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Author Topic: You are running late so how do you play this?  (Read 2654 times)


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You are running late so how do you play this?
« on: 25 July 2012, 09:41:43 am »
If you had a busy schedule awaiting you prior to you checking in at hotel at 2 ie appointments booked for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and you realise you are going to be running 30 to 40 mins late what would you do?

Would you do what I do? I tell the first one how late I am. AFTER HE ARRIVES I tell the next one the same and so on till eventually someone drops out then I end up back on track.

My friend, also a WG says you should just cancel the first one then you would be straight back on schedule. I won't do that because its not fair on the first one and there is always a likelihood one of the ones due after may not come anyway.

Thoughts on this please. Xx
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Re: You are running late so how do you play this?
« Reply #1 on: 25 July 2012, 09:45:59 am »
first of all i wouldn't do that anyway  take that many pre advanced bookings as that would stress me out  not to mention it not fair on the guys that have booked xxx time 

but i would possibly get the first client in and then text the next gent straight away apologising that i am running xxxx late and is it ok for xxx time 


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Re: You are running late so how do you play this?
« Reply #2 on: 25 July 2012, 09:57:37 am »
I think there are so many different connotations of what could happen on a busily booked day like that that it is difficult to say exactly what is the correct thing to do.

I agree it is not fair to canx the first one and there is also a chance that another will canx/not show so its a game of taking  each booking at a time and see how they pan out.  One guy may also take less time and leave early so that makes up some time for you.   There are just so many different things that can change your day.
So my response would be : Take it one booking at a time.

I like the thought of having all those bookings mind you, though it might do my head in at some point of the day with all the pressure. ROFL.  ::) ;D
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Re: You are running late so how do you play this?
« Reply #3 on: 25 July 2012, 10:09:27 am »
You could shorten one of the bookings: tell one guy that you can only do half an hour instead of one hour.


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Re: You are running late so how do you play this?
« Reply #4 on: 25 July 2012, 10:32:05 am »
Avoid the situation in the first place by not booking them in back to back?
Days like this are less common than they used to be in the good old days, but when I do have them I make sure I leave at least half an hour between bookings and schedule myself a break of an hour or more later on in the day.


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Re: You are running late so how do you play this?
« Reply #5 on: 25 July 2012, 11:31:51 am »
The likelihood of that happening to me would be a miracle.  I don't even get that many calls in a day let alone bookings, hey ho.

On occasion where I take a booking and don't believe it will turn up so book a back to back, and then they actually turn up! I let the phone ring for the second one whilst getting the first one out - taking the cash that has ACTUALLY arrived, rather than the promise of a two birds in the bush later.

Text -" sorry, running a little late, hope that is ok.  Park x and I will ring in a few mins when I am ready for you."  Usually - in the unusual situation - they are happy to wait.  If they don't at least you got the first client and have time to catch up for the next.

Kristina Bristol Escort

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Re: You are running late so how do you play this?
« Reply #6 on: 25 July 2012, 11:38:48 am »
When I have advance bookings I leave at least 30mins between bookings.  I would never run late and make sure i give myself enough travelling time etc to ensure that this does not happen. If for some reason their was a genuine reason and not my bad time management i.e. the motorway was closed while I was travelling i would cancel the first booking explaining why i had to.

If I was checking in at 2pm my first appointment would be 3pm till 4pm then 4.30 - 5.30pm etc.  Even with 30 mins between bookings it still gets a bit stressful sometimes when one runs late and another runs early but at least it is not me that is causing it so I can justify saying well you are half an hour late so I can only do half an hour as I have a busy diary to keep to sorry.  I have never had any problems working like this and it works very well for me.

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Re: You are running late so how do you play this?
« Reply #7 on: 25 July 2012, 01:48:14 pm »
I work like Kristina. I plan my bookings with military precision and always give myself enough time (usually 30-60 mins) in between bookings to get ready for the next guy or deal with any unexpected issues that may arise. I would never do back to back to bookings as in the example given by the OP, it would just feel too pressurised and although you may have the best planning in the world, your customers may not. I don?t feel back to back bookings leave sufficient room for manoeuvre. I also give priority to those who book in advance, so if someone who books on the day is then late, I?d rather lose his booking than have to mess everybody around because of one person?s poor planning and time keeping. I also think it helps to be clear about booking length at the time of booking. It?s a pet hate of mine when guys turn up and expect to book an extra half or hour so. These guys always seem to ask on my busiest days! Lol


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Re: You are running late so how do you play this?
« Reply #8 on: 25 July 2012, 10:33:39 pm »
I always leave half an hour between bookings. I've found 15 mins too little and more than half an hour break between I stop keeping as eagle an eye on the time and they run late.

If I was really late any client (ie more than 15/20 mins), I'd cancel them as before I have told them I was going to be late at last minute and even if I apologise profusely they always are really narky and never a pleasant booking as most are clearly unhappy with being kept waiting (as I'd be if I was a customer somewhere I guess) and sometimes believe they are "owed" services not offered etc because of this. I'm too shy to let them in so late and risk uncomfortable situation.

But that's just me x

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