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Author Topic: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!  (Read 5438 times)


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When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« on: 12 June 2009, 09:50:38 am »
So, it happened. The loaded regular who pays for my rent single handedly every month asked the dreaded question last night: "Can I give you a massive monthly sum and see you as much as I like?"

Aaaaaaaaaaargh! Nooooooooo! I can't believe I'm saying this, because when I first started I would have cartwheeled off the walls at this suggestion, but then I grew a brain and realised that this would mean:

1) I am at his beck and call
2) Errrrr, he gets priority over my life.

This sort of agreement is really not for me (and would love to see my partner's face when I told him he was now third in the priority line after my good self and after mr.regular! He he)

So, I had to very carefully say thank you but not thank you, whilst being truthful without making it sound like "I can't stand you and I only like you for your money". He is sweet and harmless, drives me a bit potty with incessant emails and reports on the weather when he is on holiday, but he is well into his 60s and just a bit lonely so I don't see this as anything sinister. I felt awful saying no, but for me, this would be like clipping my financial and social wings and putting me in a cage.

The thought of living in my house, driving my car, and just thinking "he and he alone paid for this" rather than "I paid for this", and the whole feeling obliged to meet him when it suited him best because he was paying me to, would DRIVE ME POTTY. Pretty woman I ain't.

And so my question of the day- has anyone had this happen? Has anyone agreed? Does anyone think it could work for them?


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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #1 on: 12 June 2009, 09:52:10 am »
I think this is of the blathering and babbling variety actually, sorry! x

Anika Mae

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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #2 on: 12 June 2009, 11:07:57 am »

I'd consider entering into some kind of salaried arrangement with a client, but no way would I agree to be at his beck and call. If there were specific agreements about how much time we spent together, how much notice, what happens if I'm on holiday or he's on holiday or I'm sick... then maybe it could work.


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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #3 on: 12 June 2009, 02:00:53 pm »
CARLA! Woman, you should have talked to us before you blew him off! After I was through typing you up a 'work contract' you would have had him at your beck and call!
Oh well, if you ever decide to change your mind, let me know. I have had this kind of arrangement.


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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #4 on: 13 June 2009, 02:49:48 am »
the whole feeling obliged to meet him when it suited him best because he was paying me to, would DRIVE ME POTTY. Pretty woman I ain't.

And so my question of the day- has anyone had this happen? Has anyone agreed? Does anyone think it could work for them?

Now Carla honey I think its your turn for a spanking  :D

I understand 100% the idea of someone covering your way can sound like they'll want to control your life....Afterall who knows he may be possessive like you described. But, there is a way of setting something up. What about say...twice a week? I've done it before, the only difference is I wasnt paid a monthly salary upfront, I just got the money whenever I showed up. Maybe you can do that and if at any given day you just decide you just ABSOLUTELY cannot dont wanna see him, well he keeps his money that day and you keep your sanity! No one gets angry. I did it like twice a week and I did it for about a month.

So my answer, of course! Go for it. I'd come up with a schedule and hell, if you get tired of it just end the contract.

However, I know that the calls and emails all the time can get annoying. It doesnt annoy me because I like the security of someone calling me (look at me sounding like a woman!) When I didnt feel like talking to this person, I didnt talk to them. But then the voicemails....Oh its not always so easy!


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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #5 on: 13 June 2009, 06:34:23 am »
...asked the dreaded question last night: "Can I give you a massive monthly sum and see you as much as I like?"

Yeah, this bit is the only problem. How much is "as much as I like"? Eurgh. And also, bleurgh. You might not ever be allowed a second of free time again! Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but he sounds like he might have plenty of extra time on his hands and a slight obsession with you.

It might start well (with a contract or whatever) but I don't think it would end well. I would say no to a proposition like this because I just want to keep the steady regulars who pay my rent as what they are. I am getting pretty distrustful of clients really being able to understand the whole business/boundaries idea lately!
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #6 on: 13 June 2009, 09:12:55 am »
I am getting pretty distrustful of clients really being able to understand the whole business/boundaries idea lately!

Need we say it?  :-X


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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #7 on: 13 June 2009, 11:27:42 am »
I've never been asked, but it's not something I'd contemplate either. But like yourself, at the beginning of this 'career' it would've been something I'd consider. Pretty Woman syndrome and all that.
But having experienced my share of stalkers and men who seem not to know when to stop, the idea became something I wouldn't consider.

It's all well and good drawing up some sort of a contract. But who's to say that he'd stick to it? How would you know from the outset that he's not going to push your boundaries further and further? We take our jobs seriously. To us it's a business. To a lot of men they don't see it as such. How could they? To them it's slap and tickle. Why do you think we get timewasters and no-shows? Therefore a contract might not be something they'd abide by.

I don't fancy being contracted to someone and I certainly don't fancy being at anyone's beck and call.


