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Author Topic: Would you expect a client to mention that they have a beard down to their waist?  (Read 3270 times)


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Seriously - I've never seen anything quite like it. It made a zz top beard look trimmed. Kissing him - well it was like being assaulted by an goddamed animal. I don't mind beards - but bloody hell. He was a bit odd but harmless - I think he was overcome with nerves and guilt. I don't screen for beards  :D But would you have expected a client to mention this when they booked?


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No, but I wouldn't expect a punter to mention anything about his appearance as it isn't relevant. I just need to know when they want to book and for how long :)


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No. It’s a beard. He wouldn’t have given it a second thought.  I had a client with hair right down his back yesterday.

As with all things we dislike, which is our prerogative, I put them in my FAQs and that’s my get out clause.

For example (amongst many things I will not tolerate) I do not entertain morbidly obese men as I have always found hygiene issues.

They won’t know what you don’t like unless you specify it and then if someone hasn’t read your properly you can turn them away.

fallen angel

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Seriously - I've never seen anything quite like it. It made a zz top beard look trimmed. Kissing him - well it was like being assaulted by an goddamed animal. I don't mind beards - but bloody hell. He was a bit odd but harmless - I think he was overcome with nerves and guilt. I don't screen for beards  :D But would you have expected a client to mention this when they booked?
I've had one the same, didn't mention it and like you was quite shocked when I saw it.
His was dirty, smelly, stinking of fags so on that basis certain services were not available to him.
No they are not obliged to mention such details when booking but neither can they expect to receive all services advertised if their hygiene isn't up to scratch, that's what " at discretion" means.


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I find when men tell me about beards they are often seeking reassurance, checking it's ok. I actually find longer beards absolutely fine, it's the shorter spiky ones, designer stubble and body hair stubble that irritate me the most.


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I've had a few big bushy/long beards before and it's only ever bothered me if they're smelly. Not all men with full beards keep them shampooed  🙄  so if they've been particularly whiffy I just get through the booking then be unavailable if they want a second visit.

I can't remember any man asking is it ok with me to see him as he has a beard.


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I don’t like beards 🤢 I’ve seen food stuff in a few, slavours etc etc it makes me feel sick. So if a guy does have a beard it’s no kissing. This is mentioned in my FAQ’s


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I've had such few clients with beards . Though I'm not keen to kiss it says at discretion on my profile. I've not french kissed them just brief quick kissing . It's the heavy duty publc hair that gets me with some getting in my mouth when I'm doing oral  :-X