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Author Topic: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work  (Read 35326 times)


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Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« on: 21 November 2015, 02:25:39 am »
I can't sleep and I'm just tittering to myself thinking about my escapades over the past 2/3 months since I started as a WG.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you during an actual booking?

I reckon mine was a client farting on my nose during rimming (which I don't do anymore...eugh!) xx


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #1 on: 21 November 2015, 04:21:29 am »
I honestly can't think of anything that stands out in particular. I always stress a bit when I have to sneak out to the toilet to change a Beppy sponge (I'm a heavy bleeder), or actually bleed on the condom (too lazy to get colorful ones), but the latter is easy to make up for by inconspicuously switching to oral. Yes, I'm gross. ;D


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #2 on: 21 November 2015, 07:22:07 am »
My client had got some remote control vibrating love eggs. He asked if I would use them and as they were sealed in the pack I said yes. Shove them in and he plays with the remote. They didn't really do much so when it came down to sex time, I open my legs and he tries to pull them out....snap....the string broke. So there I am with these vibrating love eggs stuck in my fanny and we couldn't turn them off. He was trying all kinds of ways to get them out telling me to squat and push them out (wtf) and fingering my bum trying to push them out but they wouldn't budge.
We cut the visit short and off I go to A and E. On reception were two young fit men which made me die of embarrassment explaining my issue whilst you can hear an obvious humming from my fanny. Take a seat to wait I was told (in a heaving A and E) but I was scared the plastic seats would intensify the vibration noise. I opted to stand and wait and after 15 mins these flipping balls are finally working and feeling very nice, very very nice to be honest and I was close to cumming. Terrified I might cum in the waiting area, I explain the issue to the two fit desk people who tried hard not to smirk but did get someone straight away.
Legs a kimbo, the lady doctor finally got these balls out but I didn't have the remote to turn them off. She threw them into her bin which was of course metal and made them sound even worse. She fished them out and it took 3 of us to work out how to take the batteries out.

I honestly could have died of shame. The doctor was great and told me she had seen worse and last week had to remove batteries out of a mans bum as he'd used the vibrator the wrong way round....nice!!


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #3 on: 21 November 2015, 07:35:20 am »
I had a booking with a client for about 9am. The punter had booked through the site I advrertise on which means he can leave good or bad feedback.
I never ever give the address I am working from to anyone and when the client called to say he was in the instructed road, I advised him where to park and call me back. I waited patiently for 5 minutes and thought it odd he had not called back especially when he was here in the road.
Now if you have ever owned a Blackberry phone then you will know they are forever freezing and the only thing you can do to resolve the issue is to take the battery out and wait ten minutes for it to load so you can use it.
I picked up my phone to inquire the clients location only to find my Blackberry had frozen. I went into panic mode. How long had the client been trying to call me? How on earth would I find him without being able to call him. Where had he parked? Would he give me bad feedback? I was starting to panic.
There was only one answer to the crisis, and that was to run out into the street dressed like a complete whore and walk up and down the street looking into car windows looking for my punter.
I dread to think what those who lived in the same street thought and think it must be something along the lines of......."work must be slow.....look the prossie is walking up the street, checking cars and touting for work!". Oh the shame.


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #4 on: 21 November 2015, 11:19:52 am »
OFFS.... I am literally sat here with tears streaming down my face !! I can't imagine anything more undignified than your hospital visit but then Im a newbie so perhaps I have all these things ahead of me!  I definitely have the same issue with phones!

My most embarrassing moment has to be when fishing in my bag for my Bank Card, grabbing stuff with one hand while I frantically rummaged for said card, eventually I whoop with delight and hand card over to Tesco cashier... Seeing her bright red face I then realise in my other hand I've a loose stocking, box of skins and have dropped a large tube of anal glide on the conveyer belt.... I couldn't get out of there quick enough !!!


