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Author Topic: Why I stopped offering overnights  (Read 9201 times)


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #15 on: 15 June 2020, 01:46:58 pm »
I've never offered them and never will. The thought of them makes me just die a little inside.

I would be so exhausted that I would need at least 3 days to recover and would likely make the same or more over the 3 days anyway.

There's a reason why I'm single. (Shudder at sharing a toilet seat and the rest that comes with it - boak!) And I like to fart!


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #16 on: 15 June 2020, 01:55:40 pm »
So glad I'm not the only one... I too hate sharing a bed and am not fully human before two mugs of tea in the morning.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #17 on: 15 June 2020, 02:00:25 pm »
Cool. I stopped offering them because I can't keep the 'on' switch flicked for that long and find it too stressful, I can't sleep in bed with a stranger (which meant I wound up taking the following day off and sometimes the one after that) and I hate being poked and prodded first thing in the morning when I'm barely awake. I've never found either of the above to be a problem, though.
Yeah they expect you to engage with them the whole time. And it's also difficult to keep money secure if you're asleep.


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #18 on: 15 June 2020, 02:03:06 pm »
2) resentful punter when you tell him you’re tired and need sleep (“I am not paying you to sleep”)


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #19 on: 15 June 2020, 06:34:53 pm »
I loathe overnights as I can’t keep my happy facade up for that many hours and the idea of so many hours of sexual stuff terrifies me, 2-3 hours is my limit with the same client, and I wouldn’t want to fall asleep with the cash in my bag and I only accept transfers when there is no other way and with clients I know and trust. When I worked for an agency then sometimes I would get a booking where the guy would ask for an extra hour at the end of the previous hour and you ended up being there for maybe 6-7 hours but it’s your choice to stay on and if he had been on coke and was a happy guy on it and just wanted to talk then I don’t mind those bookings, sometimes I’ve been in situations like that and I don’t want the booking to end because the guy has been really cool:)


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #20 on: 15 June 2020, 06:48:41 pm »
I find the worst thing is definitely going to sleep alongside another person and knowing that in a few short hours they will be mauling me awake again.
It makes me really depressed in those waking moments.
Something really grim about the effort it takes to pretend you are really OK - if not delighted - to be sucking his cock at 5am, before climbing on to ride him again  :'(
No wonder it attracts such huge fees.  :-\


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #21 on: 15 June 2020, 08:16:33 pm »
I've not felt at all pestered during overnights or had issues with having sex in the morning. Often it's not even requested. They tend to be chilled and easy going. In a blue moon I'll have breakfast with the client which is a nice way to end a booking.
« Last Edit: 16 June 2020, 07:51:44 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #22 on: 16 June 2020, 01:16:43 am »
Personally I don’t even try to sleep during an overnight. An overnight booking for me is 10pm till 10am and I make sure to be well rested enough to not need to sleep during the appointment- for one I don’t believe it is at all safe to sleep next to a total stranger, even if it is in a hotel, and I value my payment too much to leave it unattended. I do also believe that I’m not being paid a premium to sleep, call me old fashioned but I do expect to work for my money to some degree - Although there’s no way I allow it to ever be a 12 hour shag-a-thon and am always hopeful after a few hours the client will fall asleep. I have had a few that have just been relaxing and enjoyable, mind you. It’s nice to take advantage of room service and the perks of spending time in a nice hotel that you’re not paying for.

I do not get many overnight bookings but when I do I would say they’re worth it, and they do add a bumper to whatever I’m banking for the month.
« Last Edit: 16 June 2020, 01:20:10 am by Ukdarling »


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #23 on: 16 June 2020, 12:23:05 pm »
Personally I don’t even try to sleep during an overnight. An overnight booking for me is 10pm till 10am and I make sure to be well rested enough to not need to sleep during the appointment- for one I don’t believe it is at all safe to sleep next to a total stranger, even if it is in a hotel, and I value my payment too much to leave it unattended. I do also believe that I’m not being paid a premium to sleep, call me old fashioned but I do expect to work for my money to some degree

I don't believe anybody on the thread has said they expect not to work for their money or to be paid a premium to sleep; my overnights used to last 12-14 hours usually starting at 7-8pm, and my fee for those hours worked out at not far off half my hourly rate. Had I been paid 12-14 times my hourly rate plus extra/a premium I would have quite happily fucked like a bunny for as long as they wanted and a mindless shagathon is fine by me - it's the other stuff I find difficult.

