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Author Topic: What, if anything will you change?  (Read 18026 times)


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #90 on: 14 July 2020, 04:09:27 pm »
I've received abuse, whines and moans for not offering bookings during lockdown and restricting them (including having received advance bookings) as I start again.

And some have gotten stroppy because they've gotten a negative Covid-19 test result, so they must be safe. Also had a resurgence of wanting to know when my 'fully booked' booking finishes, so I can fit them in.

When I explain that's it until my self-imposed gap is up, I get the laughs, swearing, 'I've had a negative test'.

Thankfully the people who/I have booked are patient, polite, and pleasant.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #91 on: 18 July 2020, 11:21:45 pm »
I've had only few clients this week and loads of fucking timewasters.  Next week I'm gonna lower my prices to try and bring them in. X

Pretty Pink

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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #92 on: 19 July 2020, 12:11:03 am »
I had 1 who tried to get me to take a tenner off last week so I told him I charge a tenner for listening to shite so price has gone up. He begged to pay my original fee but there was no way I was backing down. He came to see me AND paid my extra fee for him trying to negotiate  ;D we actually both found it funny in the end. They arnt struggling, they’re chancers! And if they are struggling then they should be prioritising bills!


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #93 on: 19 July 2020, 10:02:23 am »
Next week I'm gonna lower my prices to try and bring them in. X

Timewasters will know you're desperate and go bonkers on you. Everyone is hurting right now Veronica: you, me and my local coffee shop. Lowering your prices will not bring you more business.
« Last Edit: 19 July 2020, 10:20:49 am by ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #94 on: 19 July 2020, 10:08:11 am »
Timewasters will know you're desperate and will go bonkers on you. Everyone is hurting right now Veronica: you, me and my local coffee shop. Lowering your prices will not bring you more business.

Yes, it will only make it worse. Arseholes like that will only try to take more money off  ::)
These days there are no Prince Charmings. A girl just has to be her own hero

Pretty Pink

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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #95 on: 19 July 2020, 09:45:47 pm »
I definately won’t be lowering mine either, we have enough to deal with without all the eagle eyes thinking ooooh I smell desperation, il ask for bareback  ::)

I couldn’t cope with them all crying ‘but it was only £X last week’ when I put them back up either.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #96 on: 20 July 2020, 12:47:58 am »
what I find most annoying are those smug fuckers who call you to ask you you doing during Covid and just assume you must be desperate in your depths with shit and your career is ruined. Like no I got 5 bookings on Friday night and perhaps I’m not as wealthy as I was before the pandemic but I still don’t need your business darling and I’ll gladly tell you to go fuck yourself. I pity girls who are struggling right now and have to put up with that shit it must be hell on earth to deal with that kind of shit from the most low level of human scum who want nothing but to take advantage of people who are already at a low point in their life due to a shitty pandemic that has absorbed their income.

I would second not lowering your prices. I’ve kept my rate the same since day one. Lowering your prices is going to encourage Timewasters big time and the new price you set is never going to be good enough for them they’ll want to knock off an extra 20 or so cause they’ve seen you do it already and unfortunately too many of these men are grubby opportunists and will think a lowering of prices is a sign of desperation and will know they can get away with pushing your boundaries.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #97 on: 20 July 2020, 01:55:16 am »

I couldn’t cope with them all crying ‘but it was only £X last week’ when I put them back up either.

It's amazing how many notice that, I put mine up over the holidays when I wasn't even working and was out of the country and I got several new clients whine about it,  I don't even work that much, I'm like long was you watching me before you booked to even know?


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #98 on: 20 July 2020, 02:39:33 am »
I had this old idiot calling my mobile out of blue ( I met him ONCE a long time ago ) and he is like, you must have no income Now ?  ??? ???
I was astonished and really angry !
I said ... I am not sure how can I help you please and what is your call about ? Can I help you somehow ?
It sounded like he felt stupid and he finished the phone call very quickly .


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #99 on: 20 July 2020, 08:38:08 am »
I've had plenty of guys on the phone the last two months asking for a "50% discount as I must be desperate". I even asked one of them "Excuse me but what makes you think it's ok to call and ask me for a 50% discount?" he answered that his regular lady had done that because she was getting no business. I told him he should stick with her and hang up.I really have a problem with these low lifes thinking it's ok to take advantage of the vulnerable during a pandemic.

Vultures  ???
« Last Edit: 20 July 2020, 08:41:26 am by ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #100 on: 20 July 2020, 09:48:01 am »
My clients have been understanding on the price increase. I’ve told them I’m much lower volume until we have a vaccine. I’ve taken 15 min and half hour off. And anyone I haven’t seen before must pay a deposit so the two jobs a day don’t cancel. Deposits are fab for making sure they turn up on the first meet. Definitely don’t lower prices. Men will always find money to get what they can’t get at home.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #101 on: 22 July 2020, 09:05:37 am »
Timewasters will know you're desperate and go bonkers on you. Everyone is hurting right now Veronica: you, me and my local coffee shop. Lowering your prices will not bring you more business.

Not necessarily. You can market a "special offer" that looks likes they are getting a good deal when you are offering less services for that priced package. It's about being savvy with your marketing.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #102 on: 22 July 2020, 10:42:19 am »
In May, I stated an intention to raise my prices and encouraged anyone thinking of making a future booking to get in touch now to obtain the current rate. This worked well. I have now raised my prices, although at my discretion, have honoured the previous price if I felt it would generate a longer meeting time, which it has.

Am based in the City, and outcall only. This has bought its own set of challenges as the men I usually see are either trapped at home or not in London. I have pretty much written off July. I have had a few enquiries for August, but nothing diarised. I’ve taken quite a few deposits for September and October, and think this might be the only real opportunity before the next wave strikes.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #103 on: 22 July 2020, 12:05:42 pm »
I've reduced my 30 min rate from £80 to £70 and my hourly rate from £140 to  £120 and I'm now getting tons of calls and clients visiting.  Yesterday I had 5 confirmed jobs!!  Normally I only get about 2, so I'm seeing a massive improvement in my books.

We are in times where people have lost their jobs, we are in the worst recession since records began.  So lowering my rates I feel is accommodating my clients and newbies. X


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #104 on: 22 July 2020, 01:17:42 pm »
Merged with more related thread and a reminder that everybody is different and we don't tell others how to charge here :)