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Author Topic: Worst parlour to ever work  (Read 1830 times)


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Worst parlour to ever work
« on: 05 October 2021, 10:30:33 pm »
Anyone else had the misfortune of working a proper shithole
I used to work years back at a dump called [removed],  ( woman who ran it for a  horrible tosser ) £20 a time for everything she made us charge as that’s what her going rate was, ( although some of the popular women charged a bit extra ) it was a awful place , dirty , cold , ( some days we be sat with either our coats or towels on over our work gear to keep warm as the boss if we never were busy disliked us buying electricity on the meter once it was a terrible day and I managed get one punter took him in the room and the electric cut out , ended up seeing to him with flashlight of my mobile phone lol  ) the  bed with springs coming through , blood and spunk stains on the bedding , lucky if it got washed some days , and the worst type of punters ever , they kept you in that room more than half a hour because they were up the bosses arse and complained about everything to him ,so we didn't do any wrong refuse , we only got a tenner for each punter out of their poxy £20 , vile  men thought they were something that went there , when it was shit and not done many the boss would kick us out after having a go at us 2 - 3 hours before closing time , only reason some of us put up with it was because we used to do the streets and it safer at the time with another girl , thank god I do not have to resort to lowering myself like back then now , I had some of them wankers come to me on my aw or other sites and expected me give lower prices which was not happening , me and other women kept the place running when they short staffed but as soon as she got new staff she fuck us off , she made enemy’s with her actions ,  place robbed of takings , windows smashed , shit smeared on the windows and letterbox, and grassed up to the social hence the place closed years back .
That was the last parlour I ever worked like that.

[potentially identifying details removed]

« Last Edit: 06 October 2021, 09:55:34 am by amy »