As for security, there are tips on how to keep money safe dotted around both here and on the main site (all mine involve velcro ;D), but yes - I know one woman personally who travelled a couple of hundred miles for an overnight only to wake up with the punter gone and her purse with her fee and her cards gone with him.


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #24 on: 16 June 2020, 12:35:26 pm »
I’ve only done one overnight which was with a regular I had seen at least 15 times before, I told him beforehand that he could either pay me the same price other wg charge in my area which is around £800-£100+ and I’ll stay awake as late as he likes or I’d do him a very good offer if I am able to sleep, staying awake the latest 2am, he was happy with the offer as he wanted to sleep also, we ordered room service, watched a couple of films, he had two beers (I don’t drink) had sex twice and both fell asleep around 1pm. Woke up around 7am showered together, had a “Quicky” then he showered and left around 8.30am. Most of the time when I get enquires for overnights they want to drink and take drugs which is my idea of torture so I happily decline, but my regular who I had the overnight with has recently asked for us to spend the night together again while I’ll happily accept as long as it’s along the same line as last time
« Last Edit: 16 June 2020, 12:38:10 pm by Liverpoolgal123 »


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #25 on: 16 June 2020, 03:48:37 pm »
I used to offer them to my regulars .
I was always taken out to the restaurant, or to see a show ( or both , haha ).
I only hated them with one regular, but I just hated bookings with him anyway . Money were great , he was my first ever client and I kept seeing him weekly for 3 years ( until I hated it so much that I ditched him).
Other people I had overnights with were fun and easy going . I always slept at least 6 hours, and morning fun wasn’t a problem for me . Sometimes it wasn’t even wanted  >:D
If it was at my working flat , we would leave at 6am and go separate ways .
If in London at the hotel , I would leave after a nice breakfast.

I stopped offering overnights when I had a partner and he was not happy about me doing them anymore.


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #26 on: 17 June 2020, 08:57:03 am »
I used to really enjoy my overnights! I didnt get them often, but did have a few regulars who would treat themselves on a bi monthly basis. Some, we'd go out for dinner and have a great night. Some, we'd stay in the hotel and order all the luxuries. I only once had an overnight with a client I had never met before - he was in UK for work from Switzerland and kept commenting on just how cheap my rate was (I charged a flat 1k for a 10 hour outcall to the next major city!). After only 2 hours together, he fell asleep and didnt wake until it was time for me to go. I couldn't believe it! I did offer him some money back and I would leave since he was clearly going to sleep but he declined and insisted he wanted me to stay anyway. He has contacted me since for the same deal but our dates never matched but I'd swoop that up in a heartbeat.

I did have one truly awful overnight, which is one of the reasons I dont offer them anymore. The overnight was at my incall, with a client I had met twice before for shorter meetings. He was immigrating so wanted to treat himself before he went. What unfolded can only be described as a work nightmare. He wouldn't let me sleep. I pretended to sleep just to get away from him, he stroked and smelled my hair, kept trying to touch my private areas, moving closer to me in the bed as I tried to shuffle away then at one point I was clinging on to the edge of the mattress for dear life. The creepiest part of all was when he thought I was sleeping, I heard him walk about my apartment, opening and closing drawers etc., likely looking for personal items or info. I should have told him to leave there and then but it was about 3am, only 4 hours remaining so decided to see it out.

At 6am on the dot, he shook me "awake" and the horror continued. I was very glad to see the back of him.

I value my sleep slot these days so dont offer overnights, unless a very trusted regular asks me and I know I will be safe and comfortable in their company for that length of time.


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #27 on: 17 June 2020, 01:46:55 pm »
What an asshole that was torture. I don't offer overnights full stop. When I am booked for 2 hours I am always dreading it leave alone overnight. I love my sleep too much there is no way I would want someone breathing on my neck the whole night. 😂😂


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #28 on: 17 June 2020, 03:55:35 pm »
I used to do overnights and I’ve had a few nice ones but now I much prefer to sleep in my own bed no matter how much is being offered


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Re: Why I stopped offering overnights
« Reply #29 on: 19 June 2020, 03:24:52 am »
I prefer half an hour most the time. It's bad enough an hour if you have an uncomfortable environment. Most of the overnight bookings I've received seem like the want to get free naughty chat or waste time. I couldn't spend that much time with even a nice regular I like my own company and personal space too much. The longest booking i took was 4 hours as I'd met him a few times. I found that to be hard work. I am a bit lazy 😂