SAAFE forum

General Category => Blather and Babble => Topic started by: bananamuffin on 03 June 2012, 03:56:04 pm

Title: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: bananamuffin on 03 June 2012, 03:56:04 pm
you're watching CSI and an investigator goes past with his 'FORENSICS' jacket on, and you mistake the word for foreskin....  ::)
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: Coty on 03 June 2012, 04:03:57 pm
you're watching CSI and an investigator goes past with his 'FORENSICS' jacket on, and you mistake the word for foreskin....  ::)


I'm always misreading things on facebook status's and it's always something smutty that I read it as!
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 03 June 2012, 04:14:51 pm
Well they do say we only read the first and last letter of a word and the rest we make up in our head.

I've done the same ladies so none of us are alone.  ::)
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: danae on 03 June 2012, 04:19:53 pm
Ha ha ? thanks for the giggle!

Escorting has completely gone to my head. The last photo shoot I had, the first words I said to the photographer  were ?shall we sort out the business side first??

It?s hard to switch off!
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: bananamuffin on 03 June 2012, 06:49:50 pm

I think cos I'm just getting started I'm trying to absorb so much and learn so much as quick as I can that I've got sex sex sex on the brain.

I've noticed I've started looking at random blokes in Tesco - once I'd have been thinking, coo-err, I'd give him one/potential boyfriend, now I look at typically older blokes and think oh he'd be ok as a client!!!! No other criteria than that.

Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: Emma_GFE on 03 June 2012, 06:55:11 pm
I've noticed I've started looking at random blokes in Tesco - once I'd have been thinking, coo-err, I'd give him one/potential boyfriend, now I look at typically older blokes and think oh he'd be ok as a client!!!! No other criteria than that.

I do this too :)
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: bananamuffin on 03 June 2012, 06:58:53 pm
Ha ha ha ha ha! Mental isn't it, how your criteria is utterly different!! You think 'He wouldn't be too horrific to shag, he looks quite clean and he's not overtly grossly overweight or smelly looking!'.

This is the death knell for two interested males!

The man at the local little Tesco (who in an other lifetime I have to say I am sure I could get VERY jiggy with - there's something about him....)


my mate (who I shagged few weeks ago) who keeps making assumptive comments such as 'Next time...' - which has, in tandem with what I'm doing now, just guaranteed him that there will not be a next time ever lol!!!

If there's no dollar in it, I'm afraid my interest has gone down to virtually zero.
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 03 June 2012, 07:29:00 pm
Yes, isnt it amazing how the goal posts change when you start to charge for sex ?  Your standards change completely - notice I didnt say they get better or worse  ::)
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: ilovedots on 03 June 2012, 08:01:36 pm
If there's no dollar in it, I'm afraid my interest has gone down to virtually zero.

I second that.
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: ParisB on 03 June 2012, 08:29:58 pm
God its the anwsering my personal phone as me and not as Paris  and trying not to speak to men  ( any man from my son, other half, to the milkman and the plumber the electrician and the vets where i spend a huge amount of time in my dumb hooker voice 

its like having a split personality -    and while i dont look at men and scoring them
  i am terribly guilty of looking at women and thinking could she work nah    could she  definatly  or if i see a woman in a nice car in the daytime  i automatically think that she is an escort   i cant help it   im guilty of sex by assosciation   
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: figa98 on 03 June 2012, 08:30:56 pm
I often look at other men about and try to guess if they use escorts or not
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: Coty on 03 June 2012, 11:26:21 pm
Oh my....I hear all of you.

I had to take my son to a private Harley Street dentist a couple of weeks ago and I was talking to the mature dentist like he was a client! I did it to a mature consultant at my hospital too....I just think they are soooo punter material!

I look at all men wondering if they see escorts or what they'd be like in the sack....but I also look at girls and wonder if they are escorts or maybe see someone on the till in the supermarket and want to say to them....don't you realise how much you could be making going self employed and working as an escort instead of working your guts out here for minimum wage?

I'm kind of glad I came Escorting late in life as I'd have hated to live my life being as judgemental as I am now.

And as for having a boyfrined...I've tried 3 times now and I really really begrudge them not paying for it....especially when they're tight arses in other ways too. Urgh!

Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: Kristina Bristol Escort on 04 June 2012, 12:28:20 am
God its the anwsering my personal phone as me and not as Paris  and trying not to speak to men  ( any man from my son, other half, to the milkman and the plumber the electrician and the vets where i spend a huge amount of time in my dumb hooker voice 

its like having a split personality -    and while i dont look at men and scoring them
  i am terribly guilty of looking at women and thinking could she work nah    could she  definatly  or if i see a woman in a nice car in the daytime  i automatically think that she is an escort   i cant help it   im guilty of sex by assosciation

I do exactly the same thing look and women and think could she work and my god that lady could make a fortune - guilty too
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: lili69 on 04 June 2012, 10:03:50 am
Oh my....I hear all of you.

And as for having a boyfrined...I've tried 3 times now and I really really begrudge them not paying for it....especially when they're tight arses in other ways too. Urgh!

I agree with every comment on this thread.  And god, I have no idea if I will ever be able to transition into a relationship after I give up escorting (or actually IF if give up escorting!!!)  I've  had 1 one night stand since I started escorting and I did begrudge the fact that he wasn't paying for it! 
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: bananamuffin on 04 June 2012, 03:52:54 pm
Me too - 'real' relationships tend to suck (yes, I am bitter and twisted following wasting 5 of the best years on some total coke-sniffing pillock) but I'd take a meeting with the lovely dairy farmer I saw for an hour on my first weekend over that any day of the week!! How simple and uncomplicated that was... and how enjoyable (of course, I know not all meetings will be this good - I was lucky to have such a nice fella).

