just to have coffee with others who understand what we do!

These have been a great success, have been running in one way or another for a few years now, and should be continuing in the autumn.  Watch this space, or message for the address if you want to come to a July breakfast.   :D

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: DanFTM on 24 July 2014, 10:02:40 am
Is this for women only, or are male sex workers welcome too...?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: StawberryFields on 27 July 2014, 07:20:14 pm
Hi Dan, I went to one of these and it was fantastic and actually about 1/3rd of the company was male, to my surprise :) male escorts, porn stars, strippers... plenty of variety :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: DanFTM on 28 July 2014, 08:33:48 pm
That would be fantastic!  Unfortunately I have a client at that time on the 30th, but I hope to be able to go when they start running again :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: SexworkerOpenUni on 29 July 2014, 10:19:52 am
Last breakfast tomorrow everyone!
Dan, looking forward to meeting you next time  :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 29 July 2014, 12:23:54 pm
All genders are welcome at the breakfasts - the variety of sex workers who attend surprises me every single time.  We are also very transfriendly and there's a zero-tolerance agreement for racism & transphobia. 

Having lemon cake again tomorrow.  Hope people can make it.  I'm not going to even try to end this one on time.  They've been running hours over time since March and tomorrow I think we should just embrace it!

Watch this space for info about more breakfasts in the autumn.  (And very happy you had a great breakfast, StrawberryFields!)  :D
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: StawberryFields on 31 July 2014, 04:36:42 am
Watch this space for info about more breakfasts in the autumn.  (And very happy you had a great breakfast, StrawberryFields!)  :D

Thanks! I'll hopefully be back around Christmas hols. Only in London around uni holidays and then this Summer I had a civvie job, but at Christmas hopefully I can get out every week and say hello to everyone :)

Jessica x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 28 August 2014, 09:47:02 am
Breakfasts start again next week!   :D  :D  :D 8) :D :D :D

Please note, new time: 11am - 1pm (people were arriving later & later so we've adjusted the time accordingly!)

But the breakfasts are still every Wednesday - same place (East London!) and same arrangement:

-- sex workers only (all types of sex work)
-- free tea and coffee and delicious breakfast
-- confidential space, support and solidarity.  Advice and info (if wanted) about working practices and rights, or just an easy place to have a chat and get to meet other sex workers!  It's a very friendly, unpressurised environment. 
-- all genders welcome/transfriendly

Please text for the address 07757 469533

The breakfasts will run every Wednesday from 3 Sept until 17 Dec.

Hope to see you there - Nancy x

ps for anyone who wants a handhold and to meet with someone beforehand so they can arrive together - this is easy to organise too.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: S2S on 01 September 2014, 09:23:28 am
Who wants to go girls? x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Elizabethanne on 02 September 2014, 11:23:10 pm
Im htere in oct
Where abouts please
Lizzy xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Serena on 04 September 2014, 01:39:59 am

I am relatively new to this and have been doing ok for the last 2 months. I would love to come to your breakfast meetings, I could also bring a friend in need of some advice.

My email address is

Thank you.

Serena xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 15 September 2014, 11:21:36 am
Who wants to go girls? x

anyone who'd like a 'hand-hold', this is very easy - just call from the nearby tube station and someone can come and meet you, if you don't have one or two other people to arrive with.

If it helps, half of the people who come may know one another, but half of the people who come, arrive alone and may never have spoken to another sex worker, and may well have just arrived in the city! 

It's a very welcoming breakfast and nothing is asked of you   :D

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 15 September 2014, 11:23:02 am
Im htere in oct
Where abouts please
Lizzy xx

I have messaged you.  Hope to see you at breakfast xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 15 September 2014, 11:23:56 am

I am relatively new to this and have been doing ok for the last 2 months. I would love to come to your breakfast meetings, I could also bring a friend in need of some advice.

My email address is

Thank you.

Serena xx

I have messaged and emailed you.  Hope to see you and your friend at breakfast xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 30 September 2014, 11:23:33 am
Just putting this in here again - it counts as a 'project' as the breakfasts are supported by xtalk, Sex Worker Open University (SWOU) & Open Doors nhs, amongst others!  Would really appreciate the extra signal boost by having a thread in this section. 

The breakfasts are free and run by and for sex workers only, and have been running successfully for some time now.  All types of sex work, all genders welcome.  For support, solidarity, and to know your rights - or just for croissants, toast & coffee.

Every Wednesday 11am - 1pm in East London - message me for the address.

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: SexworkerOpenUni on 30 September 2014, 11:46:58 am worker breakfasts are supported by SWOU & xtalk  :-*

you *can* leave your details at breakfast if you want to get involved with SWOU or xtalk, but at least half the people who come don't do this, because the important thing about breakfasts is they are confidential and run autonomously and they take place just for solidarity.  You don't even have to give your (fake!) name - just have a coffee & put your feet up in a sex-worker only space. 
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: sweet jane on 01 October 2014, 10:14:26 am
Breakfast is on today!! (I will be elsewhere earning a crust) but quoting Nancies post so we have the contact person for breakfasts on the current page.

