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Author Topic: Would you quit for a man?  (Read 8564 times)


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #60 on: 24 October 2020, 06:58:50 am »
Been there done that. No. Miserable. Would never trade my independence for a man ever again no matter how rich he is
"Anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot"


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #61 on: 25 October 2020, 01:43:51 am »
Congrats, MWM!  Does your fiance know you currently escort?
No, he doesn’t. I would like to shut the door on escorting life completely when I retire, and for me that means him not ever having known about it. A few of my regular clients who I’ve seen for years know I’ll be retiring & the reasons and they’ve all been so lovely wishing me the best but saying they’ll miss me - it’s nice to know I’ve done a good job over the years haha


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #62 on: 25 October 2020, 10:04:18 am »
I am in a situation like this at the moment. I work p/t a civy job but haven't done escorting for 9months due to various reasons but I do plan to start again soon. My problem is I'm back with a ex and have been going back and forth with wether I should quit all together because of the relationship or not. The relationship is ok but I have been questioning it a lot to at the same time. He knows I did this job in the past but doesn't know I have done it more recently after we first split up. I have bills to pay etc and my civy job or any for that matter just isn't cutting it financially for me and I've been pretty skint since I haven't been escorting and realistically as much as I love this man he isn't paying my bills so I feel I will carry on but probably not tell him or tell him and gauge his reaction but I also fear he may be disgusted and not like the idea. I've also considered other work like Dom work or something. So basically it's if I'm willing to be skint for love or not but will the love be worth it?

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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #63 on: 25 October 2020, 11:49:49 am »
Tee Tee the fact your already questioning will the love be worth it might be a clue? If your struggling financially and said this would he try to help you a little save you coming back to this or you don't think so?


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #64 on: 25 October 2020, 03:04:32 pm »
That's a good question and point! The thing is I've always been very independent and never asked or expected support from a man or even family, so I'm not sure if I could accept anything from him. But going forward I can't carry on being skint. I'm at a bit of a cross road with everything at the moment.


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #65 on: 25 October 2020, 07:32:37 pm »
No, he doesn’t. I would like to shut the door on escorting life completely when I retire, and for me that means him not ever having known about it. A few of my regular clients who I’ve seen for years know I’ll be retiring & the reasons and they’ve all been so lovely wishing me the best but saying they’ll miss me - it’s nice to know I’ve done a good job over the years haha
Holy crap how long have you been together?! And how has he not found out?! You’re very brave! I wouldn’t be able to do that xxx


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #66 on: 25 October 2020, 10:45:30 pm »
I’m one who is also planning to leave. I’m lucky enough I’ve a change in circumstances so I don’t need to carry on and I’ve met someone who is matched to my own needs.

I met him through this, I’ve cut back a lot of work and only do a few which is lucky given the current circumstances. I’ve been very lucky as he’s a few quid but I do believe I’ve met someone I’m very happy with.


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #67 on: 26 October 2020, 04:55:14 am »
No, I have not changed careers because of a man demanding I quit to move on with him. I wouldn't have found the right partner for me if I had.

Nor would anybody else, because adults don't 'demand' that other adults do what they say or else. That's why the OP didn't say that in her post.
I know several ladies who were asked by their partners to quit escorting. One did, and got married.  After a while she went back to seeing a few regulars, but very rarely. Another declined to quit and their relationship ended.


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #68 on: 26 October 2020, 03:37:07 pm »
Two years ago in London (working/‘holiday’ - I live in Wales) I was approached by a policeman eating lunch and he asked for my number. Fast forward 2 months and I’d stopped escorting for ‘us’ to work, told him about what I used to do.
Didn’t work out.. his job was always going to be more important than me and any sort of relationship.
Started back escorting a few months ago. Not sure I even want the hassle and heartbreak of another relationship xo


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #69 on: 27 October 2020, 01:08:55 am »
Holy crap how long have you been together?! And how has he not found out?! You’re very brave! I wouldn’t be able to do that xxx
I started doing it again after we split but stopped but now we are kind of back together but taking things slowly.


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #70 on: 04 November 2020, 08:50:19 am »
Not unless he's paying ALL my bills and giving me an allowance that grosses well over how much I make. This is our job. Replacing said job with another job for free doesn't make sense to me. Unless these men are covering our livelihood why would I stop my bag for dick, again?  Romance without finance doesn't pay my bills. The job does.


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #71 on: 05 November 2020, 11:57:40 pm »
Not unless he's paying ALL my bills and giving me an allowance that grosses well over how much I make. This is our job. Replacing said job with another job for free doesn't make sense to me. Unless these men are covering our livelihood why would I stop my bag for dick, again?  Romance without finance doesn't pay my bills. The job does.

That is very true. I'm going to test the waters and see his reaction. I do like him but I don't like him enough to quit and be skint for the foreseeable future.


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #72 on: 09 November 2020, 02:24:37 am »
Holy crap how long have you been together?! And how has he not found out?! You’re very brave! I wouldn’t be able to do that xxx
We’ve been together a year but it’s a long distance relationship so keeping my job quiet had been easy


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #73 on: 11 November 2020, 08:17:39 am »
We’ve been together a year but it’s a long distance relationship so keeping my job quiet had been easy
Isn’t living a double life killing you a bit with all the lying? I don’t get how some of you do it and I know plenty in real life too who do it, they don’t like that I’m honest with new potential partners straight up about my job and I’ve never had someone go off of me for it but I’m just not a huge double life living sort of person. I get why some of you lie as you may lose the man you love but then imagine them finding out, Christ that’s a huge thing to have to hide.   

Dexi Delite

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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #74 on: 11 November 2020, 09:57:12 am »
I've been with Mr Delite for 28 years, so if my job started to affect our relationship, then, yes, I would.
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