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Author Topic: Berkshire area - would love to have Buddies in the same line of work  (Read 1249 times)

Sexycoolbabe Lauren

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Hey gals

I live in Langley/Slough & I have no friends around here as I spend most of my time touring & sometimes I find I am lonely when I am at home. I do some business from home but keep it to a minimum - its just that I find i am spending alot of time alone as I only moved here 2 years ago.

Anyway anyone who is in the same area - particularly Reading (i used to live there for 15years) but anywhere in the Berkshire or West London area is good for me

Email me if you are interested in meeting up for a drink

Sexycoolbabe Lauren x


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Hi Lauren, i tour reading regularly, perhaps we could meet up for a drink sometime x
♥"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Marilyn Monroe♥


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I am Portsmouth if that helps either of you two? X x Kayci