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Author Topic: When they say - 'If we Click.'  (Read 4000 times)


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When they say - 'If we Click.'
« on: 06 January 2017, 03:07:35 pm »
I hate it when men say this. In my experience it usually means you'll let me push your boundaries. You'll let the booking overrun, you'll let me ask you a load of personal questions and you will provide a discount or give me free services etc  ::) ::) ::) ::)

Anyone else have that feeling when men say - If we click ... ?

It usually means they will be hard work in some sense  ::)
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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #1 on: 06 January 2017, 03:31:00 pm »
This is exactly what runs through my mind when I hear this. It's usually accompanied with the promise of regular bookings too. It puts me off the booking tbh.


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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #2 on: 06 January 2017, 03:32:49 pm »
It sets my teeth on edge. It's like they think it's a date!

I might start tracking this actually because I can think of a couple of guys who've said this, as in "If we click I may extend the booking to 2/3 hours" or "If we click I'd be looking for a regular booking" and then they just don't turn up. Possibly because I haven't come over all gushy at the thought of us "clicking".  ::)
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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #3 on: 06 January 2017, 03:38:28 pm »
I hate it when men say this. In my experience it usually means you'll let me push your boundaries. You'll let the booking overrun, you'll let me ask you a load of personal questions and you will provide a discount or give me free services etc  ::) ::) ::) ::)

Anyone else have that feeling when men say - If we click ... ?

It usually means they will be hard work in some sense  ::)
When they say that I hear...

'I'm an awkward bugger who will push your boundaries, I will expect you to be ok with this because I'm paying for it and I'm a twat'


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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #4 on: 06 January 2017, 03:49:45 pm »
They're very likely to be self entitled too.

I do domme bookings and ocassionally I will get men who are used to being dom but want a switch and be a sub instead. They tend to say this phrase as well  ::)

No offence to any sub ladies out there, but it's almost as if they expect all the women who they go to see to be a sub and they're being dom even when they pretend to be sub  ::)
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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #5 on: 06 January 2017, 08:59:45 pm »
Usually when I get this phrase they don't show up and they are just fantasists who wank over the idea of pulling an escort.


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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #6 on: 06 January 2017, 09:05:21 pm »
Had a lengthy email which I couldn't even bear to read it was that long and boring, then followed up with a text saying something along the lines of "I'm wanting to become a regular booking you for 2 hours a month/week/whatever" I replied with my standard "Please call to book I don't like texts thanks" to which he replied "Ok thanks" surprise surprise he didn't call lol


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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #7 on: 06 January 2017, 09:14:41 pm »
I wonder if the men who say they are looking for a regular meet are genuinely seeking that...or just saying that and, if they are just saying it, why are they saying it at all??



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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #8 on: 06 January 2017, 09:53:01 pm »
Or when they say if we have a connection...
I had a guy  who spat his dummy out because I changed my tour plans and sent me a PA text Lang the line of I should have told him I wasn't  going.

He didn't have a booking as I never take advance bookings when touring regardless of who it is in case I change my mind/ something comes up  but he took it upon himself to get to my area despite me explaining that
1 I don't take advance bookings
2 I wouldn't be free till around 5 pm ( he was texting me at3pm wanting to see me at3 PM  )
My reply was that he didn't have a booking for those exact reasons and it's not my fault if he took it upon himself to travel before confirming that I was there
I want see him when I am there next week as anyone who can spit there dummy out due to there own stupidity is not someone I want to see
Plus I hate the I want a connection ...



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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #9 on: 06 January 2017, 10:27:37 pm »
sounds like tw, 'if we click i'll come back'

really as long as you turn up clean and leave when i want then i dont care if/when you come back.


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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #10 on: 06 January 2017, 10:39:12 pm »
I usually find they drop the 'if we click' line when they can't decide whether you are going to be worth your hour or 2 hour rate so they say i'd like to spend an hour/2hour with you but wondering can i just have half hour/hour see 'if we click'  i always just book them in for 30 minutes and tell them so as well some guys that say this are gonna be hard to please and some one i'd probley not enjoy the company of anyway, but some are genuine nice would like a long booking but cautious about wasting thier money but that doesnt make it less annoying when they say 'if we click'

I am sure we have all had guys that turn up and within the first few minutes of the booking they know they'd like to spend longer with you so they ask if they can extend. This is the 'clicking' i guess lol
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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #11 on: 06 January 2017, 11:49:22 pm »

I am sure we have all had guys that turn up and within the first few minutes of the booking they know they'd like to spend longer with you so they ask if they can extend. This is the 'clicking' i guess lol

That is right. Some will book 30 minutes and when they arrive they ask for an hour which I will usually say yes to, it makes sense for them as they don't know until they meet me if they will feel as thrilled as they hoped they would be.  :)
By the reverse though I have met men who booked a half hour but then want to extend but within the first couple of minutes I know I do not want more time with them, I will rarely do that just for the money. On those occasions I make an excuse why I can only let them stay the original booked half hour.
Men who mention connections and clicking set my alarm bells clanging, as do those who say on the initial phone convo that they want a regular wg. I am like the other lady above who does not show any fake enthusiasm at the thought of a new regular (WOWIE!!) and almost always these men do not make a booking, they say they will phone back but don't. I can then visualise them ringing the next girl on their list to see if she will fall for the tripe.

Men who state they are "switch" are usually hard work too and I have yet to let one book a second time.


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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #12 on: 07 January 2017, 09:32:16 am »
I wonder if the men who say they are looking for a regular meet are genuinely seeking that...or just saying that and, if they are just saying it, why are they saying it at all??


I think their thing is that they dangle the carrot of a regular booking in front of you with the expectation that you'll maybe give them a bit of extra time, accept a lower payment, or give services which you'd normally charge extra for, e.g. CIM or filming.

If you do then do those things (and I fell for it a couple of times when I was new and naive) they either don't book again anyway, just move onto the next escort they can rip off the same way, or they become the regular from hell who gradually erodes your boundaries and demands more and more services for less and less money.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #13 on: 07 January 2017, 10:05:35 am »
The 'if we click' bit doesn't bother me as much (because usually I don't give them a booking) but the 'I would like to be a regular' is usually a red flag. Meaning they want more (time, services) or you have to prove yourself. If they like me, they will book again. Those who want the regular bit from the start are 99,9% annoying people who I have zero tolerance for.


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Re: When they say - 'If we Click.'
« Reply #14 on: 07 January 2017, 10:19:51 am »
I heard this once.
A guy (booked for an hour) who came in and asked, "if we click, can we extend?".  He did and paid then.  I would never say, yes, to a booking from someone, who booked for an hour but he suddenly starts saying "if we click and he wants 30 minutes trial run first".   Thankfully, never had someone like that.  He will be blocked.