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Author Topic: What, if anything will you change?  (Read 18025 times)


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #30 on: 28 April 2020, 10:55:35 am »
Certainly won’t be reducing my rates I’m bargain as it is lol

I honestly don't think that anyone should be lowering their prices. There is going to be more demand than ever, right?


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #31 on: 28 April 2020, 12:02:36 pm »
I honestly don't think that anyone should be lowering their prices. There is going to be more demand than ever, right?

What people 'should' do is what's right for them and their local market; as ever, whilst 'I would...' is fine on SAAFE, 'You/They should...' is not.

My prices are fine as they are and as a lot of my custom comes from regulars and returnees I don"t plan to kick them when they're down, but if I wanted to drop them to £50 an hour or raise them to £500,.that's nobody's business but my own. If I'm busier than usual I'll earn more than usual.

If I wasn't happy with my rates I would change them regardless of the situation but I also know that if and when my hairdresser reopens they've hiked their prices by a massive chunk, I'll be finding another hairdresser.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #32 on: 06 May 2020, 05:01:52 am »
I think there will be an initial surge in bookings then after the dust settles we will slowly but surely be affected by the economic misery and we will have to be creative and flexible with our job.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #33 on: 07 May 2020, 10:10:41 am »
Sorry if this has been asked but im wondering what changes other ladies will implement when we are back to work, or if those working have already done so?

e.g. no kissing, masks etc.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #34 on: 07 May 2020, 10:32:47 am »
Sorry if this has been asked but im wondering what changes other ladies will implement when we are back to work, or if those working have already done so?

e.g. no kissing, masks etc.

I have given this much thought over the last few weeks and conclude that I have no idea. When I accept my first booking after (my own) lockdown I will have to stop dithering and may decide to implement some new rules but mask wearing won't be one of them. If we had to wear masks I would rather not work at all. I have medical role play outfits though and have a supply of masks so could possibly suggest that type of booking. Not all clients would want that so who knows what is going to happen.

Edit  -  I know the masks I have are not much use as protection. They are just the type the dentists use. I think the main concern I may have will be kissing. Can't imagine bookings without it so I have to consider this carefully.

At this time I don't really give a (insert expletive) whether I work again!
« Last Edit: 07 May 2020, 12:05:57 pm by Justine »


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #35 on: 07 May 2020, 11:05:01 am »
My practices before the pandemic are exactly the same as now and I'm pretty happy with it. Shoes off in the hall. Antiseptic foam on his hands before we start and if any willy-yanking he gets a quick squirt. Towels on the linen and pillow, covered by disposable massage paper to soak up any juices. I've never offered kissing so no change there.

My pharmacist went through the specifications for the masks they sell. General barrier masks may only have a life of hours- 5 to 10 hours, after that they're not fit for purpose. Some civvies are wearing surgical masks approved for catching blood spatter in operations-they're useless for viruses. So I wouldn't let masks lull you into a false sense of security, unless you've checked the medical specs.

General barrier masks are handy on the bugger who sneezes though- as they might avoid you getting bombarded with the full force of their microscopic body fluids and gives you a second to skip out of the way.
« Last Edit: 08 May 2020, 11:18:04 am by saltysweet »


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #36 on: 07 May 2020, 05:38:31 pm »
I'm really struggling to imagine an appointment without kissing  :(


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #37 on: 07 May 2020, 05:44:43 pm »
I'm really struggling to imagine an appointment without kissing  :(

Don't do them then? I've no plans to change services once I'm back at work and the only way my bookings won't include kissing will be if the punter requests it.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #38 on: 07 May 2020, 09:04:37 pm »
A change I’m considering is going to be booking apartments instead of hotels. Just until there is a vaccine. Because I think hotels may want to know where everyone is going if the hotel bars are closed. I always felt safer in a hotel but I think I will get an apartment. Another change I considered is taking my half hour price off because I really want to do the minimal amount of work so I don’t catch anything.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #39 on: 07 May 2020, 09:57:01 pm »
A change I’m considering is going to be booking apartments instead of hotels. Just until there is a vaccine. Because I think hotels may want to know where everyone is going if the hotel bars are closed. I always felt safer in a hotel but I think I will get an apartment. Another change I considered is taking my half hour price off because I really want to do the minimal amount of work so I don’t catch anything.

It depends how you feel about sharing Blondie (and it isn't for me, I know) but you might feel safer in an apartment if you teamed up with somebody else and booked a larger one so you both had a bedroom and a bathroom? There would be somebody there if anything happened and I doubt half a big apartment costs any more than all of a smaller one? :)


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #40 on: 07 May 2020, 11:08:33 pm »
You cannot do a booking without kissing,, that's the whole point in our job role.  If we all stopped kissing then we wont have any punters visiting us!  Regardless if you kiss or not, provide ow or owo it doesnt matter you can STILL catch the virus.  We are basically going to be a lot closer than 2 meters  apart to our punters so all this nonsense about no kissing is not going to work.

If you want to avoid this virus in our jobs the simple answer is dont do escorting anymore will be best to safe guard you against this virus.  I have a degree in Biology and I can assure you that you can catch this virus by just being in close proximity to a punter so regardless if you kiss etc it doesnt matter,- this virus is airborne nothing to do with saliva or semen etc.


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #41 on: 08 May 2020, 11:18:54 am »
I'm really struggling to imagine an appointment without kissing  :(

I'm really struggling to imagine an appointment without kissing  :)
« Last Edit: 08 May 2020, 11:22:10 am by saltysweet »


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #42 on: 08 May 2020, 12:56:18 pm »
I cannot do a booking without kissing,, that's the whole point in my job role.  If I stopped kissing then I wont have any punters visiting me!

Fixed that for you :)
« Last Edit: 08 May 2020, 01:35:19 pm by amy »


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #43 on: 08 May 2020, 01:36:44 pm »
Thank you for putting my mind at rest.  I shall just carry on as before.  I only see a few people so I'm not overly worried now.  I thought the mask thing veered into surgical roleplay, my gfe clients would be surprised to say the least 😆


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Re: What, if anything will you change?
« Reply #44 on: 10 May 2020, 01:22:10 am »
You cannot do a booking without kissing,, that's the whole point in our job role. If we all stopped kissing then we wont have any punters visiting us!  Regardless if you kiss or not, provide ow or owo it doesnt matter you can STILL catch the virus.  We are basically going to be a lot closer than 2 meters  apart to our punters so all this nonsense about no kissing is not going to work.

If you want to avoid this virus in our jobs the simple answer is dont do escorting anymore will be best to safe guard you against this virus.  I have a degree in Biology and I can assure you that you can catch this virus by just being in close proximity to a punter so regardless if you kiss etc it doesnt matter,- this virus is airborne nothing to do with saliva or semen etc.

That’s rubbish. You must be new.
Although I do kissing, I know of several escorts who don’t and they get on just fine.

For many clients kissing is not “the whole point” it’s just one aspect of a booking, some enjoy it, some don’t. I’ve had clients who don’t want to kiss, and that’s fine, they’re paying for my time so they can choose what we do with it within reason.

I don’t think it’s right you telling other escorts how to do their jobs or telling them not do do escorting instead of not kissing. If they want to omit something from their likes list they can and they will. It’s their god given right at the end of the day.