In my opinion the stigma without a doubt drives up the rates we can charge and clients will pay. Essentially, prostitutes are paid a very high "premium" for work that the majority of their society believes will have an incredibly detrimental and damaging impact on every aspect of our future lives. Whether it's true or not, most people would probably tell us we're ruining our chances of finding love/marriage, having a "real" career (ha) and being emotionally sound, not to mention the risk for STD's and physical violence that most non-sex workers believe run rampant in our industry. Because of the huge negative stigma we are seen as sacrificing so much of our futures and are compensated accordingly. In my country prostitution is illegal and because of that the risk is obviously much greater. Prices in my area are about double what I see people talking about here, and in major cities quadrupled. I work with 2 agencies and independently and I've found I can charge whatever I want and clients who seek me out will pay. One agency charges $300/hour and the other charges $600/hour, and my independent rates are in between the two. Different markets/areas, but no lack of men (and some women) who are willing to pay what we ask despite lots of working girls available. Now if all of us women were doing something that was safe, legal and completely normal we'd certainly not be making anywhere near these amounts, and not just because there would be more women signing up for the job. I don't think any man would pay half his weekly paycheck for an hour of sex if it wasn't a secretive, underground service performed by someone willing to go against everything society has told him/her. We wouldn't have any grounds to justify the high prices if selling our bodies wasn't stigmatized, marginalized and potentially illegal. And honestly thank god for that, I'll take the calculated risk as long as it's worth the reward!