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Author Topic: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.  (Read 142941 times)


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #360 on: 30 April 2019, 05:37:44 pm »
I had a client on Friday and after I'd gone down on him I felt a funny texture on the end of his cock and I had a metallicy taste in my mouth.

I couldn't see so well as my bedroom was quite dim plus he was one of those that couldn't get hard making his bellend hard to see.

Well, oh my fucking christ! When I looked at it, there were smooth red patches, raised on the surface and some weird lumps along the edge. I showed it to him and he was non plussed! I left the room and boaked in the sink (if I'd eaten anything it would have come up in chunks) used mouthwash, went back and asked him to let me take a picture of it so I could check what it was. He agreed.

Obviously,  I sent him on his way and then i felt sick all weekend. I went to the GUM yesterday and they confirmed it was Zoon's Balinitis,  a non sexually transmitted eczema type thing. I did think it was some kind of skin condition but he should never have even got his cock out or at least told me it was red.

They just don't care these men.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #361 on: 30 April 2019, 07:58:17 pm »
We finished in doggy and it was like he was raining on my back.

I know it's gross but that actually made me laugh out loud  ;D


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #362 on: 01 May 2019, 02:25:25 am »
Erm  so I usually only see guys over 30 but decided to make an exception for this really young guy. He comes and takes about 15 minutes to get up the stairs ??  First red flag he was definitely testing my patience or something. He just had really bad vibes. Took his clothes off etc and asks for a massage I’m like sure why not and the one time I decide to offer a massage this happens to me. He had the WORST acne or zits or whatever it was it was so gross. His WHOLE :'( back was RED and the spots had whitish yellowish puss in them and they were ready to pop any second omg I wanted to vomit but I formed it and just massaged his side. He has the audacity to ask me “how is my back” .... excuse me sir  ????? And then he turned so we can get down to business and I was internally screaming because my poor new sheets and pillows and fluffy work blanket 😭 anyways I didn’t even have the strength to wash them.  They went straight into the bin. I washed my hands and took a bath and whasjed my hands again to make sure. I’m even cringing thinking about it now.
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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #363 on: 01 May 2019, 07:35:48 am »
Sounds gross baby you would think the guy would have warned you first.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #364 on: 01 May 2019, 08:22:42 am »
I don't blame you for throwing them out .
 Did you have a strong drink after helps  :-X


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #365 on: 01 May 2019, 09:05:18 am »
I had a quadruple vodka after mine - for starters!  :-X


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #366 on: 01 May 2019, 09:15:48 am »
I had a quadruple vodka after mine - for starters!  :-X
Alcohol is necessary  after your booking too !


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #367 on: 01 May 2019, 10:37:28 am »
If things are so bad and you need to bin bedding/pillow covers etc (and I have done this) it also makes the booking less profitable. Having to replace linen can be cheap though if as I do and buy very low cost stuff which can be hot washed and dried quickly.

One of my own pet hates is finding white or grey long hairs (from the old guys) stuck to my fluffy fleece throws. I know some people believe if we do this work then anything goes and nothing should make us go yuk but that is not the case!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #368 on: 01 May 2019, 11:30:45 am »
I don't use expensive bed linen just in case.
Cheap and cheerful.
But if it was hotel laundry that got soild I'd have to get the replacement quickly.
Best to have extra in the room


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #369 on: 01 May 2019, 08:30:33 pm »
I’m alright now but I couldn’t keep any food or drink down for a few hours after that. I kept thinking about the puss filled spots and wheeeww. I wasn’t even thinking about how throwing  my sheets etc would cost me I was just ready to be done with it at that moment. You’ve given me something to think about now haha. Thanks Ladies x
we’re all in this together <3

Snow Whitest

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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #370 on: 21 May 2020, 11:19:20 pm »
Seriously, I think I've been super lucky skid mark and smeg wise. Only one skidder, some sales man type wanking on about something whilst rubbing his crack on my throw.. FFS
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by arseholes.” Sigmund Freud”

Pink unicorn

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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #371 on: 24 May 2020, 12:40:27 pm »
When i first started I shared a flat with a friend who didn’t know about my new career, she came home unexpectedly from work as she forgot something when I had a client in my bedroom

I could have died when I heard the door open and her call up to me, luckily she was only back to a couple of mins and had no idea that I has someone with me


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #372 on: 28 May 2020, 09:25:10 pm »
Whilst I was on tour in Cheltenham I saw a guy from Wigan. Nice enough guy, smelt nice and his cock seemed fine as I got to work on it then as he became more erect I notice white bits flaking away, looked down and as his foreskin was pulled back more - SMEGMA all around his bellend  :-X I could have thrown up.. I asked him politely to wash it which he did but even after washing it - there were still white clumps, I just put on a condom for rest of the booking which I hurried along quickly.... gross!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #373 on: 27 August 2020, 10:31:42 pm »
Hey guys

Im new to this forum.. this forum is amazing I’m so thankful of it.. 💕

The worst client I ever had in my life was a 30 min booking.. he asked if I did Strap-on service at the time I did the service and told him Yeah sure no problem.. halfway through the booking he bends over all prepared and ready for action.. I insert the huge strap-on up his butt.. 30 sec into it I noticed a foul smell when I looked down I noticed there was a tiny bit of poo on the strap-on... I told him I seen poo on the the toy.. he said it’s ok carry on.. at the time I was new and unexperienced so silly me carried on for 3 minutes .. it was the worst 3 mins of my life.. in the end I could see the poo getting thicker and thicker on the toy..The smell was repulsive and
I thought I can’t do this.. I pulled the huge toy out his arse and there was thick lumps of
Shit all over this toy and now all over me.. I ran to the bathroom and put the toy instantly in the bin.. worst thing was the man wasn’t phased Or embarrassed by it.. he was Actually wanking  on the bed as i was cleaning myself up in the bathroom..  he then says to me finish me off.. I should have ended  the booking but I guess I was new to being An independent escort So I was nervous and didn’t want any dramas happening in the hotel.. I was scared he would kick off in the hotel room.. I talked him
Into Getting a shower To clean himself up ..  After he was clean..  I finished Him off by a hand job... I felt so ill after.. as he was getting his things ready to leave.. he cockily said to me aww cheer up love it’s the perks of the job this for you having to deal with shit isn’t it... 1 week later he had the nerve to text me and ask me if I could do another booking with him.. I sent him a text saying for hygiene reasons I will not be giving him  any future bookings at all.. then blocked him.. ever since that day I no longer do any service to with men arseholes..


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #374 on: 28 August 2020, 12:58:08 am »
I had a client who was so old and had such a disgusting repulsive skeletal looking body with fat sagging all over. I couldn’t even keep my mouth open during the blowjob because I was so close to gagging.

How it gets worse is I closed my eyes waiting for him to cum on my face and mouth like he requested. Only to open them second later to see splashes of red hitting me. He had literally just came a load of blood all over me. I feel physically and mentally sick I rushed him out the door and as soon as he was gone I vomited everything I had in me into the toilet. I took a break for a week after that. Absolutely vile what some men won’t even inform you about. It makes me wonder if they get a kick out of knowing they did something disgusting to us.