This is perhaps my no.1 hate of men.
Among what others have said above;
they get out of the shower the moment they turn the shower off, so water gets all over the floor near the bath, rather than dry themselves mostly/fully in the bath.
They go into the bathroom with their shoes on, after they leave I notice slight or even very noticeable dirt marks, its just as if they were almost kids.
Some of them seem to spend ages in the bathroom! yet men in general have the cheek to say women take forever in the bathroom?!
Some (smelly?) men spend so much time in there yet after they've come out you can't really seem to be able to tell any difference!
On the odd occasion I've had a very busy whoring day when I have no clean/dry towels left, yet someone passes comment as if Im the dirty one just because I have no clean towels left! well sooorrrrry! my tumble dryer can only wash as many towels as I can ummm...!
I've had a client who refused to dry himself with a towel just because he spotted one of my long hair's on the towel. I had to give him a clean kitchen towel as I had no clean bath towels left, he was well annoyed with me - after a really "good session" I never met him again. Unreal