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Author Topic: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.  (Read 142951 times)


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #150 on: 04 January 2014, 02:53:21 pm »
i think the worst thing that has happened to me so far was when using a strap on.  the client was very excited and had finished.  he asked me to take out the strap on very slowly with a funny smile on his face.  When i pulled it out he had projectile diahreah spraying all over me.  he laughed and thought this was funny.

I was working in a massage parlour at the time and hit my emergency button to the receptionist and told her what happened.  she sent a runner (cleaner) straight to me with cleaning products and clean bedding.  Apparantly this client had done this with alot of girls so he was made to clean it all up.  They should have told me though as i would have refused this client.

There isn't a lot that shocks me any more.  Offering things as strap on and when I pro dommed I used to offer needle play, so a little poo on the end of the dildo or blood from piercing skin were just part of the course, but what you went through Samantha is pretty disgusting and if he'd done something like that to me, I'd have probably rubbed his face in it.  The thought of it.  EWWWWW!

HA, rubbed his nose in it like a dog. I think I'd have done that too I'd be so angry. What the he'll is wrong with these people.  /o\
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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #151 on: 04 January 2014, 05:14:51 pm »
To be honest PP I think if you offered prostate massage as a service and got a little poop on your hands then it would be very unprofessional to freak out about it. It is, afterall, the bum hole. However as you do mainly vanilla services I can see why you would freak out lol :P

Haha this is very true  :D

Still though, I just think sex is suppose to be nice not horrible with the sight of poop, piss, blood, worms, sick and whatever else  :o

In my personal life I am not vanilla if I have a bf and I would be grossed out at his poop on my hands or anywhere near me lol.



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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #152 on: 04 January 2014, 07:13:54 pm »
I use gloves in both mine or their - asses whether IRL or on cam; it is such a delicate area prone to minute tears & I also use gloves for fisting myself always.

Pre bum prep = getting some baby wipes out ready (to avoid touch anything more than I need to with my post bum fingers) & putting a dark towel down which is folded up & put directly into the washing machine.

Sorted!  ;D


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #153 on: 04 January 2014, 07:45:08 pm »
I use gloves in both mine or their - asses whether IRL or on cam; it is such a delicate area prone to minute tears & I also use gloves for fisting myself always.

Pre bum prep = getting some baby wipes out ready (to avoid touch anything more than I need to with my post bum fingers) & putting a dark towel down which is folded up & put directly into the washing machine.

Sorted!  ;D

Fisting yourself  ::) Any more than 2 fingers and I am like.....ouch! x


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #154 on: 11 January 2014, 09:36:38 am »
Well the grossest think so far happened me yesterday.

I was giving a client head and he thrust hi cock really hard into the back of my thraot and made me puke up in my mouth then he immediately kissed me. It all happened so fast I couldn't react. I just kept thinking,,, what a strange fetish.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #155 on: 11 January 2014, 05:36:22 pm »
Well the grossest think so far happened me yesterday.

I was giving a client head and he thrust hi cock really hard into the back of my thraot and made me puke up in my mouth then he immediately kissed me. It all happened so fast I couldn't react. I just kept thinking,,, what a strange fetish.

Wait so he thought "Aw yes! She's just puked, gonna kiss her!"??   :o
I like my men clean, gentlemanly and with envelopes...


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #156 on: 11 January 2014, 05:48:16 pm »
yes it really was like a bingo moment for him... to top it off I had a beef pot noodle so it tasted like that! *shudders* he was one dirty, dirty boy.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #157 on: 11 January 2014, 07:03:13 pm »
Hahahahahaha, I can just imagine your face after he kissed you being like that wee cat in your avatar  ;D x


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #158 on: 16 January 2014, 04:45:44 pm »
Mine is similar to yours.

The client suddenly grasped my finger and shoved it up his
bum. I was caught by suprise as there was no discussion.
It came out coated in hot warm...stuuuurrrrrf.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #159 on: 16 January 2014, 05:12:43 pm »
Mine is similar to yours.

The client suddenly grasped my finger and shoved it up his
bum. I was caught by suprise as there was no discussion.
It came out coated in hot warm...stuuuurrrrrf.

-throws up a little-


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #160 on: 10 February 2014, 04:37:41 am »
Right in the middle of sex, the client passes wind and all of a sudden there is diarrhoea everywhere...on him, on the bed, on me..eewwwww.

And he didn't even apologise, just grinned!!



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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #161 on: 10 February 2014, 05:30:54 am »


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #162 on: 10 February 2014, 07:11:23 am »
I did a dom session the other day and he wanted sex too, a nice man but oh hell he had weight issues and an oozing cock, i it actually made me heave, he  had showered when he first arrived but I think cos of his weight issues there were areas he wasn't managing to clean correctly, yet he had tons of positive feedback, boke...........Poor man wanted a bj errr not a chance in hell was I getting close enough to put it in my mouth, my eyes were actually watering cos of it.......Bath after and almost scrubbed myself raw, not a nice booking at all..........
The bigger, the better...In everything..Freddie Mercury

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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #163 on: 10 February 2014, 10:50:19 am »
I think the grossest thing that's ever happened to me was during an overnight outcall with an ex regular. He must have forgot to turn the heating off as I was up roasting and sweating like a pig, he was fast asleep snoring his head off. I couldn't take it anymore and couldn't figure how to turn the heating off without making too much noise so I opened the windows to let some air in. As I was trying to get into bed he started passing wind really loudly. Doesn't sound too extreme but it was the *worst* thing I've ever smelled, it was like a dog had pooed right next to me or something. He kept doing it so in the end I had to go downstairs and read for a bit until the bedroom aired out!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #164 on: 10 February 2014, 11:43:53 am »
this is why I charge a lot for over nights!