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Author Topic: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.  (Read 142926 times)


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #345 on: 03 March 2019, 11:54:21 am »
Last summer was 34°c, the parlour was really warm, had a huge guy on top of me, he was drenched and a big drop of armpit sweat dripped right into my mouth, I actually cried a little afterwards  :o

I can sympathise with is and have had the drippy sweat men too. One recently and his sweat dripped on my face. He will not be welcome back although he didn't actually do anything wrong intentionally. He knew he would sweat though as I can't be the only one he has dripped onto! This was no sweltering hot day either, just average temperature outside and in my room.

Reaching for a tissue to blot them is something I have done in the past but it puts me off ever seeing them again. What annoys me most is they don't seem bothered about it.
« Last Edit: 03 March 2019, 11:56:47 am by Justine »


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #346 on: 28 March 2019, 07:44:54 am »
I can sympathise with is and have had the drippy sweat men too.

Reaching for a tissue to blot them is something I have done in the past but it puts me off ever seeing them again. What annoys me most is they don't seem bothered about it.

I am still trying to black out my first drippy sweat guy encounter.  It was so hideous and I have refused to see him again. It's annoying because he had a great body and was clean on arrival but the sweat was just YUK!!
I'm starting to think the reason why he has seen so many women is because none of them want to see him after the first session. My bed sheet was soaked through, it was dripping on my face and then tried to kiss me and tasted salty gaggggggg! It was just so grim. 
I was kind of annoyed by the end of it that he hadn't mentioned it before or suggested a towel going down on the bed, and just wanted him to get the hell out.  I know his sounds a little OTT but I had to throw my bed linen out after as dispite washing it I just felt traumatised looking at it after.  Almost like post traumatic bed sheet disorder  :P


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #347 on: 28 March 2019, 10:45:05 am »

I am still trying to black out my first drippy sweat guy encounter.  It was so hideous and I have refused to see him again. It's annoying because he had a great body and was clean on arrival but the sweat was just YUK!!
I'm starting to think the reason why he has seen so many women is because none of them want to see him after the first session. My bed sheet was soaked through, it was dripping on my face and then tried to kiss me and tasted salty gaggggggg! It was just so grim. 
I was kind of annoyed by the end of it that he hadn't mentioned it before or suggested a towel going down on the bed, and just wanted him to get the hell out.  I know his sounds a little OTT but I had to throw my bed linen out after as dispite washing it I just felt traumatised looking at it after.  Almost like post traumatic bed sheet disorder  :P

One of my first bookings was like that - everything was drenched, even though he had two showers during. It prompted me to switch from feather/down to artificial duvets so I can chuck them in the machine!
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #348 on: 28 March 2019, 01:41:08 pm »
Long time ago, I met a guy who had the worst breath ever, absolutely rotten... Makes me gag to this day, just thinking about it.

I was mortified, but being still very new and totally embarrassed by the whole situation, I didn't mention it. Luckily, he only stayed for 30min, but every single time he opened his mouth to say something to me, I had to turn my head away. Obviously no kissing, or reverse oral. He did try to suck on my breasts, and I had to scrub them in the shower right after he left, they stank! In fact, the whole room was filled with the revolting odour to the point that when my friend walked in a few minutes later, she said "oh my god, what is that smell!!" Can't believe I managed to stop myself from throwing up  :-X
I had this yesterday and told him to use mouthwash, politely of course. His teeth were black and he had white gunky stuff in the corner of his mouth. As he went down on me, I had visions of his death breath giving me an infection and the smell the lingered in the room just backed up my already racing mind. So I told him to go and gave him back some money. He was mortified and told me to look at his aw fb cause no one had told him this before.

Maybe im ultra sensitive because today I told a two hour booking to go after 30mins because not only did he claim he was more professional than me because he has better pics of himself on his aw profile, but his job occupation is a pornstar, model, actor, personal trainer and martial arts expert (ok mr overweight badly dressed 50 something year old with horrificly greasy hair) but he STANK of BO laced with weed and his bellybutton was full of fluff and reeked when I went near. Sent him to the shower and he came back smelling worse somehow and left a shit stain on my bed. This guy had positive fb too, wtf is going on. Really really bad luck.