Just putting this in here again - it counts as a 'project' as the breakfasts are supported by xtalk, Sex Worker Open University (SWOU) & Open Doors nhs, amongst others!  Would really appreciate the extra signal boost by having a thread in this section. 

The breakfasts are free and run by and for sex workers only, and have been running successfully for some time now.  All types of sex work, all genders welcome.  For support, solidarity, and to know your rights - or just for croissants, toast & coffee.

Every Wednesday 11am - 1pm in East London - message me for the address.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: SexworkerOpenUni on 13 October 2014, 09:29:38 am
Thanks, sweet jane   :D

Lots of breakfast love xxx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 26 October 2014, 03:02:13 pm
Breakfasts are going really well.  They aren't affiliated to Open Doors, Stonewall, SWOU, xtalk, ECP, ClinicQ or anyone else who may recommend or advertise them (the leaflets may be circulated at various places) but we appreciate the support of all these organisations. 

Breakfasts are an autonomous space, by and for sex workers and are for just breakfasting (!) (there's no catch!), and they're completely confidential. 
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: sweet jane on 04 November 2014, 11:44:06 am
  Breakfasts are an autonomous space, by and for sex workers and are for just breakfasting (!) (there's no catch!), and they're completely confidential.

Really looking forward to finally being able to make it to breakfast tomorrow!!!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 12 November 2014, 06:20:43 am
it was great to see you  :D
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 18 November 2014, 10:01:11 am
Just a quick reminder about breakfasts, every Wednesday.  All genders welcome, all types of sex work.  Breakfasts are confidential and are run by sex workers.  Breakfast and information shared by other sex workers (safety, solidarity, knowing your rights, a chance to talk about work with other sex workers, or a chance to talk about anything but work!) all free.

there are usually about 8 to 10 people there.  The quietest it's been is 3 of us, but that's very unusual.  It's always very relaxed and easy, and there are always new people.

Also, check out the new website made by a breakfaster for us! (

(eta: modified cos I failed to insert the link right.. :-[)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: tigerlily on 20 November 2014, 12:04:23 pm
I just want to say breakfast is wickedly amazing with it's all come, every sex worker welcome, our political power is in our togetherness, let's drink some good coffee and chat our brains out vibes. Wonderful, inspiring people to meet; if you didn't know, we sex workers are pretty damn cool folk. THANK YOU SO MUCH to the organizers and lovely host :D
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 25 November 2014, 10:56:16 am
I just want to say breakfast is wickedly amazing with it's all come, every sex worker welcome, our political power is in our togetherness, let's drink some good coffee and chat our brains out vibes. Wonderful, inspiring people to meet; if you didn't know, we sex workers are pretty damn cool folk. THANK YOU SO MUCH to the organizers and lovely host :D

so this has made my day    :D  :D  :D

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 16 December 2014, 11:16:23 am
Breakfast tomorrow as usual from 11am - 1pm, and then a two week break over xmas before breakfasts continue at the same time, every Wednesday, from 7 Jan.

Tomorrow's breakfast, the last before the two week gap, on Wednesday 17 December, falls on the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.  Stay all day (there may be poledancing taking place around you from 1.30, which you are welcome to join in!) and head together to the march and vigil later: (

The space will be open and welcoming to all sex workers from 11am until then.  If you want to be certain that only other sex workers will be there, come at the designated breakfast time of 11-1pm.  During the afternoon, the space is predominantly sex-worker and entirely 100% in support of sex workers.

If you can't make it tomorrow, have a great holiday and see you in 2015 

N x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 16 December 2014, 01:19:09 pm
Oh, I', definitely coming! I'll PM you, darlingdarcy for details in a sec. I didn't see this before, I'm excited  ;D
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 22 December 2014, 08:26:52 pm
Oh, I', definitely coming! I'll PM you, darlingdarcy for details in a sec. I didn't see this before, I'm excited  ;D

Hurray! Breakfast is always exciting!

There's no breakfast this week or next, but it's only a short break before the breakfasts carry on as usual from 7 Jan.  Every Wed, same time, same place.  Message me.  There's funding for at least another year for these, so you can depend on them being there.

We have lots of leaflets, know your rights info, free condoms etc, safety & solidarity tips, skillsharing.  Plus really delicious and plentiful free breakfast.  Most of all, it's just a place to be with nobody else but sex workers, which is pretty special.  Happy holidays all.   x x x Nancy
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: sera_fin on 06 January 2015, 10:34:48 pm
I'd like to go to this tomorrow but I don't know where it is  ???

Can anyone PM me?

(I've messaged Darling nancy but I'm not sure that she's checked her mails)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 13 January 2015, 08:49:30 am
Many apologies, I did forget to check my messages, sera_fin.  Check your inbox. 

I hope very much to meet you soon. 

