I remember once a older client had accidently left his wooley hat in the bathroom and i did not know til i had another client later on and could see through the gap as door not fully closed and mirror on wall he waa using the hat to wipe his shitty arse after going a toilet and he had a shower before that. There was 2 large towels in the bathroom on complete show.
Fuck shake that’s just gross and I can’t blame your client for not wanting it back

I myself have a similar story..
I once had a client coming for a booking who asked me if he could go straight to the loo. This man spent 20 min on the toilet. I could hear all sort of noises which got me freaking worried and after hearing water running I assumed he had a shower. Well, as soon as he came out I went straight in to see if he had made a mess or there was something missing. What I witnessed was fucking disgusting

He had helped himself to my towel cabinet and used a couple of face towels to clean his nasty arse, there were brown stains all over them and as if that wasn’t bad enough, he had placed them on top of my hand towels!! There was water all over the floor & underneath the sink with brown water stains in it ( which makes me think he used the fucking sink to wash his ass) instead of even using the shower- HE DID NOT SHOWER!
Funnily enough there was a big toilet roll pack on top of that very same cabinet he took the towels from, really hard to miss as I always buy the 18 roll pack! I was so fucking disgusted I kicked him out and spend the rest of the evening bleaching out the whole bathroom. Needless to say I binned everything on sight... To this day I’m convinced he did this on purpose