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Author Topic: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.  (Read 142928 times)


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #225 on: 09 September 2015, 06:55:03 pm »
They call it...'Banjo String' lol

I was being naughty with a chap after a
rave and saw blood dripping off my hands.
He'd been circumsised 2 weeks previous and it popped.

Didn't put him off his stride one little bit.

Oh whaat?! That must've been agony?!  Yeah, I've heard that before, banjo string lol, some guys have a really prominent, hard one
though, and it feels horrible..  :P
I don't have to be perfect, but I'm perfect at being me!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #226 on: 01 December 2015, 04:49:59 pm »
Absolutely disgusting client. He kissed me with this weird erect-tongue-shoved-through-puckered-lips technique. His breath made me gag and his tongue was weirdly dry and textured. He took off his shirt and I was met with stale armpit smell and the sight of his like 2cm long nipples. I mean, seriously. If his office has air conditioning, those things would me a major source of distraction for his colleagues. I tried to get away from his mouth by blowing him (clean smelling cock. Probably washed it in the sink) but nearly threw up because I could smell his nasty breath whenhe was moaning. Literally gagged when I looked up and got a face full of breath and caught sight of him playing with his horrifying nipples. I nearly didn't make it through the booking. Never wanted to nope the fuck out so badly. I was waiting for the last circle line train to my next booking scrubbing at my mouth with baby wipes even though I brushed my teeth afterwards trying not to cry. This was the first time I've ever felt truly disgusted with myself and job, even though I've had smelly clients before.

I nearly cried reading this. I never kiss clients with bad breath. when they move in to kiss me I move my head away, if they ask why I'm doing that I tell them that they have bad breath and then they ask for mouth wash. I don't care if I offend them and by offending them they won't want to see me again. It doesn't matter because I have already decided when I got a wiff of that breath that I would not accept a booking from them ever again. Trouble is, the mouth wash doesn't really help, hence why I don't offer it to clients with horrific breath I just don't kiss them and breathe through my mouth during the entire booking then scrub myself down with dettol (diluted) brush my teeth, use mouth wash, suck on a strong mint, splash hot water on my lips and save their number as shit breath. What they need to do is scrub their tongue with a tooth brush and brush their teeth twice a day, floss and use strong mouth wash then pop some gum or mints. Mouth wash on it's own will not help them but most just have no idea how to be clean. And no, drinking or eating something will not kill the germs in your mouth that is causing your breath to stink like that nor would it disguise the odor. These are all big men, for fuck sake, fix up man. Imagine a fucking prostitute have to send you to wash your ass in the bathroom.  A fucking embarrassment.  We have to start treating them like a baby. When they come for a booking shower them in the bath tub then lay them on the bed and clean them some more with baby wipes then apply deodorant. If they think they can show up as stink as ever and think I would still do everything because they have paid and I shouldn't care if they stink they are so fucking wrong. I would send there ass back home ::) Its clients like that that make me appreciate the clients that have proper hygiene. Its simple, if your clean you have a better time as I feel more comfortable and relax giving a better service. I cannot work properly in these unsanitary conditions.
« Last Edit: 01 December 2015, 05:28:59 pm by Jessica201 »

Kendra Glasgow

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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #227 on: 01 December 2015, 05:57:04 pm »
Absolutely disgusting client. He kissed me with this weird erect-tongue-shoved-through-puckered-lips technique. His breath made me gag and his tongue was weirdly dry and textured. He took off his shirt and I was met with stale armpit smell and the sight of his like 2cm long nipples. I mean, seriously. If his office has air conditioning, those things would me a major source of distraction for his colleagues. I tried to get away from his mouth by blowing him (clean smelling cock. Probably washed it in the sink) but nearly threw up because I could smell his nasty breath whenhe was moaning. Literally gagged when I looked up and got a face full of breath and caught sight of him playing with his horrifying nipples. I nearly didn't make it through the booking. Never wanted to nope the fuck out so badly. I was waiting for the last circle line train to my next booking scrubbing at my mouth with baby wipes even though I brushed my teeth afterwards trying not to cry. This was the first time I've ever felt truly disgusted with myself and job, even though I've had smelly clients before.