Can I put the link to the little website we've got now?  Made by a beautiful breakfaster out of the blue.  Here: (

The first breakfast of 2015 last week was very gentle and happy.  There have never been less than four people at breakfast, there are new people every week, and the average attendance is about 10 of us.  So it's not scary at all.  We've got lots of good links, leaflets and resources.  Open Doors nhs brought us some really great bits and pieces on Dec 17 too, after breakfast. 

And of course, the food is good and plentiful.

Come!  You all deserve it. 
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 03 February 2015, 09:11:47 am
Breakfasts for sex workers are well-attended every week - around 10 people - and always one or two new people, so it never gets cliquey.  Very friendly, great way to share safety tips or just to talk shop.  Free cafe for sex workers!  Great food, great coffee, great conversation.  The premises is pretty too.

PM me for more details or check the breakfast thread.  Keep warm, people!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 10 February 2015, 04:11:16 pm
Other stuff available at breakfast:

free condoms/dams/alarms
Know Your Rights leaflets
benefits/legal/migration advice/leaflets/signposting
EFL support/lessons available
Ugly Mugs list or other safety tips/advice/solidarity/signposting to other services (or not!)
latest info/updates about sw groups and their activities - groups like Sex Worker Open University, East London Strippers Collective, English Collective of Prostitutes, Sex Worker Opera

...& much much more

Everyone who attends is free to ignore all of the above, or to ask for more  :D

We're a work in progress.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Trina on 15 February 2015, 10:46:16 pm
hello darlingnancy can you message me the the details and adress pls.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 17 February 2015, 01:34:12 pm
hello darlingnancy can you message me the the details and adress pls.

Yes, just about to message you now.

Signs of spring, people, come to breakfast!  It's a very happy space, I think.  (I hope!)

Nancy x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: scarlettsin on 22 March 2015, 08:34:20 pm
Please could I have the details on this, if they are still running?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 25 March 2015, 06:14:17 am
messaging you now!   :D

Breakfasts are still running, very successfully. 

Nancy x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: fifilondon on 01 April 2015, 12:38:26 am

I'm very new to the biz and would love to come. Are they still running?X
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Erotic flower on 01 April 2015, 10:44:26 am
This sounds great I shall head up to see you when I can on a Wednesday thanks for your posts  :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Timoshka on 07 April 2015, 03:44:11 am
Breakfast is taking a short break this week - there will not be one tomorrow (8 April) - but will resume as normal next week (Wednesday 15 April).
Breakfasts have going wonderfully - new people every week, and a wealth of information and resources for us.

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 07 April 2015, 07:29:53 pm
Are they still running?X

Yes  :)

thanks Daisy! 

Breakfast is taking a short break this week - there will not be one tomorrow (8 April) - but will resume as normal next week (Wednesday 15 April).
Breakfasts have going wonderfully - new people every week, and a wealth of information and resources for us.


And thanks Tim!  I hear really amazing things from people about their experience of coming to breakfast, it's always great to get feedback.

Came to post this very thing - breakfasts are having a week off, but back as usual next Wednesday 15 April, 11am - 1pm.  (There won't be another break until late in the summer).

Message me for details.  I make sure I check here at least once a week. 

Happy Spring & Easterish stuff, people xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 07 April 2015, 07:30:34 pm

I'm very new to the biz and would love to come. Are they still running?X

(have messaged you) x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 07 April 2015, 07:31:45 pm
This sounds great I shall head up to see you when I can on a Wednesday thanks for your posts  :)

Look forward to it.  Have messaged you!

Don't forget everyone - no breakfast tomorrow (8 April).  Breakfast from next week, Wed 15 April as usual, 11am - 1pm.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 14 April 2015, 03:27:57 pm
Breakfast tomorrow as usual & every Wednesday - see details in previous posts.

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 12 May 2015, 03:54:54 pm
I have a message from someone asking about breakfasts who can't receive messages (!) so if that's you - change your settings so I can let you know the details!

Just a reminder that the breakfasts are a good infoswap - an exchange of safety tips, buddy link-ups, housing and work advice, we often chat about exiting (and how many of us re-enter) the industry.  Counselling and EFL (English as a Foreign Language) support is available on a casual, peer-to-peer basis (I'm qualified to do both, but it's not what I believe in imposing on anyone, so it only comes up if it's asked for).  There are often language swaps taking place! There's housing and benefits advice available, or at least signposting to people who may know more than me, and mostly just an exchange of info with whoever's there.  There will always be a mix of experienced and new workers, and people doing lots of different types of work in the industry under lots of different circumstances.  We all learn from each other.  Every week is a surprise and an education  :D

We're registered with Ugly Mugs as a project but mostly what we offer is acceptance and somewhere to chat about work and socialise with other workers without having to hide the fact from anyone within earshot!

