Been escorting for a while now, sex I hated, felt it was something done to me for years, through uni and then in employ guys seemed to think they were superior, Was away on work, went to the bar in the hotel, and I got chatted up. Now it was back around the time of bell de jour and I just thought fuck it. looked him square and im not all chatting so don't waste my time. £300 an hour and ill go to your room and do more than chat.....
never done it before, but it was the easiest £300 I made. and that was it, part time 4 or 5 meets per month, and then ramped up. I don't do debt, invested and bought a flat and a car. its given me freedom and reduced worry about money. And ive matured sexually. I know what I like in private life and don't put up with shit.