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Author Topic: What, if anything will you change?  (Read 18043 times)


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #105 on: 23 July 2020, 11:26:20 am »
I am not trying to insult anyone or myself, but given the current climate and them being more cautious with money and the furlough holiday coming to an end in October followed unavoidably by job losses... should we not adjust to the circumstances and decrease the pricing for the time being?

Then asking for a price decrease might not be them trying to deliberately insult us but it’s the economic reality of the present conditions.

Those ladies who worked during the last 2008 crisis, how was it for you???


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #106 on: 23 July 2020, 11:41:09 am »
I am not trying to insult anyone or myself, but given the current climate and them being more cautious with money and the furlough holiday coming to an end in October followed unavoidably by job losses... should we not adjust to the circumstances and decrease the pricing for the time being?

Then asking for a price decrease might not be them trying to deliberately insult us but it’s the economic reality of the present conditions.

Those ladies who worked during the last 2008 crisis, how was it for you???

I was at max capacity in 2008 so didn't reduce rates, and because of the number of enquiries and bookings I couldn't handle I increased over the next few years.

Right now I have a wait list, partly as a result of limiting the bookings I am taking, got advance bookings into September and time to be booked / on hold in October. I have a [patient] wait list for remaining dates in July and early August so no thoughts of reducing rates.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #107 on: 23 July 2020, 11:46:25 am »
Hi Mirror ;)

Same here, can’t complaint about lack of business, got advance bookings lined up until end of this month and some inquiries for August. My rates will stay the same unless I see a decrease in demand.

I am just concerned about the economic impact which will inevitably hit many of not most industries and what effect will this have on us. But it looks like even amidst the 2008 mess you were fine so maybe I am being overly pessimistic


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #108 on: 23 July 2020, 12:26:36 pm »
Hi Mirror ;)

Same here, can’t complaint about lack of business, got advance bookings lined up until end of this month and some inquiries for August. My rates will stay the same unless I see a decrease in demand.

I am just concerned about the economic impact which will inevitably hit many of not most industries and what effect will this have on us. But it looks like even amidst the 2008 mess you were fine so maybe I am being overly pessimistic

At the time a lot of people panicked, rates dropped in quite a few places which lead to further panic and insecurity. I would say it all depends on each individual, their business. Some may need to do this to suit their business model, some may not.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #109 on: 23 July 2020, 12:32:06 pm »
I'd personally say 2008 was a different time with not so much competition. The market is more flooded now.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #110 on: 23 July 2020, 12:36:34 pm »
I'd personally say 2008 was a different time with not so much competition. The market is more flooded now.

Also prices have been static for a long time.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #111 on: 23 July 2020, 12:50:32 pm »
Merged with more related thread and a reminder that everybody is different and we don't tell others how to charge here :)

Merged again


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #112 on: 23 July 2020, 01:29:37 pm »
Two factors at play:

Foreign WG going “back home” and WGs not working due to Covid
New WG joining the field Due to job loss

Hopefully the first will outweigh the second one so less competition in aggregate.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #113 on: 23 July 2020, 03:21:25 pm »
I'd say pricing strategy now should be the same at any other time - if you're too quiet, put them down; if you're too busy, think about putting them up.

"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #114 on: 26 July 2020, 07:31:59 am »
I will probably do a special price in October as October/Feb/April are flat months.  Hourly rate special offer.  That's all.  Prices to remain the same other than reducing my hourly rate by a tenner .  And not doing quickies any longer.
« Last Edit: 27 July 2020, 10:14:15 am by Lushblossom »


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #115 on: 26 July 2020, 05:31:48 pm »
I'm being a lot stricter with times and not letting them over stay. Also I've increased my price of 15 mins slightly.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #116 on: 28 July 2020, 09:36:52 pm »
I was at max capacity in 2008 so didn't reduce rates, and because of the number of enquiries and bookings I couldn't handle I increased over the next few years.

Right now I have a wait list, partly as a result of limiting the bookings I am taking, got advance bookings into September and time to be booked / on hold in October. I have a [patient] wait list for remaining dates in July and early August so no thoughts of reducing rates.

Right there with you on this I am seeing two a day and taking deposits and have raised my rates and have many asking to be put on my waiting list. I haven’t seen any decline in work because I have been the one to decide to reduce to two jobs a day.

And there are other variables here for example now we are coming out of Europe the women coming into the U.K. to work in escorting will be much less. Even this week with Jet two cancelling flights to Spain and holiday destinations etc.

Things are changing on a daily basis and until I have months without someone paying my price I would never think to lower it.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #117 on: 29 July 2020, 07:51:08 am »
My price is already know due to competition and lots of Romanians in the area. I wouldn't go any lower.

fallen angel

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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #118 on: 05 August 2020, 12:02:01 am »
I've taken kissing off the menu which most guys seem ok with and to my mind why wouldn't they when we are still providing a service that is putting ourselves at risk. I think maybe they need to lower their expectations a little at a time when none of us can have things exactly as we'd like them.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #119 on: 10 August 2020, 04:45:23 pm »
Each to their own and all that but I see no reason to increase or decrease our rates.

I have noticed some in locations where I tour have increased their rates only to put them down again 2 weeks later which sends all the wrong signals and will just increase the number of bargain basement punters.