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Author Topic: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work  (Read 35335 times)


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #90 on: 25 February 2017, 09:23:07 pm »
Oh so glad as I thought I was the only one  ;)


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #91 on: 26 February 2017, 09:19:09 am »
I've had queefing as well, I've been with other women who queefed... I think the majority of women do it at some point lol. It's just trapped air, it's not any reflection on your bits :)

Although I have had dicky stomachs when I've been mid booking to have them decide they're going to jerk me in some way, either pulling me suddenly toward them or throwing my legs up. Don't do that! It takes every muscle in my lower body to hold in the fart that's been batting around my insides.

I have endometrosis and at the time didn't know, I just thought I had the periods from hell. Had a reminder in my phone for when my period was meant to come but it did whatever it wanted anyway. Was with one client about a week before this reminder went off, and just felt this burst of pain in my ovary. Carried on thinking 'nah, can't be that, it's too early'. Finished, he withdraws... blood over him, me, and my stomach kicking me to say 'lolllllll fuck you'. Didn't think he would ever book me again but surprisingly he did, and even restored my faith in people a little bit by saying something like he didn't understand why people were squeamish over a normal function. I've been with women who made me feel shit about my Carrie-like monthlies, so it was nice to have that kind of mature response to it.

Aqua Allegoria

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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #92 on: 26 February 2017, 10:56:41 am »
It's nothing to do with your size, the guy's size or anything else - it just happens with doggy. It's due to air being pushed in and then because you're on all fours, it gets trapped in the vagina until you move, at which point it exits. Loudly  :D

If a guy keeps coming all the way out then going back in, it makes it much worse (because more air gets pushed in.) But it happens even when they are just humping normally.

I have got totally used to it and just giggle and say "Oops! That's the only trouble with doggy, it does make my fanny fart!"

I have it happen as well but not with all guys. Mostly with the ones quickly going in and out and somehow not being the "matching size" (long but thin etc). I can literally feel them pushing the air in:)
What I do is the moment they are out, when I roll over, I put a finger inside and "liberate" all that air out. I just say naturally "one second, some air got in" and they really don't mind. Most experienced guys know what I mean.
If there's plenty of air it comes out with a hisssss haha. Better that one huge loud fart though :)

Teddy Bear

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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #93 on: 26 February 2017, 11:38:40 am »
I will never forget the time I tried to use flavoured condoms for the first time - I had no idea they were the colour of the flavour lol. It didn't help that the guy was whiter than snow and the condom was bright green! In the end he said I am so sorry but I can't concentrate can we use my condoms? Haha I was bright red and couldn't stop apologising but he took it in good humour and even returned a few times after.

It was always a running joke between us and I never bothered with flavoured condoms again once that batch run out.
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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #94 on: 26 February 2017, 11:54:35 am »
I notice that some projects offer these "flavoured condoms", not exactly sure why.  Instead, they do not bother offering condoms with different sizes which would be much better use of their funds.   Clearly, some sensible projects may well do by knowing that using wrong size condoms in clients can/may slip off easily, raising more sexual health risks in wgs.  Not that I'm criticising these projects, it is a shame that flavoured ones are widely available, and different size condoms aren't.


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #95 on: 26 February 2017, 03:42:36 pm »
Well, I had a huge dinner with a client and 2 hours later, back in the room, as he was on top of me, his sizeable stomach kept pushing on mine as he was thrusting inside me. Given our heavy meal, I was feeling rather bloated so his weight on my full belly made me feel sick. 2 minutes later, I was puking my dinner out. Thankfully, he was a regular  :-\ :-\


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #96 on: 26 February 2017, 07:08:08 pm »
I notice that some projects offer these "flavoured condoms", not exactly sure why.  Instead, they do not bother offering condoms with different sizes which would be much better use of their funds.   Clearly, some sensible projects may well do by knowing that using wrong size condoms in clients can/may slip off easily, raising more sexual health risks in wgs.  Not that I'm criticising these projects, it is a shame that flavoured ones are widely available, and different size condoms aren't.

I suspect it's probably because condom makers donate their unused stock to various projects. I think most people who have tried flavoured condoms have bought a packet of three, used one, and thrown away the other two  :D
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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #97 on: 26 February 2017, 08:27:13 pm »
I suspect it's probably because condom makers donate their unused stock to various projects. I think most people who have tried flavoured condoms have bought a packet of three, used one, and thrown away the other two  :D

I had dental dams when I was younger, with flavoured ones. Couldn't get my head around how you used them properly iirc (or just didn't like them; I was about 19 and that was not yesterday), so my mates and I ended up getting very drunk, licking dental dams to see which ones did taste okay. I believe that chocolate tasted like shit, as did banana, but mint wasn't too bad.

