No one has to answer her though do they, she feels comfy sharing the information but that doesn't mean people need to start judging her as crass. This is a board for talking about escort related things so I fail to see what's wrong with her post.
Besides the only bone I have to pick with this board is if there's ever a post people don't like on here or is a repeat it's like shut down, what happens when people run out of a topics? There really out to be a chatting section or something where it just isn't moderated so people can get to know each other better else I find this forum real hard to break into and actually really hard to post into.
Roxychu, nobody is saying the OP can't post whatever she wants within the rules, but if other people find it vulgar or crass they equally have every right to say so. I personally do find it extremely tacky to crow about how much money you've made, but that doesn't mean I think people shouldn't be allowed to do so if they really want to. The general culture in Canada, where the OP is, may well be different to here but by and large I think most people would agree, in the UK at least.
As for the rest, it's worth remembering that SAAFE is not a social or general discussion forum - our focus is very narrow and we are first and foremost an information resource which exists to provide support and advice to potentially vulnerable people. There are plenty of 'chat' forums out there, and if you really, really want an unmoderated board (presumably where people can participate in non-stop bitchy, hate-filled, prejudiced, bullying and generally unpleasant slanging matches, since, trust me, this is what always happens on unmoderated message boards) then you are more than welcome to start one of your own.
Threads which are shut down are fairly few and far between, and this normally happens because they've either dissolved into a stupid argument, are/have gone off topic or are going round in circles and getting nowhere. Completely off topic threads are removed because they are pointless, and threads which cover a subject already discussed are merged into the original discussion to make it easier for those searching for information. I can't see why anybody would have a problem with any of this, but again, we make no pretence of the fact that this is not a chat room or a general industry board and plenty of our members who want to post on these do exactly that.