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Author Topic: Who you do tell about being a sex worker  (Read 2518 times)


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Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« on: 23 June 2019, 09:26:39 am »
I can't think of anything worse than being told on or screwed over by people .it has happened to me and some of you too so now its  just my male friend who's closet trans &in a marriage dosnt want wife to find out hes a great support and we have a good laugh.
And some very few trustworthy sex workers only .
Do you have a go to confidante?


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #1 on: 23 June 2019, 09:48:09 am »
No they would worry about my safety it would get too messy.

Grace D

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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #2 on: 23 June 2019, 10:31:37 am »
When I first started I told my best friend and he told all our other friends. It wasn't a problem because they thought it was quite cool but gradually a few snidey comments started to be made every now and then. There were questions about when I was getting a 'normal' job.
I took a long break from it (not because of them) and came back to it and have told no-one. Once other people know they have a certain power over you which doesn't feel great.Thank god for this forum!


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #3 on: 23 June 2019, 10:46:53 am »
When I first started I told my best friend and he told all our other friends. It wasn't a problem because they thought it was quite cool but gradually a few snidey comments started to be made every now and then. There were questions about when I was getting a 'normal' job.
I took a long break from it (not because of them) and came back to it and have told no-one. Once other people know they have a certain power over you which doesn't feel great.Thank god for this forum!

That would not be a best or any other kind of friend in my opinion.

I have told a few and I know some have found it impossible not to gossip and pass on this revelation that I am a sex worker. It can not be undone now and I have learned my lesson.  Most who know have said nothing at least to my face and treat me the same as if they did not know but two people have been awfully insulting. One backtracked at a later date and but I have not forgiven them.

I think going through several years without telling a single soul would have been very difficult but if I had my time again I would choose this (keeping it 100% secret).


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #4 on: 23 June 2019, 11:01:55 am »
I've told nobody I know at all. On the odd occasion I've wanted to I've stopped myself, realising I can never take it back. Also your own secrets will NEVER be as important to another person as they are to you, how many times have you had a conversation with someone that started 'i'm not supposed to say anything, BUT'...loads. People don't care, and for many the idea of a friend doing this will be too much excitement NOT to share.

I have actually told complete strangers mind you, contrary to all of the above! But by strangers I mean randoms I've met briefly on holiday, people I've chatted to abroad who don't know where I live, my full name, contact details or anything. It's been nice then to chat openly and honestly! But only ever to someone who really has no idea who I am and couldn't do me any harm, if they shared it then it would make no difference to me.


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #5 on: 23 June 2019, 11:24:57 am »
People close to me:
My sister, my (adult) son.

I network with lots of other sex workers who are in a similar bracket to me (mature etc). I am lucky enough to call some of them my friends and know that they have my back :)

In terms of civvy friends - I have pretty much lost touch with most of them as I've moved into full time sex work AND relocated 200+ miles. I've also massively dialled back my social media presence. I basically post photos of my pets now and that's it. I don't feel like I was that close to any of them anyway. I've never had the kind of friendships where it was "you know you can call me at 3am and I'll come and rescue you."

Complete strangers - I'm usually honest. Especially with essential need-to-know stuff like the GP, GUM clinic etc. But I'll also be honest with hairdressers, nail artists, staff at coffee shops who are trying to make conversation, etc. I feel like it's my little effort at breaking the stigma. Obviously I would not speak to hotel staff like that. I tell them I'm a software developer/business consultant/efficiency expert and I'm in town for some due diligence sessions. (Pick a fantasy career that you know something about!)
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #6 on: 23 June 2019, 11:34:04 am »
Quite a few friends and acquaintances know, a few have had an issue mostly my husband's friends and one or two from college / uni courses on which it was appropriate to disclose.

No one I've told has caused any direct issues, however I have had issues with new enquiries claiming to know me, and actual clients being indiscreet or trying to push boundaries. These aren't direct threats to out me, but it's far more of a problem than people in other areas of my life.

Hope that makes sense.


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #7 on: 23 June 2019, 11:38:26 am »
On tour I pop into Ann summers sometimes  and it's quite easy to chat about buying stuff for clients . They don't know me and don't care.


