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Author Topic: What, if anything will you change?  (Read 17992 times)


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #45 on: 10 May 2020, 01:25:55 am »
A change I’m considering is going to be booking apartments instead of hotels. Just until there is a vaccine. Because I think hotels may want to know where everyone is going if the hotel bars are closed. I always felt safer in a hotel but I think I will get an apartment. Another change I considered is taking my half hour price off because I really want to do the minimal amount of work so I don’t catch anything.

I think I might do this too.
Not sure why but the idea of working in a hotel after this makes me anxious!

Apart from that I think everything will stay the same, I ask all clients to shower before bookings already and have all the body wash/hand wash etc out and displayed.

When we are back personally I’m thinking of sticking to strictly regulars for a while to ease myself in as the idea of meeting someone new just makes me nervous all over again like it’s my first day. ;D

Pink unicorn

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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #46 on: 12 May 2020, 06:12:55 pm »
I’m planning to come back when government opens up the hospitality sector

Think money is going to be tight post lock down

My rates pre covid were £150ph
I will be reducing them to £120, I think £100ph would attract the wrong clientele for me

I’ve taken a regular job to get me through lock down and out of the house which has been a godsend

Won’t be changing any of my services as I personally think if your close enough to someone during sex then removing kissing, owo ect won’t make any difference 

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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #47 on: 14 May 2020, 07:23:14 am »
For me, taking kissing off my list isn’t really an option (well it is obviously but not business wise) the vast majority of my regulars are GFE bookings and kissing is something I automatically do.

Decided I’m keeping to my prices for now, additional hygiene isn’t going to cost me that much and as a few have mentioned it does feel a bit like kicking them when they are down although I definately won’t be lowering.. if someone isn’t working at the moment I doubt they can miraculously find my fee just cause Iv knocked a tenner off it.

Iv added carex, more hand gel, dettol and antibac wipes to my bag and I will open the window between clients (not sure why but it just seems like a good idea ha) I think I will also wash hair and body in cared before I come home.

Sticking to hotels, hate apartments but I’m concerned that receptionists that turned a blind eye might not during the first few months, not sure how I’m feeling about that yet.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #48 on: 14 May 2020, 01:02:14 pm »
It may sound daft, but keeping a window open is actually a very good idea, as the virus is caught more easily in poorly ventilated places.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #49 on: 14 May 2020, 07:35:32 pm »
It may sound daft, but keeping a window open is actually a very good idea, as the virus is caught more easily in poorly ventilated places.

I thought this too - I'm lucky that my work flat bedroom has big sash windows so it's very easy to get lots of fresh air in, and it's quiet outside even at the best of times. I'm going to line a laundry basket with a bin bag for the clothes as well which is on another thread - I think that's a really good idea :)

I always had hand gel out anyway and I try to prevent them touching doorhandles and suchlike, but if I space the bookings out well I'll have ample time to clean everything thoroughly and they don't wander around my flat anyway. The only other thing I'll be doing is putting away or covering everything they might touch which is difficult to clean and sanitise adequately, so a throw over the chair in the bedroom which can be washed, the bedside lamp on 'their' side moved or put away along with any other loose stuff (box of tissues and so on) and any bits that normally lie about in the bathroom removed, although I put most away already.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #50 on: 15 May 2020, 09:43:55 am »
It may sound daft, but keeping a window open is actually a very good idea, as the virus is caught more easily in poorly ventilated places.

That's definitely a good idea. It's another thing that worries me about hotels, you can't open the windows properly. Ventilating hotel rooms is a struggle at the best of times but now its a real worry.
I work 100% from hotels for various reasons but hotels dont look like they are going to be a viable option for some time. It's a big worry for me as outcalls arent really an option because I dont have a car and really dont like visiting people's homes.
Im going to have to make big changes which makes me quite anxious about returning to work.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #51 on: 16 May 2020, 05:56:30 pm »
I do this pre-pan for my deep cleans, but may do more often. I use methalated spirits to sterlise surfaces, toilet seat, doorknobs, light switches, edging and glass of shower doors. It breaks down invisible human grease and visible grubbyness. Costs a fiver from Dyas and last you looong time.
« Last Edit: 16 May 2020, 06:18:08 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #52 on: 21 May 2020, 05:27:04 am »
At least plenty of handgels are now more available in the supermarkets.  Not so long ago it was really hard to obtain any, at least where I live.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #53 on: 21 May 2020, 09:57:30 am »
I've also been complimenting raising my rates after lockdown has been lifted for the same reason posted above and I'm torn. I'll just have to wait and see. Sigh...


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #54 on: 21 May 2020, 01:50:38 pm »
At least plenty of handgels are now more available in the supermarkets.  Not so long ago it was really hard to obtain any, at least where I live.

Gels were sold out locally here for weeks and weeks, luckily I had enough and also a Neal's Yard handspray which is now claiming 60% alcohol content. If you know a herbalist or aromatherapist they may be able to make a copy of the NY.

Also try work place supply websites, I now have a selection of the herbalists, NY and industrial type small sprays which I will use when I am able to go to places in which I am touching surfaces. At the moment there aren't any situations in which I need it, I haven't been inside a shop, supermarket or communal space for weeks.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #55 on: 21 May 2020, 02:53:26 pm »
Current situation has made me think hard and look at things in a very different way. If things get back to some normality as of if and when I think I will not work my ass off as I have done in the past touring up and down the country living in a suitcase 😂😂. I will do one week on one week off and just try to look after my self mentally and physically. As in the past I have put work before anything else as was just living to work than working to live.

Pretty Pink

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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #56 on: 21 May 2020, 05:45:12 pm »
Just found some disinfectant aerosol in BnM, it’s called Fabulosa. I got it in wild rhubarb and tested it out on my sofa, smells gorgeous, no chemical smell, and it’s not wet. Claims to kill 99.9% of bacteria including cold and flu (I know corona isn’t cold or flu) suitable for pretty much anything! Sofas, toilets, showers, bins, door handles and loads more.

It doesn’t replace cleaning but it’s a good little extra to have. Think it was £1 odd.. how have I not seen this before?


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #57 on: 27 May 2020, 04:58:09 am »
I have bought a large quantity of black binliners for clients to place their clothes in prior to taking the preliminary shower.  I will then dispose of the black binliner once they have left and then immediately wash my hands.

I have also put handgel all over my home so nobody forgets to use it (myself included).


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #58 on: 29 May 2020, 09:23:57 am »
Hi everyone I am sure this has been covered somewhere. Sorry if it has.  but when are you going back to working? And what measures will you take, if any, when you do to prevent catching the virus?
Would it be in-appropriate to ask clients to wear a mask and only offer massage/ oral?


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #59 on: 17 June 2020, 04:03:09 pm »
Hi everyone I am sure this has been covered somewhere. Sorry if it has.  but when are you going back to working? And what measures will you take, if any, when you do to prevent catching the virus?
Would it be in-appropriate to ask clients to wear a mask and only offer massage/ oral?
You could try but I don’t know if clients would like it  .
I think that if your up close and personal with someone the way we are as escorts then a mask isn’t going to give you much protection