I nearly cried reading this. I never kiss clients with bad breath. when they move in to kiss me I move my head away, if they ask why I'm doing that I tell them that they have bad breath and then they ask for mouth wash. I don't care if I offend them and by offending them they won't want to see me again. It doesn't matter because I have already decided when I got a wiff of that breath that I would not accept a booking from them ever again. Trouble is, the mouth wash doesn't really help, hence why I don't offer it to clients with horrific breath I just don't kiss them and breathe through my mouth during the entire booking then scrub myself down with dettol (diluted) brush my teeth, use mouth wash, suck on a strong mint, splash hot water on my lips and save their number as shit breath. What they need to do is scrub their tongue with a tooth brush and brush their teeth twice a day, floss and use strong mouth wash then pop some gum or mints. Mouth wash on it's own will not help them but most just have no idea how to be clean. And no, drinking or eating something will not kill the germs in your mouth that is causing your breath to stink like that nor would it disguise the odor. These are all big men, for fuck sake, fix up man. Imagine a fucking prostitute have to send you to wash your ass in the bathroom.  A fucking embarrassment.  We have to start treating them like a baby. When they come for a booking shower them in the bath tub then lay them on the bed and clean them some more with baby wipes then apply deodorant. If they think they can show up as stink as ever and think I would still do everything because they have paid and I shouldn't care if they stink they are so fucking wrong. I would send there ass back home ::) Its clients like that that make me appreciate the clients that have proper hygiene. Its simple, if your clean you have a better time as I feel more comfortable and relax giving a better service. I cannot work properly in these unsanitary conditions.

I love kissing, I think having sex with someone and not kissing is so awkward and unnatural but I will not kiss anyone (or passionately kiss) who's foaming at the mouth, has bad breath or has a strong smokers breath since I'm a non smoker. Anyone who says I hardly kiss them is one of the above.

I have mouthwash in my bathroom and mints in my bedroom so if they aren't fresh and refuse to use either of those then it's their own fault.

I don't understand those who spend so much of their hard earned on an escort that they don't bother with basic hygiene as they only deprive themselves of certain services and a level of intimacy that would otherwise be available.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #228 on: 07 December 2015, 06:46:29 am »
Can't beat that either. Had a few gross happenings. The last one a few days ago finger up his bum could feel his hard shit up there  :-X thank fuck for condom on finger but when I took it out I could smell the shit  :-X got away from arse and binned condom quick sharp.  >:(

Kendra Glasgow

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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #229 on: 07 December 2015, 08:57:56 am »
Can't beat that either. Had a few gross happenings. The last one a few days ago finger up his bum could feel his hard shit up there  :-X thank fuck for condom on finger but when I took it out I could smell the shit  :-X got away from arse and binned condom quick sharp.  >:(

Revolting but when you start messing about with people's pooping area, you have to expect some poop. I couldn't stomach it, I can't associate sex (where your suppose to be enjoying yourself) with anything that's gross like poop so I avoid those areas entirely x


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #230 on: 07 December 2015, 11:03:38 am »
Not the most revolting in my back catalogue...but a while back did a booking, no probs. He showered then rather oddly tried to put the towel straight in the washing machine.

I found out why after...a massive skid mark on the towel. Which begs the question what was he doing in the shower since he sure as hell wasn't washing himself?!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #231 on: 07 December 2015, 01:06:10 pm »
Can't beat that either. Had a few gross happenings. The last one a few days ago finger up his bum could feel his hard shit up there  :-X thank fuck for condom on finger but when I took it out I could smell the shit  :-X got away from arse and binned condom quick sharp.  >:(

Revolting but when you start messing about with people's pooping area, you have to expect some poop. I couldn't stomach it, I can't associate sex (where your suppose to be enjoying yourself) with anything that's gross like poop so I avoid those areas entirely x

Totally agreed guess I just wasnt expecting it its never happened in 9 years though, and iv done fingers up bum loads  :-X


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #232 on: 07 December 2015, 02:05:36 pm »
Can't beat that either. Had a few gross happenings. The last one a few days ago finger up his bum could feel his hard shit up there  :-X thank fuck for condom on finger but when I took it out I could smell the shit  :-X got away from arse and binned condom quick sharp.  >:(

Revolting but when you start messing about with people's pooping area, you have to expect some poop. I couldn't stomach it, I can't associate sex (where your suppose to be enjoying yourself) with anything that's gross like poop so I avoid those areas entirely x

Totally agreed guess I just wasnt expecting it its never happened in 9 years though, and iv done fingers up bum loads  :-X

I've done it loads too, I always wear latex or vinyl gloves and a condom on finger/toy too, never had shit come through them yet ;-) Afterwards I use a hospital strength hand cleanser,  then when the clients gone I do what surgeons do,  get a scrubbing brush, loads of soap and give my hands, nails and arms a proper good scrub up :-)