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #8 on: 23 June 2019, 12:38:36 pm »
 ;D my little brother knows! he doesn t judge me but we do not talk too much!
a client in my other job knows everything about my meets! who care?

honestly i am proud of it, i do offer a "service" and more i get pleasure for to do it (dream job), pay taxes, i do something legal, so me i do not hide it to nobody. yet my mother doesn t maybe know and even she knows i really prefer! i do not need to hide my real self from people! yes, my landlord doesn t know..some lies in life they are mandatory!

for the rest who care!

i got other job so mostly i declare that to many! but many times if for example somebody ask to me outside, a stranger..
i am always ready to say! I am a pro escort!  :D

how many people are selling their body even they are not escort. Selling their brain too. they show off their body without getting payed just to be a celebrity...they are not too far from escort!
i never cared what people think! it is one life and i want to be myself!

Grace D

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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #9 on: 23 June 2019, 12:57:18 pm »
That would not be a best or any other kind of friend in my opinion.

He wasn't being malicious but I definitely felt betrayed at the time. It wasn't his secret to blab about but he couldn't help himself because he was thinking about becoming a gay escort and it was all so exciting. We're still friends believe it or not lol.

Some people 'think' they're open minded but when it comes down to reality they can't cope with one of their friends or family doing this work. The stigma is too engrained.


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #10 on: 23 June 2019, 01:04:14 pm »
My accountant and a few male friends (exes/dates from before I started).
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #11 on: 23 June 2019, 01:37:25 pm »
;D my little brother knows! he doesn t judge me but we do not talk too much!
a client in my other job knows everything about my meets! who care?

honestly i am proud of it, i do offer a "service" and more i get pleasure for to do it (dream job), pay taxes, i do something legal, so me i do not hide it to nobody. yet my mother doesn t maybe know and even she knows i really prefer! i do not need to hide my real self from people! yes, my landlord doesn t know..some lies in life they are mandatory!

for the rest who care!

i got other job so mostly i declare that to many! but many times if for example somebody ask to me outside, a stranger..
i am always ready to say! I am a pro escort!  :D

how many people are selling their body even they are not escort. Selling their brain too. they show off their body without getting payed just to be a celebrity...they are not too far from escort!
i never cared what people think! it is one life and i want to be myself!

You are brilliant! That is such an awesome attitude  ;D

For me I am totally happy with my choices but I know that at best I'd be the subject of gossip by others and I don't want to give them the right to judge me. I prefer my privacy I guess! I love popping into M&S for some food on the way home from an outcall, knowing the notes I'm paying with have come from cock sucking!  :D


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #12 on: 23 June 2019, 03:21:37 pm »
You are brilliant! That is such an awesome attitude  ;D

For me I am totally happy with my choices but I know that at best I'd be the subject of gossip by others and I don't want to give them the right to judge me. I prefer my privacy I guess! I love popping into M&S for some food on the way home from an outcall, knowing the notes I'm paying with have come from cock sucking!  :D
  I've not ever disliked myself for being a sex has helped me out financially so many times. Not ashamed either .


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #13 on: 23 June 2019, 05:32:43 pm »
My mother,sister ,closest friends,my kids and my ex husband know.most of the people in my old civvie job know and that's over 100 postman knows.
Not sure about the neighbours (I only work on tours).Noone has ever said anything bad to my face.i know I am talked about by some though.
Not all these people found out from me telling them,i was outed ,but I am glad I am not living in fear now.


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Re: Who you do tell about being a sex worker
« Reply #14 on: 24 June 2019, 09:53:57 am »
My Husband,  my best friend (also a SW) and my nail technician (who I've known for 10 years)......oh and a group of cocky lads on a flight the other day who really thought they were gods gifts, they were full of if and thought they were funny chatting up 2 middle aged ladies going on their holidays, they were trying to guess our jobs and had me down as a geography teacher and my mate a maths teacher.......their jaws hit the floor and stopped them in their tracks when we whispered in their ears what we did for a living!......still laughing about their reaction.