No amount of money will make me put up with things that'll give me nightmares.

Off now to sit in the sun, reflect on my life decisions and contemplate a glass of wine way too early in the day. Yuk!!
« Last Edit: 28 March 2019, 01:43:34 pm by DailyGrind »
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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #349 on: 28 March 2019, 02:03:03 pm »
I just dry heaved reading that!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #350 on: 28 March 2019, 02:47:28 pm »
When they leave stains on the bed it’s the MOST disgusting thing. Every time it happens I just want to pack up and leave right there and then.
100% GLAD i don’t work from home, i couldn’t bare to ever touch//LOOK AT/use/sleep in/work in sheets when there has been stains. Makes me feel sick 🤢. Grown men not knowing how to wash their arse is the most ridiculous thing. How do they function day to day. Ughhhh


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #351 on: 28 March 2019, 10:21:37 pm »
  I seriously can't stop laughing with this thread...  ;D ;D ;D

  After all these stories, mine is just a bit more of the same. Here's my top 3:

  1- Guy who shows up as if he is Clive Owen (over messages he says "I hope you do like a tall handsome man with blue eyes and also clean"... Just the cue that, without a shadow of doubt, he is everything but handsome and not that clean, as per my own experience.

  I offer him the classic pre-coitus shower, he says he already had one a little before coming over but still agrees to have another "for my own peace of mind". Hops in bed all fresh, removes the towel that I placed before, carefully there especially for 1st timers, asks for 69 and, when I go for it, I simply cannot keep my head around... The whiff of turd from his ass is unbearable.

  Needless to say he leaves a skid mark once he leaves my bed (thankfully it was at a hotel) and I could not bear the thought of meeting him again (he still tries to book since then and I just dodge all his attempts);

  2- Client cums and when I see the condom (I am paranoid over leaks and always checks once they pull out) his semen is all bright reddish pink. I was like "WTF?" and try to politely ask if he got hurt or something during the pumps. Guy apparently had no clue about it saying it never happened before (or he just kept hiding some procedure or condition... I still think that was the case). Thankfully he never called again;

  3- This one is a tough one because he is one of my best regulars, always books long hours, always brings me nice gifts, great conversation, quite a charmer, super duper clean, but... Drools like an old Bulldog! He drools when he kisses me, massively drools when he is doing oral (to the point I feel his saliva running down my ass and it is an awful feeling), drools all over my arms, legs (he likes to cover me in kisses  :-X)... It is such a shame but I had to cancel his next day booking because this time I simply could not bear it. I honestly try to just think of the money, the gifts, that he is a super sweet and educated guy but certain things can go above that all, I am afraid (not to mention that excess of saliva is one of my biggest bed pet peeves).


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #352 on: 29 March 2019, 03:51:28 pm »

  2- Client cums and when I see the condom (I am paranoid over leaks and always checks once they pull out) his semen is all bright reddish pink. I was like "WTF?" and try to politely ask if he got hurt or something during the pumps. Guy apparently had no clue about it saying it never happened before (or he just kept hiding some procedure or condition... I still think that was the case). Thankfully he never called again;

Reminds me of the guy who wanted CIM and it was honestly the worst cum (or any substance) I've ever tasted. Spat it out in the bathroom and it was bright green/yellow-ish. I was still a baby ho so didn't say anything and he acted like it was all fine. I know he wrote me a review on a review board later saying he was disappointed I didn't swallow  :-X :-X :-X


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #353 on: 02 April 2019, 09:20:56 am »
Can I just scream for a second.

ArghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHhhhhhhhhHHHH  :FF

Shitty arses!!
I don't mean like visable shitty arses I mean when you get that bitter taste! It is so disgusting!
If you ask them if the last thing they did down there was clean and they say YES; when you know it's bullshit. Why do they even bother lying it's not like I'm going to carry on and take their word for it.
 Some men are like man babies and need their arse cleaning for them! This is so disrespectful, do they think they are immune and their shit doesn't stink? I've noticed this is civvy life too. The strangest thing is it's usually always the guys who want anal play. The ones that don't I find are fresh as a daisy.