All genders are welcome. 
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Secret-Whore on 25 May 2015, 01:35:34 pm
Would love to go if they're still running. Do you get many 20 year olds going?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: victoryrose on 25 May 2015, 01:56:55 pm
I'm 18, I'm sure there's a good mix of us? I will be there this Wednesday so if any of you want to meet for a coffee or whatever afterwards, PM me! :D
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 02 June 2015, 09:06:53 pm
Would love to go if they're still running. Do you get many 20 year olds going?

I am certain everyone is over 18, but no proof of ID is required...the age range seems pretty broad.

I've messaged you the details.

I'm 18, I'm sure there's a good mix of us? I will be there this Wednesday so if any of you want to meet for a coffee or whatever afterwards, PM me! :D

Thanks for this, victoryrose - I can't guess who you were but I hope you were pleased you made it - the last one was very busy indeed!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 02 June 2015, 09:11:48 pm
Just a reminder.  The breakfasts are in London, very easy to get to, near the tube, my apologies if I don't message you quickly enough on this site.  Just in case, here's a link to the website about the breakfasts, made by a spectacularly lovely breakfaster.  It should tell you all you need.  I'm happy to help if you have any questions at all. (
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 22 July 2015, 06:20:44 am
Dear moderator

I have a few messages about these I need to reply to, but I am unable to send personal messages at the moment - each person I reply to is 'unable to read personal messages'.  There must be some blip in the system that I need to know about!  Hope someone can help.

In the meantime, just a reminder to those I haven't replied to (so sorry - see above!) that the info is here, so you can still get hold of me and make it today or next week:* (

*Next week, 29 July, is the last before breaking for the whole of August, and then the breakfasts start up again 2 Sept and will run every week as usual.

Thanks all, especially all those who dropped by and who let others know.  This project is a happy success.

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Erotic flower on 01 August 2015, 09:08:29 am
 :) Hi thanks for letting me know your closed in August  I was going to pop in next week !!
love the breakfasts and look forward to coming back September time .
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: clactongal on 26 August 2015, 06:10:41 pm
So would  I Saucepot but Im Essex too!! Where are you im Clacton x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 01 September 2015, 11:13:23 pm
Would love to go to something like this but I'm in Essex  :(

Travel into town one Wednesday?  There are other things going on afterwards too, like pole dance class and sometimes meetings for amazing groups like SWOU.  Come!!  <3

Sex worker breakfasts are back as usual tomorrow, Wednesday 2 Sept, 11am til 1pm, and every Wednesday.  All genders welcome, all types of (current) sex work, lots of solidarity and safety tips and work chat, plus plenty of non-work chat - whatever you feel like. (
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 01 September 2015, 11:14:13 pm

love the breakfasts and look forward to coming back September time .

Looking forward to seeing you again!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 15 September 2015, 02:04:45 pm
I am pretty certain that I've replied to everyone who messaged me; there was a brief blip when for some reason I couldn't reply to messages, but everything is working as normal now.  I've double-checked and it looks like everyone who sent a direct message got a reply.  My apologies if you didn't, please message me again! 

Meanwhile, a lot of the info is here via the website:

Oh!  Another thing.  If anyone is able to offer to translate the basic info into any languages other than


please say!  (I have these three covered).   :-*  Looking forward to breakfasts every week.

Nancy xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: gia1 on 30 September 2015, 11:36:54 am
hi this sounds great would love to come next week.
could please e-mail me the address at
             Thanks hope to see you soon. x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 20 October 2015, 10:48:16 am
Hello!  I will message you now   :)

If I don't answer anyone's PM in time, remember all you need to find your way to breakfast is on the website. (

Nancy x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 01 December 2015, 09:26:02 am
This is just to say:

Breakfasts will continue over the holiday period and there will be no break this December or New Year   :D

Breakfasts every Wednesday, 11am - 1pm, details as usual.

Keep warm, love Nancy
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 10 February 2016, 10:58:11 am
Come to breakfast today or any Wednesday!

Usually around 10 people.  Always one or two new people, never gets too in-crowd-y, hopefully.  All genders.  All types of sex work.  Safety tips shared, and all the things you might not be able to talk about elsewhere, including dissatisfaction with the work/efforts to leave the work or loving the work and wanting to do more of it -- and all the variables in between.  Not suitable for anyone who hasn't ever worked as we do not aim to recommend sex work to anyone.  Plus signposting and support if you seek any help with domestic violence/landlord/migration/paperwork/advocacy of any gender non conformity, references for jobs etc...other projects are asking us all the time why they're closing and we're surviving, and it's because we have lived experience.  That said, we aren't here to give advice, only to accept - hopefully - and we're also likely to get a lot wrong, as this isn't a professional service and we make mistakes.  No names are taken or asked for and the space aims to be confidential.  Again, this isn't guaranteed but it's one of the few conditions of the space.

Any questions, contact me or I'll put you in contact with the co-host as I'm leaving sw and the breakfasts at some point, when possible (all apologies for anything I've got wrong).  But breakfast is here for at least the forthcoming year, as they're so established now.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: DiamondSof?a on 26 February 2016, 03:18:38 pm
      Hello girls!!

