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Author Topic: Would anyone like to share their moving experiences because Im done!  (Read 3923 times)


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I am so disgUsted right now. I have been saying that all week. I'm just so DisgUst-ed

So, I have come to a resolution that this summer Im moving, bills paid or not. Moving to be someplace where I'd be more productive (and appreciated). I looked back to my records last year and seen that I had alot better results in Miami than I have had here. Even back then, Miami was in a 'recession' sooner than most places. I had begun working nearly 4 months after it began and was doing quite well (and thats before I even started advertising on the main sites). I'm talking about at bars, the street, etc.

So I have concluded that this city just sucks. I have barked up the wrong tree. The market here is just too small. Yea I have met some great clients since I've been here and all but its come and go, hit and miss. I mean, its really bad. I here some say "its slow" but slow means different things to different people. Having 3 bookings a week is slow to some, but that would suit me just fine at 150. Im not even pushing 1 booking a week! And now going on 3 weeks without a booking is disgUsting.

I cant even enjoy my life anymore. I cant go out. I just had a friend ask me to go out tonight and I cant go because I dont have anything. This is not how its supposed to be. So, instead of complaining Im doing something about it. I am deciding on 2 different places now, and already have plans for a weekend in the capital at the end of June, which is enough to give me a jist of the place. Plus its nearby to several other happening cities and I have a feeling I'll be much better off than here. In addition, all this stress is not good when a booking finally does come in!

This isnt my first time moving of course, but has anyone else moved around for the better, how has it worked for you?
« Last Edit: 10 April 2009, 04:35:51 am by JoeyR »


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Re: Would anyone like to share their moving experiences because Im done!
« Reply #1 on: 10 April 2009, 12:10:56 pm »
Well guess what, tonight I was just like fuck it and went out anyways....

Well how about I meet some mates from London who were just bloody awesome (The word has been drilled into my head)! Me and a friend were crusing the gayborhood and low and behold we run into an Aussie-sounding couple and strung up a conversation. Turns out they were from London. Had a blast. Many of the people here went crazy over the accent.They bloody loved it. We hung out, got to know one a lad the other a guy, it was bloody crazy lol. Learned a couple things. Aint it amazing how things happen?

So officially, I am coming to the UK y'all. Mark my word on that one. See you in a few months  ;)


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Re: Would anyone like to share their moving experiences because Im done!
« Reply #2 on: 10 April 2009, 07:42:30 pm »
LOL, well that's marvellous, I hope you make it over and I'm sure there will be no shortage of us happy to take you out and show you around.

I'll put the kettle on!


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Re: Would anyone like to share their moving experiences because Im done!
« Reply #3 on: 10 April 2009, 08:42:09 pm »
lol, thanks Lilly. I noticed y'all in London dont come short of being very personable, friendly people (if Im wrong correct me now!). The ones I met last night were nothing like some of the people in my city. In fact, they were staying at one of the popular 'posh' hotels here in Dallas and noted at how pretentious and stuck up people are here. So its official, people here are fucking stuck up!

By the way...accordinging to my new met friends from London I have a 'southern' accent which comes close to Forrest Gump, I never heard anyone tell me that before  :(  well, I am from Florida so what can I say  :-\


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Re: Would anyone like to share their moving experiences because Im done!
« Reply #4 on: 13 April 2009, 03:46:44 am »
How funny, the other day I was chatting with mum about places to move, and mentioned London as being a possible choice in the near future, and definently a planned visit.

She says, "yea but there's alot of prostitution going on there" lol...(she doesnt know, I think  ;) Thanks ma, now I know exactly where to go for real now  8)


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Re: Would anyone like to share their moving experiences because Im done!
« Reply #5 on: 13 April 2009, 08:36:36 am »
Joey, are you sure you want to move country to continue selling sex, rather than moving to somewhere you're used to (with friends or family nearby) and looking for regular work (plus part-time escorting)?

Not that London isn't incredible. But it's a big decision. :)
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Re: Would anyone like to share their moving experiences because Im done!
« Reply #6 on: 13 April 2009, 07:12:24 pm »
Joey, are you sure you want to move country

Well, no I wasnt referring to moving there actually...I meant as far as a tour or whatever.


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Re: Would anyone like to share their moving experiences because Im done!
« Reply #7 on: 14 April 2009, 10:59:46 am »
Ah, sorry, I thought your thread title was literal! :)
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