Seriously though, I can't stand any flavoured sex thing - dams, condoms, lube, body paint... always find it has a really weird undertaste. Probably the latex for the first two, don't know about lube/body paint :-X


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #98 on: 28 February 2017, 11:48:21 pm »
The other day I was having a lovely snuggle with a regular client of mine.

I was lying on top of him, playing with him with my arm crooked behind his neck.

When we were chatting afterwards I noticed with alarm that my forearm was purple and mottled - very seriously. I rolled a glass tumbler ontop of it to check for meningitis - it didn't disappear. Fuck. He said what the hell has happened to your arm. I didn't know, it looked awful - deep purple. I said maybe I should call an ambulance - as I had a purple mottled rash that didn't disappear when pressed with glass. I was panicking.

He then said I'm sorry but I think that might be the colourant I put in my hair? (Sure enough he was a deep strawberry blonde English man) and indeed it did wash off! I can laugh about it now

Quite a relief x

Ps no ambulance was called!
« Last Edit: 28 February 2017, 11:52:13 pm by Hadley »
"Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding."

-Betty White

Aqua Allegoria

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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #99 on: 01 March 2017, 09:43:44 am »
Last Saturday I had this lovely smoking hot client.

I was ovulating and I just go crazy when I ovulate so I was really horny. So there we are all passion and flame in my bed and he says he can't believe I'm that horny.

Suddenly I just said "oh yeah I'm ovulating!"
There was this instant flash of panic in his eyes and I froze realising how it must have sounded. And then we just started laughing crazy.

He called me this morning asking if I could do some ovulating at noon  ;D


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #100 on: 03 March 2017, 11:07:22 am »
I'm working with a bit of a cold this week, mostly just a bunged up nose.
Giving a client a blow job yesterday and I went a bit deep which made me gag and this huge snot bubble came out all over my face!
Neither of us knew where to look as I frantically grabbed at the wipes and strangely enough , he never managed to finish either!
I think maybe the moment was lost hahaha


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #101 on: 03 March 2017, 04:58:16 pm »
I suspect it's probably because condom makers donate their unused stock to various projects. I think most people who have tried flavoured condoms have bought a packet of three, used one, and thrown away the other two  :D
hahahahaha..!!!  That's probably so TRUE! 


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #102 on: 03 March 2017, 05:12:50 pm »
Seriously though, I can't stand any flavoured sex thing - dams, condoms, lube, body paint... always find it has a really weird undertaste. Probably the latex for the first two, don't know about lube/body paint :-X
You're not alone.  It's an essentially artificial flavouring, likely with E numbers.

Not that I am criticising, there's very little justification as to why "projects" give away flavoured condoms, apart from the reason VC pointed out.  They must be so unpopular, nobody wants to buy them, ending up with a huge surplus/unsold stock, dumped at "the financially challenged projects" in some areas in the UK.   I know they are free, so I shouldn't complain about the freebies.  But I don't use them and still buy decent condoms with different sizes to protect my own health.  If you are a SW, you do realise that most men have their unique size, nothing "regular-size" about their endowment.   It's like supermarket's uniform size apples or cucumbers.   Farmers know that there are different sizes and shapes but supermarkets don't want non-standard sizes or non-standard shapes.   ;D 


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #103 on: 17 April 2017, 11:35:01 pm »
Well, this didn't happen at work but work related. I had a little too much too drink and then drunk emailed my favorite reg I had been thinking all week about. Luckily it was nothing too embarrassing  :FF :FF :FF


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #104 on: 18 April 2017, 01:10:56 pm »
A couple of years ago I was working from my house. I had my rather large dog with me who is well trained, quiet and only responds when is spoken to. He was also used to some cute names that my boyfriend's daughter called him. At the time he was kept at the second bedroom. I have the habit of not closing bedroom doors completely.

I received a new client who was shy and nervous. I showed him upstairs and asked if he wanted a drink. He asked for water so I went to fetch it.

While pouring water, I decided to break the silence.

Him: "DOGGY!"
Me thinking "I haven't heard that one before..."

I went upstairs and lo and behold, my dog was sitting at the doorstep of the working room with my huge 17 inch big boy dildo in his mouth staring at the client. I was given that dildo as a present and never used it but had given it to my dog as a toy.

The poor man's expression was priceless. He was staring back my dog in fear and then glanced at me with a certain "Please don't!" look on his face.