              I'll move with my partner to London the second week of april, I'm mexican but I've been linving in Spain for 8 years...I'm so sorry because my english isn't good, I'll try my best.
              Right now I'm an erotic masseuse (my partner doesn't knows), looking for some info about to live, work, etc etc  in London I found this forum and is wonderful all the info there is here, surely I'll attend to the breakfasts and others activities you organise  ;D     

              Happy day !!!


Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 02 March 2016, 09:40:06 am
      Hello girls!!

              I'll move with my partner to London the second week of april, I'm mexican but I've been linving in Spain for 8 years...I'm so sorry because my english isn't good, I'll try my best.
              Right now I'm an erotic masseuse (my partner doesn't knows), looking for some info about to live, work, etc etc  in London I found this forum and is wonderful all the info there is here, surely I'll attend to the breakfasts and others activities you organise  ;D     

              Happy day !!!



Looking forward to meeting you!   :-*

Happy to help with English if you would like this, but this is up to you.

nancy xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MilfPrincess on 12 April 2016, 04:26:53 pm
Please could someone give me details of where these are x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Millie on 18 April 2016, 05:42:26 pm
I'd like some info too if possible. Looking to meet people who I don't have to be cagey around all the time! Its exhausting amirite?!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 18 May 2016, 09:20:17 am
apologies for replying to you both a bit slowly!  Details are in your inboxes.  Remember, anyone who is interested, all the info is here: (

the last breakfast before a summer break will be the last Wednesday of July. 

Nancy x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 06 July 2016, 07:43:37 am
On Wed July 20, Hannah from Ugly Mugs is coming after breakfast (at 1pm) to show anyone interested how to use the new app.

Breakfasts continue all this month, and the last one before the summer break is Wed July 27th. 

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Innamorata on 06 August 2016, 04:06:56 pm
Hi all :-)

Just moved to East London and new to the business. I would love to join you at the next breakfast! Please let me have details?

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Ms Starr on 24 October 2016, 01:08:15 am

When are the breakfasts up and running again? Was meaning to attend before the summer break!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: VictoriaRichards on 31 October 2016, 11:34:40 pm
Hi Ladies!

I would love to come along to one of these breakfasts? I'm new to London & recently gone back to escorting, I find the job cripples any chance of a social life & also the girls I know here, don't know I am an escort, so its rather isolating :( Hope to network and meet some other working girls too!  :D xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: melissa on 22 November 2016, 11:19:25 pm
Just saw this useful thread! Is there any breakfast running maybe weekend?
Am around London area (travel a lot though at Home Counties) so would be cool to meet some and exchange ideas  :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: melissa on 22 November 2016, 11:52:15 pm

Breakfasts are every Wednesday 11am - 1pm in East London.

Thank you very much  :)
I'll see if I can make it during the week
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: darlingnancy on 06 December 2016, 11:18:40 am
Hello all.

My apologies for not checking saafe and my message box more often!

Breakfasts take another break after 21 Dec so there are three more including tomorrow.  Remember, last breakfast on 21 Dec

PLEASE check the link which gives you all the details.  You text my number for the address, but I can't leave my number here as the moderators will have to remove it.  Remember, go to the website!  it's

Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: brownsugar on 05 June 2017, 02:40:13 pm
I checked their website and I do not know whether they are defunct as of this year or if  they are still running. Any ladies on here who have attended this year especially recently. Also have they stopped running workshops? Thanks all.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: neutralC on 05 June 2017, 04:11:02 pm
Are you talking about London? I think they have stopped 1 year ago, they said they might come back but still no news.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Lucky9 on 03 July 2017, 09:21:13 pm
I'm a bit late in catching this...Glad it's still running please can you message me the details. ;)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Schmalz on 19 July 2017, 03:59:35 pm
Even though the website says it's still on hold this has been running the past few weeks, it's a really great thing to go to so happy to put anyone who's interested in touch with the organisers.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Sasha21 on 01 September 2017, 08:29:36 am

Is the breakfast meet still on ? As i just come across this website :)