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #233 on: 07 December 2015, 03:23:17 pm »
Can't beat that either. Had a few gross happenings. The last one a few days ago finger up his bum could feel his hard shit up there  :-X thank fuck for condom on finger but when I took it out I could smell the shit  :-X got away from arse and binned condom quick sharp.  >:(

Revolting but when you start messing about with people's pooping area, you have to expect some poop. I couldn't stomach it, I can't associate sex (where your suppose to be enjoying yourself) with anything that's gross like poop so I avoid those areas entirely x

Totally agreed guess I just wasnt expecting it its never happened in 9 years though, and iv done fingers up bum loads  :-X

I've done it loads too, I always wear latex or vinyl gloves and a condom on finger/toy too, never had shit come through them yet ;-) Afterwards I use a hospital strength hand cleanser,  then when the clients gone I do what surgeons do,  get a scrubbing brush, loads of soap and give my hands, nails and arms a proper good scrub up :-)

A condom, always a condom and then yes a very thorough scrub too!!!!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #234 on: 07 December 2015, 11:54:53 pm »
Don't read if you're eating - got to be feeling a travelling of shit under my finger nail as I was giving prostate massage; happened so quick and made me run to loo (to sort myself apparently - no it was to vom and thoroughly soak my hands)  Going to bring up my cheese on toast at the thought  :-\


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #235 on: 15 December 2015, 02:42:25 pm »
Not the most revolting in my back catalogue...but a while back did a booking, no probs. He showered then rather oddly tried to put the towel straight in the washing machine.

I found out why after...a massive skid mark on the towel. Which begs the question what was he doing in the shower since he sure as hell wasn't washing himself?!

Oh Jesus - haaaaaa - that towel would have been bagged and binned - eugh!!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #236 on: 14 March 2016, 02:20:27 am »
This thread will give me nightmares!

I had a long term arrangement with a guy for overnight or weekend bookings, we got quite close and with him being hundreds of miles away we always had a little build up to our meets via Skype or night we were having phone sex and afterwards he sent me a video or him cumming into a glass and swallowing the lot. I think the bit that grossed me out was that he then sent me a still of him holding it all in his mouth and a text asking if I was jealous. The sight of certain things makes me gag so easily, that seen my dinner come up.

Or the guy who licked his lumpy cum off me and tried to French kiss me, it was either vomit or spit and given position we were in, I didn't have much choice so I ended up spitting it all over his face and chest...thankfully he seen the funny side but it still makes me feel ill thinking about it.  :-X


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #237 on: 14 March 2016, 08:08:05 pm »
he sent me a video or him cumming into a glass and swallowing the lot. I think the bit that grossed me out was that he then sent me a still of him holding it all in his mouth and a text asking if I was jealous.

Asked if you were jealous!? Now that's deluded!  ??? I have a client who arrives in a chastity device, I whip him and call him names, near the end of the booking I make him wank himself off into a glass and he slowly drinks it (all his ideas not mine lol)

The most grossest thing I can think of though, is a client asked me if I wanted to 'douche' him before a strap on session errr No thanks!!!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #238 on: 08 November 2016, 09:15:07 pm »
I've never finished with a client, shut the door with a smile, then go and almost be sick (and I use a strap-on and have dealt with smelly accidents).

Had a client today who I saw a couple of months ago. I remember him being really slimy, with lack of a better word, but today was just a little too much. I can deal with spit and saliva, but I've never dealt with someone spitting inside me so much that I could then hear him drinking it back out of my vagina. Seriously, saliva everywhere. Wanted it all over his face, and he kept sucking the saliva out my mouth and from my tongue... I think what made it worse was how bad his breath was. I see guys who like spit and saliva, but this was seriously something else...


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #239 on: 08 November 2016, 09:38:48 pm »
I've never finished with a client, shut the door with a smile, then go and almost be sick (and I use a strap-on and have dealt with smelly accidents).

Had a client today who I saw a couple of months ago. I remember him being really slimy, with lack of a better word, but today was just a little too much. I can deal with spit and saliva, but I've never dealt with someone spitting inside me so much that I could then hear him drinking it back out of my vagina. Seriously, saliva everywhere. Wanted it all over his face, and he kept sucking the saliva out my mouth and from my tongue... I think what made it worse was how bad his breath was. I see guys who like spit and saliva, but this was seriously something else...

Oh no that's put me off my cup of tea I need a gin and tonic now!! Sounds like he's got a serious saliva fetish....I've just had a horrible thought that someone's possibly be in a relationship with that slimefreak..what a nightmare! Urgggh :-(