Why would he - are you unable to do any sort of paid work other than sex work? Why can't you pay yours and he pay his like normal, equal partners - romantic relationships aren't about one person freeloading off the other, surely?...
If he has asked me to quit whoring for him, then in my view, he should replace my earnings.
If this means that he and I are not "normal, equal partners", whatever those actually are, frankly my dear Amy,
I don't give a damn.
Rather than asking whether I could get a job other than whoring, I feel you (or anyone else who takes issue with my stance on wanting a partner to replace what I make as a whore in order for me to give up whoring for him) should ask whether I could get a job in a non-sex profession that offers all the benefits of whoring. I am happy to answer that if you wish to ask it.
Lastly, "romantic relationships" may indeed preclude the financial dependence of one partner on the other. But, in my view, such relationships aren't the only kind of long-lasting and happy relationships; there are other kinds.