Anyhoo, I've just been looking through my catalogue for 'work clothes' (not lingerie) based on the fact that I've got my very first out call next week and have been looking in my wardrobe and realising that I really only have two dresses that I would wear really. So now I'm ignoring all the pages with corners turned over that I put there months ago as I am now looking with an entirely different set of criteria for analysing the suitability of clothing! I know realise suitable stuff must:

- not too short so if I was wearing stockings the stocking tops don't show (of course, due to aforementioned issues with afixing stockings/suspenders dealt with on the 'Hold Ups' thread, I can't really disappear into the bathroom for about ten minutes to have this struggle when I get to the guy's room so I'd have to put them on before I left home!!)
- not something you have to take off over your head so that you a. get make up all over the front or b. a nutter tries to take advantage of your temporary armlessness/blindness or c. you just look like a dillock as you try and drag it off over your nice hairdo
- mustn't have backless or cutout bits or lingerie will show through the holes.

I have found that the above rules out 95% of dresses, most of which don't even come with a bloody zip and mostly you are left with:

- shift dresses (although no good for some of the teddy/cami type lingerie I've got as they would be creased to hell by the time you arrived)
- pencil skirts and blouses/cami's.

When arriving at in-call locations I usually dress in jeans and flats with my mac on (modelling myself on a dodgy flasher-type).

Do you think most guys 'expect' stockings and suspenders, out of interest????

Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: ilovedots on 04 June 2012, 04:21:06 pm
Do you think most guys 'expect' stockings and suspenders, out of interest????

I think most of them don't really care, as long as you look good and feel good (confident). I normally wear dresses/skirts, heels, stockings or hold ups for the in-calls, because they make me feel attractive and I think guys can sense my confidence. My friend on the other hand, NEVER wears anything of that sort, she does her hair, make-up and nails but always dresses in jeans, a t-shirt or shirt and a pair of converse sneakers :D She turns down requests for stockings, heels etc... And although there have been a few walk-outs, ultimately she's always been very busy.

So there's no rule...
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: Emelie on 04 June 2012, 07:58:42 pm
I also look at girls and wonder if they are escorts or maybe see someone on the till in the supermarket and want to say to them....don't you realise how much you could be making going self employed and working as an escort instead of working your guts out here for minimum wage?

I'm guilty of this too. There's one girl who's been working at a Tesco close to my place for quite a while and every time I see her I think she'd make the perfect escort. All that untapped potential ;) Sometimes I feel sorry for people I see working for minimum wage, I hate myself for it. Then again lots of people would probably feel sorry for me if they knew what I did for my above-minimum wage :D
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: Coty on 05 June 2012, 02:19:24 am
I'm guilty of this too. There's one girl who's been working at a Tesco close to my place for quite a while and every time I see her I think she'd make the perfect escort. All that untapped potential ;) Sometimes I feel sorry for people I see working for minimum wage, I hate myself for it. Then again lots of people would probably feel sorry for me if they knew what I did for my above-minimum wage :D

That's true. When I was a mini cab driver 5 years ago I once spent a whole night taking a young girl from hotel to hotel. She never spoke a word to me, just to her agency/pimp on the phone so it was obvious what she was doing. I wanted to hug her and tell her she didn't need to be doing that...and I cried later on thinking about her! the tables have turned lol
Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: bananamuffin on 05 June 2012, 09:56:01 am
It's so interesting isn't it.

At one time, years ago, my attitude to someone who was a prostitute would have been total disdain. Not so now.

I guess in a lot of cases, it just simply takes the right set of circumstances to make you 1. first start actually even considering it (in my case divorce and wondering how I'd survive financially) and 2. actually start thinking positively about it, and then 3. begin to think, you know, I think I could actually get a lot of enjoyment out of this (idiots/TWs etc notwithstanding).

And I wish SOOO badly that I had done this then, 5 years ago, instead of getting together with a man ten yrs my junior who was a total, utter waste of every second of that time. I tell you what, recession notwithstanding, I'd be in a much more favourable financial position now if I had done.

Title: Re: You know you're spending too much time on saafe when...
Post by: casey_kisses on 05 June 2012, 10:28:31 am
It's so interesting isn't it.

At one time, years ago, my attitude to someone who was a prostitute would have been total disdain. Not so now.

I guess in a lot of cases, it just simply takes the right set of circumstances to make you 1. first start actually even considering it (in my case divorce and wondering how I'd survive financially) and 2. actually start thinking positively about it, and then 3. begin to think, you know, I think I could actually get a lot of enjoyment out of this (idiots/TWs etc notwithstanding).

And I wish SOOO badly that I had done this then, 5 years ago, instead of getting together with a man ten yrs my junior who was a total, utter waste of every second of that time. I tell you what, recession notwithstanding, I'd be in a much more favourable financial position now if I had done.

This wasn't the case with me, I never had any disdain for the industry. From my mid-teens it was always something I was very curious about, and at 17 I had my first appointment (I lied and said I was 18). I just wanted to know what it was like, well I didn't like it, and didn't do it again. A year and a half later I had moved to uni, and again the curiosity of it crept in. This time I went for an agency, and did the whole thing properly, and I loved it.

I don't know what draws me to this industry, and yes some parts are not so great. But being an escort suits me down to the ground. I never bought into that whole belle-du-jour shit and knew that it was not as glamourous as it might seem. I think maybe it was because it was so taboo, and the idea of it turned me on.

I have no intention on doing it for the rest of my life- just as long as I enjoy it and it helps me along my path to world domination  ;D. No matter how much I love it, I want a 'normal' life when I get a bit older.