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #5 on: 21 November 2015, 11:36:43 am »
My client had got some remote control vibrating love eggs. He asked if I would use them and as they were sealed in the pack I said yes. Shove them in and he plays with the remote. They didn't really do much so when it came down to sex time, I open my legs and he tries to pull them out....snap....the string broke. So there I am with these vibrating love eggs stuck in my fanny and we couldn't turn them off. He was trying all kinds of ways to get them out telling me to squat and push them out (wtf) and fingering my bum trying to push them out but they wouldn't budge.
We cut the visit short and off I go to A and E. On reception were two young fit men which made me die of embarrassment explaining my issue whilst you can hear an obvious humming from my fanny. Take a seat to wait I was told (in a heaving A and E) but I was scared the plastic seats would intensify the vibration noise. I opted to stand and wait and after 15 mins these flipping balls are finally working and feeling very nice, very very nice to be honest and I was close to cumming. Terrified I might cum in the waiting area, I explain the issue to the two fit desk people who tried hard not to smirk but did get someone straight away.
Legs a kimbo, the lady doctor finally got these balls out but I didn't have the remote to turn them off. She threw them into her bin which was of course metal and made them sound even worse. She fished them out and it took 3 of us to work out how to take the batteries out.

I honestly could have died of shame. The doctor was great and told me she had seen worse and last week had to remove batteries out of a mans bum as he'd used the vibrator the wrong way round....nice!!

Oh my goodness; I'm howling here (sorry)  ;D ;D ;D at least it wasn't as excruciatingly embarrassing as that dude with the batteries up his bum hole  :o

Kendra Glasgow

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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #6 on: 21 November 2015, 11:43:44 am »
My client had got some remote control vibrating love eggs. He asked if I would use them and as they were sealed in the pack I said yes. Shove them in and he plays with the remote. They didn't really do much so when it came down to sex time, I open my legs and he tries to pull them out....snap....the string broke. So there I am with these vibrating love eggs stuck in my fanny and we couldn't turn them off. He was trying all kinds of ways to get them out telling me to squat and push them out (wtf) and fingering my bum trying to push them out but they wouldn't budge.
We cut the visit short and off I go to A and E. On reception were two young fit men which made me die of embarrassment explaining my issue whilst you can hear an obvious humming from my fanny. Take a seat to wait I was told (in a heaving A and E) but I was scared the plastic seats would intensify the vibration noise. I opted to stand and wait and after 15 mins these flipping balls are finally working and feeling very nice, very very nice to be honest and I was close to cumming. Terrified I might cum in the waiting area, I explain the issue to the two fit desk people who tried hard not to smirk but did get someone straight away.
Legs a kimbo, the lady doctor finally got these balls out but I didn't have the remote to turn them off. She threw them into her bin which was of course metal and made them sound even worse. She fished them out and it took 3 of us to work out how to take the batteries out.

I honestly could have died of shame. The doctor was great and told me she had seen worse and last week had to remove batteries out of a mans bum as he'd used the vibrator the wrong way round....nice!!

I watched a programme once called bizarre ER where a guy came in and said HE FELL on the toilet brush  ;D

Fell on it bare arsehole first and couldn't get it out, what are the chances?

So yeah they probably have seen worse but that was a funny story anyway.

I reckon I would have stayed at home and gave birth to them myself though or would have got a friend round to get them out  :D


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #7 on: 21 November 2015, 11:56:59 am »
Wow Kendra... You have some great friends !!! x


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #8 on: 21 November 2015, 12:58:40 pm »
My client had got some remote control vibrating love eggs. He asked if I would use them and as they were sealed in the pack I said yes. Shove them in and he plays with the remote. They didn't really do much so when it came down to sex time, I open my legs and he tries to pull them out....snap....the string broke. So there I am with these vibrating love eggs stuck in my fanny and we couldn't turn them off. He was trying all kinds of ways to get them out telling me to squat and push them out (wtf) and fingering my bum trying to push them out but they wouldn't budge.
We cut the visit short and off I go to A and E. On reception were two young fit men which made me die of embarrassment explaining my issue whilst you can hear an obvious humming from my fanny. Take a seat to wait I was told (in a heaving A and E) but I was scared the plastic seats would intensify the vibration noise. I opted to stand and wait and after 15 mins these flipping balls are finally working and feeling very nice, very very nice to be honest and I was close to cumming. Terrified I might cum in the waiting area, I explain the issue to the two fit desk people who tried hard not to smirk but did get someone straight away.
Legs a kimbo, the lady doctor finally got these balls out but I didn't have the remote to turn them off. She threw them into her bin which was of course metal and made them sound even worse. She fished them out and it took 3 of us to work out how to take the batteries out.

I honestly could have died of shame. The doctor was great and told me she had seen worse and last week had to remove batteries out of a mans bum as he'd used the vibrator the wrong way round....nice!!

I watched a programme once called bizarre ER where a guy came in and said HE FELL on the toilet brush  ;D

Fell on it bare arsehole first and couldn't get it out, what are the chances?