xxx  sasha xxx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: brownsugar on 02 September 2017, 12:36:41 am
yes please put us in touch, some of us do not have anyone who knows about our secret lives, have come across  assholes in this industry, out of the industry and could do with a non judgemental and positive meeting space.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: carlotta on 25 September 2017, 05:34:32 pm
I would love to participate too, as I just moved to London from another country :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Mel on 30 October 2017, 08:06:50 am
I'm working in London from time to time and I would like to get in touch with you.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Browneyes on 22 November 2017, 03:57:50 am
hey this sounds great! is it still on?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Timoshka on 23 November 2017, 01:39:55 am
Breakfasts are on - we've been slow at updating online, but they're running regularly. For & by sex workers, every Wednesday in Bethnal Green, London, from 12-3pm. Confidential space with food, hot coffee, support & chat. Condoms, 1-step pregnancy tests, harm reduction supplies, info on your rights/the law, all free. Text 07413109100 for details/address. x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Timoshka on 20 December 2017, 11:53:16 am
Breakfast is having a break over Christmas & New Year - last week was the last breakfast until the 10th of January (2nd Wednesday of the new year). There'll be no breakfast today, but after this break they'll be running again every week.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: seraphine on 07 January 2018, 07:23:53 pm
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: everose on 31 January 2018, 08:31:43 am
Hi its aliyah
I sent a message to the number provided for the address so I can attend the breakfast club today if it is on.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MissMagnifique on 30 April 2018, 12:17:24 pm
I texted both numbers that were provided and no answer:(( are these breakfasts still on or do I need to be invited by someone? there are two of us who would looooove to come!!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: ladyofthemansion on 30 April 2018, 01:15:54 pm
Me too xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 30 April 2018, 05:42:44 pm
oh! i don't know why that's happened. let me give some people a nudge xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MissMagnifique on 30 April 2018, 06:29:01 pm
thank you!!!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Treetop on 01 May 2018, 12:02:31 pm
Also confused. Is it back on? Couldn't get in touch with anyone either.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 01 May 2018, 10:15:07 pm
Also confused. Is it back on? Couldn't get in touch with anyone either.

it is x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 27 May 2018, 11:06:52 pm

on this wednesday 12-3. PM for details xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 06 June 2018, 11:52:33 am

SW breakfast, run for & by sex workers, is on today in Central London from 12-3. Autonomous, confidential space with food, hot coffee, support & chat. Condoms, 1-step pregnancy tests, harm reduction supplies & pastry, all free. Text 07506942206 for details/address
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Cindy20 on 06 August 2018, 06:23:29 pm
Are these still running and do you have anything similar I'm the SW London/Surrey area atall.


Cindy x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 07 August 2018, 12:09:54 am
Are these still running and do you have anything similar I'm the SW London/Surrey area atall.


Cindy x

They are still running. They are in Central/East London I'm afraid xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: little_1 on 20 August 2018, 06:57:48 pm
when is the next? can i come with male escort?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 20 August 2018, 09:40:37 pm
when is the next? can i come with male escort?
every wednesday. contact details above xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: GucciGang on 21 November 2018, 10:53:28 am
Can I have the details for the east London breakfasts please I’m here for three weeks in December and could do with some like minded ladies x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 27 November 2018, 11:08:04 pm
Can I have the details for the east London breakfasts please I’m here for three weeks in December and could do with some like minded ladies x

i'll DM you x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: ladyofthemansion on 28 November 2018, 03:07:06 pm
Are they on over Christmas? X
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: english-suzie on 28 November 2018, 06:29:02 pm
Hi cam i also have details please I would love to pop by
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 30 November 2018, 03:20:19 pm
Are they on over Christmas? X
i'll let you know when i know x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: courtney lee on 21 January 2019, 11:11:08 pm
Looking at London work, would be interested in going to these to meet up with others.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: tobyfoxx on 12 February 2019, 05:26:27 pm
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: tobyfoxx on 20 February 2019, 09:24:09 am
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: S2S on 27 February 2019, 11:01:07 am
Looking forward. I’ll be there at around 2!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Ruby_ on 05 April 2019, 10:42:35 am
Are these still running?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 06 April 2019, 11:34:42 am
Are these still running?

yes! :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: StockingFillerXL on 18 May 2019, 07:44:48 pm
Still running? If so when is the next meet up?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 22 May 2019, 11:08:32 pm
Still running? If so when is the next meet up?

every wednesday. contact details are further up the thread.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: M.Y.A. on 04 June 2019, 09:37:23 am
Great, I'd love to attend
Sent an sms to number ending in 2206
Hope to see you all tomorrow
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: M.Y.A. on 05 June 2019, 07:52:54 am
Tried to sms but got no reply ...
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 10 June 2019, 09:56:14 pm
the number to text is 07926973443 xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Persephone on 28 August 2019, 09:48:37 am
Hey babes,
 This is on today! Text 07926973443 for the address.
We're in Bethnal Green from 12-3 xxx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Summer123 on 25 October 2019, 11:06:40 pm
Hi there, are these still running? Xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 26 October 2019, 12:52:49 am
Hi there, are these still running? Xx

yes! every wednesday :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Summer123 on 26 October 2019, 10:51:37 pm
This is great  :)  Can someone pm me the full address please? Xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 26 October 2019, 11:37:45 pm
This is great  :)  Can someone pm me the full address please? Xx

you need to text the number xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Summer123 on 27 October 2019, 05:26:36 pm
I texted the number above , got no answer
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 29 October 2019, 01:32:56 am
let me double check the number
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 30 October 2019, 09:57:52 am
confirmed: 07926973443 is the right number xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Summer123 on 01 November 2019, 07:52:02 am
I got your text, thank you. Not sure if I can make it this Wednesday but it's good to have it for the future
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Exotic princessXx on 18 November 2019, 05:12:18 am

