The grossest things to happen to me to date are;
Rimming a client who smelt clean, looked clean etc, but when I put my finger inside it came out covered in poo no joke, yellowish slimey poo, it was even on the bed! I got up and said I needed the loo and washed my hands I felt sick! After that I just wanted to get out of there.
Second one was a client who I had seen several times before, really nice fun guy, I was giving him a blowjob and licking his balls and then he let rip TWICE and I moved my head so quick he was embarrassed and said sorry, I just didn't wanna inhale it ewww!
Had a booking yesterday with a client I see once about every six weeks every single time his hygiene has been fine and he's always smelt clean, yesterday I could smell that he wasn't fresh at all, not overly smelly but not shower fresh and kind of a sweat smell. Anyway, I go to the loo to get changed after the booking has ended and I notice a towel on the floor covered in stains and the bathroom smelt of poo. So he had a shit and rather than use the tissue provided he used a towel and put it on the floor!!! I don't think I'll be seeing that one again things like that really put me off