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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #8 on: 13 June 2009, 12:27:28 pm »
It was certainly something my heart did a little jump at when he said "for x amount". I think harry enfield started shouting "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!" somewhere in the deep recesses of my brain......

But ultimately it wouldn't be healthy for either of us. He is old, sweet and very harmless, and I enjoy his company, but I think he thought it would mean we could run off into the sunset together, and I could come and spend the weekends gardening and cooking sunday roasts with him.

I remember when I told him I wouldn't be able to see him (or anyone else) for two weeks because I was revising for my finals, and he said "but surely you need some time to relax and unwind? Why not see me when you are relaxing?!" Knowing him, it was said innocently, I am sure of it, but nevertheless he completely failed to grasp the fact that my relaxing, personal time doesn't mean seeing him because he = client, and thus = WORK.

He has also been trying to get me to go away for a week with him- a weekend, fine. But 7 days. No no no no no no nononononononono. Me human, not dolly. And holding in a fart for 7 days would surely make me ill? :)

Hope I am not making him sound obsessive- I counteract it all with good humour and I definitely feel in control of the situation, but these factors make me think monthly wage arrangement would be bad news.

I felt like I would be taking advantage of him as much as I would be signing myself over to feeling constantly obliged, guilty and increasingly irritated with him. Right now, I am very lucky to have this guy on board in terms of finances and we get along absolutely fine, so I wouldn't want to rock the boat by introducing a contract!

I am VERY intrigued about others who have tried this arrangement and had it work though. You know, ended up with a house and a car and things. Julia Roberts, are you reading?! (Or Violette, he he he!)


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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #9 on: 13 June 2009, 12:54:47 pm »

He has also been trying to get me to go away for a week with him- a weekend, fine. But 7 days. No no no no no no nononononononono. Me human, not dolly. And holding in a fart for 7 days would surely make me ill? :)

LMAO! If only they knew we are not really ready to pander and entertain sweetly 24/7!

It is an interesting proposal and it sounds like he wants a relationship but is happy to factor in that this is how you earn your living. To him, at his age, one assumes he thinks he has struck lucky that someone as young and lovely as you enjoys his company as you do and that he doesn't have to chase about after anyone. He clearly realises that such an arrangement comes at a price and he has offered it. It could be a win win or it could all go horribly wrong as he expects too much or you feel trapped - who knows!

It depends how much time you have in your life and how easy it would be to talk with him about rubbish for hours a week. If you are single and he is single then maybe its worth a go on a provisional basis? If he is married then what I've known to happen is that the wife usually catches sight of the regular amount slipping out of the account each month and all hell breaks loose.

If he is loaded and this is how he wants to spend his money and retirement - enjoying the company of someone he really likes but he knows that without payment would not be interested in him in that way, then why not help him?  You are best placed to know if he is the sort to push boundaries or cause trouble, sure the imaginary rule book screams 'dont do it' but rules can be broken.

EDIT: Just read you are not single - probably on balance not a good idea in that case unless boyfriend was very very very understanding. 
« Last Edit: 13 June 2009, 12:56:37 pm by Trafford »


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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #10 on: 13 June 2009, 07:03:19 pm »
"Can I give you a massive monthly sum and see you as much as I like?"

A friend had someone offer him more or less this deal.

Financially nice while it lasted, but a complete pain in almost every other regard, not least when it turned out after a year or so that the client was stealing the money from the company he worked for.


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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #11 on: 13 June 2009, 07:31:58 pm »

 not least when it turned out after a year or so that the client was stealing the money from the company he worked for.

Oouch. That is why I used the words "if hs is loaded". Not that we can ever really know, but I think we do need to maintain some sort of social and moral conscience so we are not part of that sort of desperate behaviour which could leave a partner and children with no home coz of huuby's loss of control.



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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #12 on: 13 June 2009, 11:49:26 pm »
I haven't been made this offer so far, but just the thought of it makes me recoil in horror. A major point of this job for me is being my own boss in all aspects of my life and not being dependent on a sugar daddy.

For one thing it means giving him power over you or part of your life and contract or no he could easily threaten to withdraw his support if you don't dance to his tune and what if he decideds to finish it or pops his clogs without leaving you provided for?

Also I reserve the choice to say no thanks to male company if the mood takes me, under this arrangement I'd feel obliged and resent him pretty soon.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: When a regular wants to pay you a monthly wage!
« Reply #13 on: 16 June 2009, 10:01:24 pm »
With this type of arrangement, you have to sit down and point blank ask the gentlemen what he expects from you. Ground rules have to be arranged. I mean you might be surprised by what he is asking in return for his money. Then tell him that you need to maintain your life as well, tell him what you expect. Now, you can try this for a short period of time say a month first to see if this arrangements works for both of you. If it works, take it to three months and go along like this. You need to be really business-like about this, it does has it's advantages. Kisses V