Congrats, MWM! Does your fiance know you currently escort?
No, he doesn’t. I would like to shut the door on escorting life completely when I retire, and for me that means him not ever having known about it. A few of my regular clients who I’ve seen for years know I’ll be retiring & the reasons and they’ve all been so lovely wishing me the best but saying they’ll miss me - it’s nice to know I’ve done a good job over the years haha
Quote from: PleasureSales on 19 October 2020, 04:27:52 pm No, I have not changed careers because of a man demanding I quit to move on with him. I wouldn't have found the right partner for me if I had.Nor would anybody else, because adults don't 'demand' that other adults do what they say or else. That's why the OP didn't say that in her post.
No, I have not changed careers because of a man demanding I quit to move on with him. I wouldn't have found the right partner for me if I had.
Holy crap how long have you been together?! And how has he not found out?! You’re very brave! I wouldn’t be able to do that xxx
Not unless he's paying ALL my bills and giving me an allowance that grosses well over how much I make. This is our job. Replacing said job with another job for free doesn't make sense to me. Unless these men are covering our livelihood why would I stop my bag for dick, again? Romance without finance doesn't pay my bills. The job does.
We’ve been together a year but it’s a long distance relationship so keeping my job quiet had been easy