So yeah they probably have seen worse but that was a funny story anyway.

I reckon I would have stayed at home and gave birth to them myself though or would have got a friend round to get them out  :D

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  ;D


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #9 on: 21 November 2015, 01:17:29 pm »
I called my client by his nickname in my phone. It didn't go unnoticed. Never saw him again :p


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #10 on: 21 November 2015, 01:26:29 pm »
Or the time I was waiting for a guy, he couldn't find me so I had to go downstairs to get him in my apartment. I was looking for a lost guy with his phone out and appernetly this guy was looking for a woman dressed nicley. We confirm we have found each other. Head upstairs, into my apartment and the dude starts asking questions like.... 'So are you the owner of this place?', lovley place you have etc. I didnt click but my flatmate had heard at this point. I ask for the money up front while sitting flirty on the bed. The penny drops with this guy, eyes widen then I click, oh shit. He wasn't waiting for me. He was here to view a house. He ran out so fast and I would have been mortified but it was too funny.

Told this one before but deffinatley a funny highlight !! XD. I was thinking the other day I'm running out of funny moments, not that I want to repeat it :p. Had to go find my lost client downstairs poor guy.

Kendra Glasgow

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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #11 on: 21 November 2015, 01:57:44 pm »
I called my client by his nickname in my phone. It didn't go unnoticed. Never saw him again :p

I call a whole bunch of my clients/or clients I have built a friendship with by their username all the time lol. Tox, Nibbs, Fraser, Mafix, AJ, EdiTed, Ziggy etc etc etc, neither of which are called that, not even their fake punting name lol.

I don't think they mind, either that or they are just used to me calling them that and don't bother anymore.



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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #12 on: 21 November 2015, 04:06:39 pm »
Some very funny stories on this thread!!

I am no stranger to shame sadly, and embarrass myself all the time.

The worst one in recent weeks was when I was leaving an extremely posh and exclusive hotel in the better side of London - it was the middle of the night, so absolutely no one else around but me and the reception staff as I left.

Anyway I managed to slip on their super-shiny waxed floor in my skyscraper heels and fell literally flat on my face, with an echoing and very loud bang. Worse, because I was almost at the exit, the impact of my fall then set their huge revolving door into motion. At the same time my bag sprung open spilling my lube, toys, and assortment of condoms into the now steadily revolving door. I still have memories of lying there, dazed and possibly slightly concussed, watching my sex toys going round and round like the prize on a particularly surreal kind of game show.

NB the hotel staff were lovely about it and I was both shamed and very touched by their kindness.
The client had also left before me so fortunately I only embarrassed myself not anyone else!!

H xx

« Last Edit: 21 November 2015, 04:08:15 pm by Hadley »
"Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding."

-Betty White

Red KB

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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #13 on: 22 November 2015, 01:44:41 pm »
Today I was seeing a client out and I noticed one of my cats had decided to pee on the floor :/ No idea if he noticed.
We're women, it's what we do. I just get paid for it.

Kendra Glasgow

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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #14 on: 22 November 2015, 01:58:19 pm »
Some very funny stories on this thread!!

I am no stranger to shame sadly, and embarrass myself all the time.

The worst one in recent weeks was when I was leaving an extremely posh and exclusive hotel in the better side of London - it was the middle of the night, so absolutely no one else around but me and the reception staff as I left.

Anyway I managed to slip on their super-shiny waxed floor in my skyscraper heels and fell literally flat on my face, with an echoing and very loud bang. Worse, because I was almost at the exit, the impact of my fall then set their huge revolving door into motion. At the same time my bag sprung open spilling my lube, toys, and assortment of condoms into the now steadily revolving door. I still have memories of lying there, dazed and possibly slightly concussed, watching my sex toys going round and round like the prize on a particularly surreal kind of game show.

NB the hotel staff were lovely about it and I was both shamed and very touched by their kindness.
The client had also left before me so fortunately I only embarrassed myself not anyone else!!

H xx

I'm not alone at the moment and I just burst out laughing at your post. What a nightmare. Nothing worse than falling flat on your face.

I remember crossing a road one time while on a date and it was the start of the nite as well. I fell cause of my skyscrapers too flat on my face, worse thing was.....I just lay there until my date stopped laughing to scrape my up off the floor. I had scuffed knees, chin and palms.

They look gorgeous but they are dangerous. I now only wear mine when there's someone with me that I can hold onto.
