I have had a few but I think this one tops it off.
I was seeing a regular and he booked this really beautiful hotel room. It had a really lovely romantic bath, the only trouble was it was really deep. The client suggests a role-play scene. (I was not really comfortable with it) but it was an overnight booking and I wanted him to have a nice experience. He also asked to film it. (Again normally I did not allow filming but I was a bit naive at the time and made him the exception.
So he fills the bath up and wants me to get in it to start filming this role-play. I get in the bath but it is sooo deep that I just keep floating upwards!! I can barely control any of my movement in this bloody bath let alone go along with this role-play thing.
In the end, I could not stop laughing.

Another one was during a duo booking and said client had brought me a REAL school uniform that actually stank of smoke. It was so gross. These days I would refuse but again back in the day I did not want to offend anyone. So I put this bloody uniform on whilst my duo partner tries not to catch my eye because we would both just start laughing. Luckily she did not get an outfit given to her!!
And then on the bed, we are getting it on and I and my friend just could not stop laughing and I actually ended up peeing a little from laughing so much. Luckily everyone saw the funny side in it! And thankfully he did not understand that we were giggling at the booking, he thought we were laughing at his jokes. Bless him.