I’m based in London and was wondering where and when the next breakfast meet-up is???? Xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 18 November 2019, 10:10:18 pm

I’m based in London and was wondering where and when the next breakfast meet-up is???? Xx

it's every wednesday. Text the number above xx
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 03 March 2020, 11:56:13 am
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Good Karma on 14 August 2020, 07:23:56 pm
Hi, I am in London and I would like to join you at "Breakfasts for sex workers in London" is it still on?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 17 August 2020, 06:57:31 pm
Hi, breakfasts are currently not running due to the Covid restrictions
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Travel Tigress30 on 07 April 2021, 09:38:51 pm
Hi all- any idea if these will resume again after restrictions are lifted? Thanks x
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MsRedhead on 17 April 2021, 10:01:38 pm
Hi all- any idea if these will resume again after restrictions are lifted? Thanks x

yes! we are hoping to, but won't be until after June 21st
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Musenova on 09 May 2021, 06:28:41 pm
Hi All,

I love the idea of these meet-ups.

Would there be anymore in the future ?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: MayJ10 on 31 August 2021, 07:03:52 pm
I would also be keen to know if there are going to be any more of these happening! :D
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LDNSWB on 15 December 2021, 12:42:07 am
SW Breakfasts are now back on at a NEW LOCATION!

Every Wednesday 11am - 2pm
A relaxed social community space with free hot food, safer sx supplies, lingerie swap, menstrual products etc.
Please observe CoVID safety by completing a lateral flow/PCR test before attending/upon arrival, wearing a mask, socially distancing and using provided hand sanitiser. If you have symptoms, please don't attend.

New contact details:
Text: 07518569284
Twitter - @ldnswb (there's an easy to share flyer over there too to forward to your groupchats etc)

Looking forward to seeing you all!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LDNSWB on 19 December 2021, 06:47:41 pm
Just to confirm that we are on every Wednesday including throughout the Christmas/New Year period!

Next week we'll have a festive spread of hot & cold food, tea & coffee, condom pick&mix, lingerie & clothing to borrow, take or swap for something you no longer need, chat & support in a relaxed, social, sober community-led space.

Every Wednesday 11am - 2pm

Please observe CoVID safety by completing a lateral flow/PCR test before attending/upon arrival (we can provide these), wearing a mask, socially distancing and using provided hand sanitiser. If you have symptoms, please don't attend.

New contact details:
Text: 07518569284
Twitter - @ldnswb

Tell your pals & other workers, see you there!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LDNSWB on 20 December 2021, 12:06:04 pm
Thanks to a very generous donation from one of our community we will also have some little beauty & skincare gifts for everyone who comes along too! 😍
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: angelinevalx on 21 December 2021, 05:23:38 pm
Does anyone know the exact address for tomorrow's meeting? 
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Miffy on 21 December 2021, 06:22:03 pm
You need to contact them directly (see their previous posts for contact details) and they will tell you.

PS. Hope you're well :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: blackcherry on 21 December 2021, 07:15:54 pm
Hi, I sent a text on Monday to your contact number as I'm interested in coming but have not heard back yet?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LDNSWB on 21 December 2021, 10:28:06 pm
Sent you a pm with the info Angelina :)
Will get back to texts now, apologies to anyone waiting for a reply - we don't do this fulltime so sometimes there will be a delay in responding.

I'm well thanks Miffy! Hope you're good too!

Dont think i mentioned yet that I'm a new facilitator btw, so if anyone comes along and feels confused they dont recognise me... That's why!

Ps - one of our attendees is cooking vegan oat pancakes tomoz and they sound delicious! We also have gluten free bread & lactose free and plant based milk - if you are worried about dietary requirements just message ahead of time and we'll do our best to accomodate!
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: amy on 21 December 2021, 10:52:16 pm
Could you please take the giant signature down a notch? There's really no need for it to include most of the information you're putting in your posts anyway and I'm sure you'd rather edit it yourself than have me do it :)

Also, when you say this is in a 'space', does this mean it's outdoors or partly outdoors?
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LDNSWB on 22 December 2021, 01:42:02 am
Sorry, amended - bit overzealous trying to get the new contact details in front of people.

No, it's indoors although there is a garden it's unlikely we'll be setting up anything outdoors in winter - it's a community space like the ones run before it
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: amy on 23 December 2021, 12:44:15 am
No problem - I think we just understand the word 'space' to mean different things.

By all means stick the phone number or whatever in your signature since you're here to promote an event, it just doesn't need the rest :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LDNSWB on 28 December 2021, 04:27:37 pm
Just a reminder that breakfasts are still on tomorrow!

Food, tea & coffee, condom pick&mix, lingerie & clothing to borrow, take or swap for something you no longer need, chat & support in a relaxed, social, sober community-led space.

