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Author Topic: Would you quit for a man?  (Read 8570 times)


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Would you quit for a man?
« on: 16 October 2020, 06:33:11 am »
If you wouldn’t or if you have done, why?
Also why not?



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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #1 on: 16 October 2020, 08:32:28 am »
I did once many years ago. I wouldn’t say that was a mistake because although worried, I was happy to do it because I had fallen for him. What was a mistake was choosing to give something up for someone who was otherwise okay with it at the beginning. From my experience they become nasty pieces of work who will use your past against you and as a way to control you and put you down. I wouldn’t do it again. I would if I chose to with no prompting or asking or ultimatums. But otherwise if they are okay with it at the beginning then it’s unfair for them to change their minds. With the trajectory I was on at the time I would now almost be completely retired, but instead I’m now considering starting again and it’s the middle of a pandemic so I’m going to assume everything is very tight right now  :FF


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #2 on: 16 October 2020, 10:49:24 am »
Yes but not worth it.

Just got to find a decent one that can handle it. They're rare but so worth the wait!


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #3 on: 16 October 2020, 10:58:01 am »
Yes but not worth it.

Just got to find a decent one that can handle it. They're rare but so worth the wait!

Mine could handle it (after some ego struggle) but was otherwise shady himself which to me is disloyalty. I didn’t stop working but felt like a total mug having come clean with him and he lied about massive things (kid) and getting it from me for free instead of being charged. Felt like he didn’t keep his end of the deal and wasn’t as transparent as I was. Had to dump.

Might have to send an invoice  ;D
« Last Edit: 16 October 2020, 11:02:52 am by NightSky »

English Green

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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #4 on: 16 October 2020, 11:08:48 am »
No unless my life was made easier financially from him otherwise what is the point.


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #5 on: 16 October 2020, 03:02:20 pm »
I’m considering this at the moment.

Have met someone who doesn’t know what I do (have a civvie job full time) and it’s easy for me to fit in clients during the times I don’t see new guy.

I started just in May while I was single as a way to earn extra cash and fulfil some of my needs (sex, compliments etc).  Now I get those things from new guy, it has made the escorting feel much more transactional and I have less motivation.  I’m in the process of selling my flat and trying to buy another so financially I have a goal to save as much as possible to have enough £s for the new place but pretty sure once that’s done, I’ll be hanging up the suspenders (assuming things stay good with new guy - been 2 months).


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #6 on: 16 October 2020, 04:12:21 pm »
If I was head over heels in love yes! Love is way more important than cash and you will always regret the chances you didn’t take with the man more than you will regret not making that extra cash!

Love is so much more valuable than money my love.


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #7 on: 16 October 2020, 04:15:16 pm »
I had a boyfriend a few years back who wanted me to quit but I said no and that was the end of that as he made me choose, him or the job.

I've just started seeing someone and was upfront about my job as I thought it best otherwise the longer you leave it the harder it would be to tell later.

Luckily he seems okay with it time will tell. The unknown for me is how I deal with my clients pleasuring me and not feeling guilty about it.

This is my first boyfriend whilst being an escort so a new experience for me.


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #8 on: 16 October 2020, 06:28:11 pm »
You should never quit for any man. Quit for YOU, if you feel like your current circumstances - including your choice of partner - merits it. But never ever quit FOR a man x


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #9 on: 16 October 2020, 08:46:58 pm »
If I was head over heels in love yes! Love is way more important than cash and you will always regret the chances you didn’t take with the man more than you will regret not making that extra cash!

God, definitely. It's only a bloody job :)

fallen angel

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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #10 on: 16 October 2020, 10:39:07 pm »
If I was head over heels in love yes! Love is way more important than cash and you will always regret the chances you didn’t take with the man more than you will regret not making that extra cash!

Love is so much more valuable than money my love.

I definitely would if I was head over heels as long as he was not destitute and relying on me, I'd quit this in a heart beat and get a less weii paid civvie job to have a normal life.


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #11 on: 17 October 2020, 01:05:46 am »
I definitely would if I was head over heels as long as he was not destitute and relying on me, I'd quit this in a heart beat and get a less weii paid civvie job to have a normal life.
So would I and it’s easy for other escorts to say “Oh would I hell give up for a man”, but when your actually in love then all your previous ‘deal breakers’, to an extent go out the window! lol.

I also totally get why a man wouldn’t want his beloved woman doing this job, I once was seeing a guy that was okay with my job, and secretly there was a part of me that wanted hmm to be not be okay with other men touching, kissing and caressing his woman! I think some of us can relate to that train of thought though!


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #12 on: 17 October 2020, 07:09:21 am »
So would I and it’s easy for other escorts to say “Oh would I hell give up for a man”, but when your actually in love then all your previous ‘deal breakers’, to an extent go out the window! lol.

I also totally get why a man wouldn’t want his beloved woman doing this job, I once was seeing a guy that was okay with my job, and secretly there was a part of me that wanted hmm to be not be okay with other men touching, kissing and caressing his woman! I think some of us can relate to that train of thought though!

Love love love and you still gotta keep in mind the reality that very few men are able to provide us with what we are able to provide ourselves and it takes someone REALLY good to make us give up the benefits. And as we know, most of them get complacent eventually...


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #13 on: 17 October 2020, 04:50:36 pm »
As longs as he gives me about six hundred a day (or a 12 million pound lump sum upfront) - oh, and as long as he doesn't dump me for an escort that he only booked because I gave him the money (all of £200, say) - then yes, I'm in.

If not, he can fuck off.


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Re: Would you quit for a man?
« Reply #14 on: 17 October 2020, 06:03:21 pm »

We are escorts , we have this “chance” to see how they cheat feeling no remorse . Some of my clients Take wedding rings off the moment they enter my place and put it back when they are about to leave.
Never give up a single thing in your life for a man.
None of them will appreciate that .