It was certainly something my heart did a little jump at when he said "for x amount". I think harry enfield started shouting "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!" somewhere in the deep recesses of my brain......
But ultimately it wouldn't be healthy for either of us. He is old, sweet and very harmless, and I enjoy his company, but I think
he thought it would mean we could run off into the sunset together, and I could come and spend the weekends gardening and cooking sunday roasts with him.
I remember when I told him I wouldn't be able to see him (or anyone else) for two weeks because I was revising for my finals, and he said "but surely you need some time to relax and unwind? Why not see me when you are relaxing?!" Knowing him, it was said innocently, I am sure of it, but nevertheless he completely failed to grasp the fact that my relaxing, personal time doesn't mean seeing him because he = client, and thus = WORK.
He has also been trying to get me to go away for a week with him- a weekend, fine. But 7 days. No no no no no no nononononononono. Me human, not dolly. And holding in a fart for 7 days would surely make me ill?

Hope I am not making him sound obsessive- I counteract it all with good humour and I definitely feel in control of the situation, but these factors make me think monthly wage arrangement would be bad news.
I felt like I would be taking advantage of him as much as I would be signing myself over to feeling constantly obliged, guilty and increasingly irritated with him. Right now, I am very lucky to have this guy on board in terms of finances and we get along absolutely fine, so I wouldn't want to rock the boat by introducing a contract!
I am VERY intrigued about others who have tried this arrangement and had it work though. You know, ended up with a house and a car and things. Julia Roberts, are you reading?! (Or Violette, he he he!)