Every Wednesday 11am - 2pm

Please observe CoVID safety by completing a lateral flow/PCR test before attending/upon arrival (we can provide these), wearing a mask, socially distancing and using provided hand sanitiser. If you have symptoms, please don't attend.
Text: 07518569284
Twitter - @ldnswb
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LDNSWB on 05 January 2022, 01:12:00 am
Breakfasts are on tomorrow :) get in touch for location.

If you work with other swers we've got a flyer that can be shared on twitter - and there are printed copies at breakfast you can take to put up in the staff area in your workplace.

We've got LFTs, makeup and toiletries, lingerie and clothes, condoms, sponges and other bits if you need em! Also, there is a computer in a private space with internet access for anyone who needs to update sites/ads or do any other kind of admin as we all know how annoying mobile browsers can be.

We are hoping to begin running regular drop in clinics with a nurse too, which means we would also have std testing, covid, hep b & flu vaccines, assistance with gp appointments amongst other things available - if this would be of interest to you please let us know in person at breakfast or by email/message/dm to the details posted above so we can get the ball rolling.

I realise also i hadnt mentioned accessibility - the space is all on the ground floor and wheelchair access can be arranged as long as you text at least a few minutes ahead of arriving. Can't go into too much detail in case a nosy client recognises the venue from the description so for any other requirements get in touch for more info.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LDNSWB on 10 January 2022, 07:17:12 pm
Hey lovely people, just to let you all know breakfasts will be running from 11am-3pm from this Wednesday 12th onwards! All the info is above :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LDNSWB on 19 January 2022, 02:28:40 am
Breakfasts are on again this week!
We also now have an instagram - sw_breakfasts
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LDNSWB on 08 February 2022, 12:00:43 pm
We're still on this week! Info above. Got lots of lovely donations of new knickers, leggings and socks and loads of makeup too now!

A few people have asked about why we're still requiring everyone who attends to do an LFT now that it's no longer required by the government. This isn't something we decided to do because of government requirements, but in order to look after each other. None of us get sick pay and if anyone gets covid they aren't able to work, so we will continue to ask everyone to do a test and not come if they have any symptoms for the forseeable. We don't require attendees to have been vaccinated and have spare LFTs you can use on arrival if you're unable to get one beforehand  :)
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LDNSWB on 02 March 2022, 08:58:45 am
SW BREAKFASTS are on today and every wednesday!
Every Wednesday 11am - 3pm in E1, message us for more info.
A relaxed social community space with free hot food, safer sx supplies, lingerie library, menstrual products etc. See you there! X
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: LondonEscort on 23 October 2022, 11:34:39 am
Hi just wanted to ask if there is any support projects or group meetings for sec workers in london.
I know there use to be breakfast but I’m not sure if it runs anymore.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: Strawberrygirl on 01 November 2022, 11:54:34 am
Yes, breakfast is on every Wednesday:

Sex Worker Breakfasts are back, in a brand new location!

A free, weekly casual drop-in with hot & cold food, tea & coffee, condom pick&mix, lingerie & clothing to borrow, take or swap for something you no longer need, chat & support in a relaxed, social, sober community-led space.

Every Wednesday 11am – 3pm
E1, London

london sex worker breakfasts

Get in touch for more info and location:
Text 07518 569284
Twitter @ldnswb
IG @sw_breakfasts
Fetlife @ldnswb

Things we aim to provide every week:
– A welcoming, peer-led environment in a relaxing, cosy space
– A separate, quieter space for those who need supplies/resources/food but aren’t up for chatting
– A variety of resources, zines, and guides
– In person workshops and skill sharing
– Safety info
– Condoms in a variety of sizes, dental dams, latex and non-latex gloves, internal condoms, and lube
– Pregnancy tests, menstrual sponges, pads and tampons
– Personal safety alarms
– New & used work and day-to-day underwear, clothes, shoes and accessories
– Toiletries & makeup
– A variety of cooked food (mostly vegan), pastries, tea and coffee, yoghurt, fruit and cereal
– A PC with internet access
– Solidarity, no matter who you are or where you’re from

Breakfasts for sex workers are an independent, autonomous project for current sex workers only. All types of sex work and transactional sex count, and all genders are welcome, including trans workers.
We are committed to improving accessibility wherever possible – let us know of any accessibility or dietary requirements before coming and we’ll do our utmost to facilitate these.

Please help keep us keep everyone covid-free and able to work by completing a lateral flow/PCR test before attending/upon arrival (we can provide these)/wearing a mask/socially distancing/using provided hand sanitiser. If you have symptoms, please don’t attend.


If you are a service, organisation, charity or collective who would like to support breakfasts, please get in touch on the above email address to discuss.
Title: Re: Breakfasts for sex workers in London
Post by: SWARM on 01 November 2022, 11:59:47 am

SWARM are also running monthly London events, usually every 2nd Thursday of the month (although we're not doing one in November as we've got another big event happening).

You can sign up here to get notified of the next event: