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Author Topic: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work  (Read 35352 times)


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #120 on: 30 June 2017, 07:40:50 pm »
A couple of years ago I was working from my house. I had my rather large dog with me who is well trained, quiet and only responds when is spoken to. He was also used to some cute names that my boyfriend's daughter called him. At the time he was kept at the second bedroom. I have the habit of not closing bedroom doors completely.

I received a new client who was shy and nervous. I showed him upstairs and asked if he wanted a drink. He asked for water so I went to fetch it.

While pouring water, I decided to break the silence.

Him: "DOGGY!"
Me thinking "I haven't heard that one before..."

I went upstairs and lo and behold, my dog was sitting at the doorstep of the working room with my huge 17 inch big boy dildo in his mouth staring at the client. I was given that dildo as a present and never used it but had given it to my dog as a toy.

The poor man's expression was priceless. He was staring back my dog in fear and then glanced at me with a certain "Please don't!" look on his face.

Loool this has made me laugh, something similar happened to a girl I know when she started getting down to biz and her dog jumped on the bed, I laugh every time I think about it.


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #121 on: 30 June 2017, 08:20:24 pm »
An client had lace up shoes and just slipped them off when undressing. Come the time to dress again and he thought he could just slip them back on. Wrong! His feet would not fit in unless he untied the laces and they were knotted so tight it was impossible. He struggled and I offered to help. He refused and wanted to do it himself so I went to the loo to give him time. When I came back he was no nearer undoing the laces and agreed to let me have a go. My nails got in the way and it was not happening.  Eventually I had to cut them with scissors and then his shoes went on fine but were too slack. 

He kept his cool and so did I but I wanted to laugh so much as I saw him trying to walk normally while struggling to keep the shoes on. He was probably mortified with embarrassment.  No he has not been back.  ;D


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #122 on: 30 June 2017, 10:27:16 pm »
An client had lace up shoes and just slipped them off when undressing. Come the time to dress again and he thought he could just slip them back on. Wrong! His feet would not fit in unless he untied the laces and they were knotted so tight it was impossible. He struggled and I offered to help. He refused and wanted to do it himself so I went to the loo to give him time. When I came back he was no nearer undoing the laces and agreed to let me have a go. My nails got in the way and it was not happening.  Eventually I had to cut them with scissors and then his shoes went on fine but were too slack. 

He kept his cool and so did I but I wanted to laugh so much as I saw him trying to walk normally while struggling to keep the shoes on. He was probably mortified with embarrassment.  No he has not been back.  ;D

I would have been in stitches and nicknamed him flipper or pingu, there is no way on earth I could keep a straight face if this happened with me, I am a bit bad for ripping clients but then my clients rip me too, imagine if your neighbours know what you do and saw him shuffling out of there....... too funny  ;D


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #123 on: 06 July 2017, 03:06:40 pm »
Had a client due at 1.15, dead on 1.15 the door goes so I go to answer it in a sheer see through lacy dress and it's the avon lady an hour late! Thank god I always hide behind the door when letting clients in. Had to tell her just a minute throw a coat over me and ask her to call back as I had company.

Thankfully the client was five minutes late or they would have arrived at the same time, first time ever I've been glad a client is late. Still blushing now!


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #124 on: 07 July 2017, 07:04:40 pm »
Too much lube too much noises the faster the guy moved in me the louder it got until he pulled out one huge fart sound follows by few little ones I had no control he just laughed glad it was the end of the booking!!


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #125 on: 08 July 2017, 03:42:09 pm »
Yesterday I was ina rush to get to a booking and was running down the road when - what falls out of my bag?? ONLY A FUCKING VIBRATOR... In the middle of the city at rush hour ffs lol  :o
I went back to get it as some guy was bending over to pick it up - the look on his face when he registered what it was  ::)
I quickly picked it up and continued running far far away from the scene of the crime  ;D

Aqua Allegoria

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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #126 on: 09 July 2017, 08:39:38 pm »
Yesterday I was ina rush to get to a booking and was running down the road when - what falls out of my bag?? ONLY A FUCKING VIBRATOR... In the middle of the city at rush hour ffs lol  :o
I went back to get it as some guy was bending over to pick it up - the look on his face when he registered what it was  ::)
I quickly picked it up and continued running far far away from the scene of the crime  ;D

This is priceless. You beat us all!


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #127 on: 09 January 2020, 05:03:00 pm »
I have had a few but I think this one tops it off.

I was seeing a regular and he booked this really beautiful hotel room. It had a really lovely romantic bath, the only trouble was it was really deep. The client suggests a role-play scene. (I was not really comfortable with it) but it was an overnight booking and I wanted him to have a nice experience. He also asked to film it. (Again normally I did not allow filming but I was a bit naive at the time and made him the exception.

So he fills the bath up and wants me to get in it to start filming this role-play. I get in the bath but it is sooo deep that I just keep floating upwards!! I can barely control any of my movement in this bloody bath let alone go along with this role-play thing.

In the end, I could not stop laughing.  ;D ;D ;D

Another one was during a duo booking and said client had brought me a REAL school uniform that actually stank of smoke. It was so gross. These days I would refuse but again back in the day I did not want to offend anyone. So I put this bloody uniform on whilst my duo partner tries not to catch my eye because we would both just start laughing. Luckily she did not get an outfit given to her!!

And then on the bed, we are getting it on and I and my friend just could not stop laughing and I actually ended up peeing a little from laughing so much.  Luckily everyone saw the funny side in it! And thankfully he did not understand that we were giggling at the booking, he thought we were laughing at his jokes. Bless him.


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #128 on: 09 January 2020, 10:42:10 pm »
   Anyhoo, the booking progresses and it's all going fine. Then, as I move to go down on the guy, I notice my cat sitting on top of the wardrobe (which stands against the pillow end of the bed) looking down on us with what I can only describe as an expression of alarm on his face. The client doesn't seem to have spotted him so I just carry on, hoping desperately he'll stay up there and keep quiet. After watching about 2 mins of oral cat decides he wants out and jumps down off the wardrobe landing with a massive thud, on the pillow right next to my client's face. I felt so bad for my client - he almost jumped out of his skin! I bundled cat into the kitchen and apologised profusely.

Nearly wetting myself here !! I have cats too! x

Howling here I have 7 cats, they are bastards lol
The bigger, the better...In everything..Freddie Mercury


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #129 on: 19 January 2020, 11:07:17 pm »
Too much lube too much noises the faster the guy moved in me the louder it got until he pulled out one huge fart sound follows by few little ones I had no control he just laughed glad it was the end of the booking!!

This!!! I had this with a really nice regular but he stopped seeing me afterwards which I put down to the fanny fart lol


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #130 on: 19 January 2020, 11:20:50 pm »
I worked with an agency once back in 2011 and the driver took me to a job and when I got to the street then I recognised it as having been there the week before on a job so off I go from the car and walk up the clients path and I see him sitting in the livingroom reading something, I waved through the window and he didn’t wave back, I thought nothing of it and went to the door and knocked on it, he didn’t answer so I tapped again and he still didn’t answer, I ended up standing there for a few minutes and wondered wtf was going on so I went up to the livingroom window again and still the client was sitting there so I started banging on the window frantically and STILL he ignored me, I’m not the most patient person in the world so I then started going mental and shouting about how he was a time waster and he better pay the £30 cancellation fee or else my boss would send ‘the boys’ down to sort him out and STILL he kept sitting there and yet he wasn’t looking at me...well 1 minute later my crazy boss calls me asking where the fuck I am as the client has been on the phone asking why am I not there yet, well it turns out I was in the right street but at the wrong door and I had been with the guy (who was ignoring me being a fruitcake at his door) before but this time it was a different one!!!

Nothing ever became of the guy I went mental at, no complaints or anything and the client whose house I was actually meant to go too thought it hilarious but I didn’t say which door even though he kept asking, it still makes me laugh to this day! ;D


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #131 on: 20 January 2020, 01:19:38 am »
Had a couple lines with a client and midway through realised it was cut with baby laxative  ???  It's a healthier alternative to more dubious fillers I guess. Had a quick poo-break, showered my arse and got back in the saddle.
« Last Edit: 20 January 2020, 01:22:48 am by saltysweet »


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #132 on: 20 January 2020, 05:27:47 am »
I worked with an agency once back in 2011 and the driver took me to a job and when I got to the street then I recognised it as having been there the week before on a job so off I go from the car and walk up the clients path and I see him sitting in the livingroom reading something, I waved through the window and he didn’t wave back, I thought nothing of it and went to the door and knocked on it, he didn’t answer so I tapped again and he still didn’t answer, I ended up standing there for a few minutes and wondered wtf was going on so I went up to the livingroom window again and still the client was sitting there so I started banging on the window frantically and STILL he ignored me, I’m not the most patient person in the world so I then started going mental and shouting about how he was a time waster and he better pay the £30 cancellation fee or else my boss would send ‘the boys’ down to sort him out and STILL he kept sitting there and yet he wasn’t looking at me...well 1 minute later my crazy boss calls me asking where the fuck I am as the client has been on the phone asking why am I not there yet, well it turns out I was in the right street but at the wrong door and I had been with the guy (who was ignoring me being a fruitcake at his door) before but this time it was a different one!!!

Nothing ever became of the guy I went mental at, no complaints or anything and the client whose house I was actually meant to go too thought it hilarious but I didn’t say which door even though he kept asking, it still makes me laugh to this day! ;D
LOL   :)


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #133 on: 20 January 2020, 10:20:12 am »
Had a couple lines with a client and midway through realised it was cut with baby laxative  ???  It's a healthier alternative to more dubious fillers I guess. Had a quick poo-break, showered my arse and got back in the saddle.


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #134 on: 20 January 2020, 01:25:51 pm »
Had a couple lines with a client and midway through realised it was cut with baby laxative  ???  It's a healthier alternative to more dubious fillers I guess. Had a quick poo-break, showered my arse and got back in the saddle.

This......I can relate to on a personal level. I applaud you sister!