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Author Topic: really nice clients, and maintaining your emotional boundaries  (Read 5456 times)


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Re: really nice clients, and maintaining your emotional boundaries
« Reply #15 on: 17 June 2011, 06:01:08 pm »
I love my wife but I'm just compelled to put my willie in strange ladies after handing them money' territory, it's a different kettle of fish. That's when I put an appropriately sympathetic look on my face and allow the words to drift over me like a gentle breeze

I have the same problem and this is the way I see it: Basically someone signed a contract with another person (in the case of marriage it would be: I'm taking care of your needs in exchange of you not sleeping with other people). But then somewhere along the lines one of the parties  decides to make some "benefits" on the side  (without the other parties consent of course) and "breaches the contract" ( he just wanted a piece of the cake and to eat it too! hey what's wrong with thaaaaat?). Then he feels all guilty  and wants you to feel sympathetic for him.

Sure I'll put the "you poor  uncomprehended little thing" look on my face, but only because you're paying me ... ;D ;D ;D

(I guess that makes me another candidate for "Evil, embittered prossie of the year ward' lol... )

the thing is i think that part of the monogamy contract, whether explicit or implied, is the assumption that sex will be happening within the relationship.

i don't particularly like the monogamy model, but nonetheless i can see that the deal cuts both ways.  we will be sexually exlusive, and we will try to meet each others sexual needs.  he never agreed to be celibate.

if i was in a monogamous relationship and my beloved partner stopped having sex with me, whether by choice or because they no longer could, i might well look elsewhere for some no-strings sex.  as my client said, as long as he does not have a relationship with someone else, ie an affair, and all that he is doing is having his sexual needs met, then he doesn't truly feel this is being unfaithful.  perhaps its rubbish and i am just being naive, but i think the reason i accept this is because its pretty much what i would do too.

ps i dont believe anyone so far has said anything evil at all!  just pragmatic.


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Re: really nice clients, and maintaining your emotional boundaries
« Reply #16 on: 17 June 2011, 06:04:39 pm »
but to be honest, these two clients were just the latest two examples of this phenomena with me.  and the guy with disabilities affected me far more than the married guy.
i'm more interested in figuring out how to deal with these feelings i sometimes have for my clients, and how i tend (not just in sex-work) to soak up other people's sadness too much.
i don't entirely want to "toughen up" although i do respect those who are tougher than me!  on the other hand i do need to do something to protect myself more...

Anika Mae

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Re: really nice clients, and maintaining your emotional boundaries
« Reply #17 on: 17 June 2011, 06:19:24 pm »
Didn't someone say that she treats her clients with kindness and empathy, thinks "well, I'm glad I was able to help a bit" and then lets it go? I thought so but couldn't find it in this thread.

Anyway, I think that's what you should be aiming for, but I didn't comment to start with because that's close to what I do naturally so I don't know how you'd make it happen. My thing is that I do sympathise and sometimes empathise, but I don't internalise, so when I go home and put the telly on I'm not thinking about whatever sad stories I've heard lately.

Anika Mae

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Re: really nice clients, and maintaining your emotional boundaries
« Reply #18 on: 17 June 2011, 06:25:48 pm »
Oh and on the monogamy thing, I don't think it's fair for someone to lose interest in sex and expect their partner to stop caring about it at the same time, and also because people and relationships are very complicated, just splitting up isn't always the best thing for everyone. My issue with punters in sexless marriages is that they often skip what should in most cases be the first step, of trying to deal with the problem with their wives. I understand it though; it's natural to be drawn to the easier option, and secret punting probably looks easier to many than going through counselling and compromise.


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Re: really nice clients, and maintaining your emotional boundaries
« Reply #19 on: 17 June 2011, 06:57:21 pm »
My issue with punters in sexless marriages is that they often skip what should in most cases be the first step, of trying to deal with the problem with their wives. I understand it though; it's natural to be drawn to the easier option, and secret punting probably looks easier to many than going through counselling and compromise.

Yes this is the thing that always baffles me Anika, if I had a pound for every time a client has talked about his sexless marriage and then looked utterly blank when I've asked "Have you spoken to your wife?", I would have, well, at least enough for a round in the pub by now ;D


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Re: really nice clients, and maintaining your emotional boundaries
« Reply #20 on: 17 June 2011, 07:13:29 pm »
the thing is i think that part of the monogamy contract, whether explicit or implied, is the assumption that sex will be happening within the relationship.

i don't particularly like the monogamy model, but nonetheless i can see that the deal cuts both ways.  we will be sexually exlusive, and we will try to meet each others sexual needs.  he never agreed to be celibate.

if i was in a monogamous relationship and my beloved partner stopped having sex with me, whether by choice or because they no longer could, i might well look elsewhere for some no-strings sex.  as my client said, as long as he does not have a relationship with someone else, ie an affair, and all that he is doing is having his sexual needs met, then he doesn't truly feel this is being unfaithful.  perhaps its rubbish and i am just being naive, but i think the reason i accept this is because its pretty much what i would do too.

ps i dont believe anyone so far has said anything evil at all!  just pragmatic.

You have  a very valuable point here. Part of that marital contract involves "taking care of each other sexual needs" so when one of the parties decides to withdraw sex from the ecuation he/ she is also "breaking the contract"  thus making the other party think he/she has a free ride to go and look for sex some place else. And this is the good ol' excuse of most punters: "Well...if she breached her side of the contract I'll do the same thing" But then  of course they  don't have the balls to tell her  about his little side hobbie because they know wifey will dump them. So they have to lie in order to have their  cake and  eat it too.  From an ethical point of view I don't think this lying is right but who am I to talk about "ethics" when I'm making a living thanks to their unfullfiled sexual lives?

If these guys decided to go into counselling or get into mutual rewarding & fulfilled  sexual relationships we  would go out of business. So let them stay that way....  ;D ;D ;D

(Sign me in for the  "cynical prossie of the year award"  please)
« Last Edit: 17 June 2011, 07:15:26 pm by Ana30 »
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Re: really nice clients, and maintaining your emotional boundaries
« Reply #21 on: 17 June 2011, 10:06:37 pm »
« Last Edit: 13 May 2015, 04:28:11 pm by LouLou37 »
"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin


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Re: really nice clients, and maintaining your emotional boundaries
« Reply #22 on: 19 June 2011, 09:04:56 pm »
I've been fascinated by the way this thread has evolved. I think we are probably all saying the sane really and the nearest I can find to ny attitude is Claudia who put her finger on it! I DO care - while i'm there!
Secondly I feel very strongly that I cannot be the guardian of anyone else's morals! I'd drive myself insane!  It may be wrong for a married nan to visit ne, but I didn't stand in a church and promise anything to his wife! That is his responsibility alone.  I an a business wonan who offers a service. Unless there is a question of legality (e.g. checking ID of soneone with young appearance) I do not vet those who use my services in any other way.  And why should I?  I'n no-ones keeper of morality, except my own.
 :-X xxx