I would be mortified if anyone asked me that question!
Then again I am one of these people who clean up before the cleaner comes round


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #354 on: 02 April 2019, 03:00:22 pm »
Can I just scream for a second.

ArghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHhhhhhhhhHHHH  :FF

Shitty arses!!
I don't mean like visable shitty arses I mean when you get that bitter taste! It is so disgusting!
If you ask them if the last thing they did down there was clean and they say YES; when you know it's bullshit. Why do they even bother lying it's not like I'm going to carry on and take their word for it.
 Some men are like man babies and need their arse cleaning for them! This is so disrespectful, do they think they are immune and their shit doesn't stink? I've noticed this is civvy life too. The strangest thing is it's usually always the guys who want anal play. The ones that don't I find are fresh as a daisy.

I would be mortified if anyone asked me that question!
Then again I am one of these people who clean up before the cleaner comes round

This is why I insist on a SHARED shower for any client who wants rimming, anal play or strap on. Yeah I'm gonna clean your arse mate. Because so many men don't seem to understand how to, or deliberately doesn't because they're passive aggressive.
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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #355 on: 02 April 2019, 11:08:52 pm »
Worst thing still makes me heave remembering it.

Overnight with a guy I'd seen a few times before. He was always clean and had no issues. Had a great time. The next morning through when we woke up and began to play again I went down on him and his cock was completely full of lumpy cum and smeg. I had to ask him to go shower and kept thinking I would throw up. Literally couldn't eat for days as every time I thought about it I wanted to throw up.  >:(

Ellie B

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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #356 on: 02 April 2019, 11:51:17 pm »
Worst thing still makes me heave remembering it.

Overnight with a guy I'd seen a few times before. He was always clean and had no issues. Had a great time. The next morning through when we woke up and began to play again I went down on him and his cock was completely full of lumpy cum and smeg. I had to ask him to go shower and kept thinking I would throw up. Literally couldn't eat for days as every time I thought about it I wanted to throw up.  >:(
That is disgusting. I don't think I will be able to eat for days after reading that!

Guys dripping sweat on your face is vile - has happened to me several times now :FF


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #357 on: 08 April 2019, 09:29:53 am »
When in the beginning of this work, about 10 years ago, I was inexperienced, I was in Germany, I did not speak the language, I felt fragile and defenseless , I was a rude customer, OWO demanded,
 the worst thing that happened to me was that when he came, I pressed hard on his head and made me swallow his sperm, after his cock came out of my mouth, vomit right there!
It was very traumatizing for me that ugly experience ....
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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #358 on: 08 April 2019, 05:19:12 pm »
That is disgusting. I don't think I will be able to eat for days after reading that!

Guys dripping sweat on your face is vile - has happened to me several times now :FF

Couple of years ago I was touring the north west and a guy came for a booking. Young, probably late 20s/early 30s, looked very fit and healthy. I think I remember he told me he was a keen cyclist.

Well OK it was August, but I had my tower fan on and the room temperature was not too hot (and I really feel the heat so always keep the air con on minimum plus the fan.)

He sweated like... I don't know what. He was dripping sweat from everywhere onto me. We finished in doggy and it was like he was raining on my back. He then said "Don't you want a shower?" I was like "You go in on your own mate, I'll have one after." Jesus. Like I wanted that sweaty fucker soaping my armpits.

After he'd gone I had to take my duvet cover off the bed and arrange it on a chair to try to dry it off.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #359 on: 22 April 2019, 04:24:55 pm »
When in the beginning of this work, about 10 years ago, I was inexperienced, I was in Germany, I did not speak the language, I felt fragile and defenseless , I was a rude customer, OWO demanded,
 the worst thing that happened to me was that when he came, I pressed hard on his head and made me swallow his sperm, after his cock came out of my mouth, vomit right there!
It was very traumatizing for me that ugly experience ....
:'( how vile for you  :-[ :-X