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Author Topic: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work  (Read 35328 times)


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #30 on: 06 December 2015, 01:25:41 am »
I wouldn't say most embarrassing, but it's one I will always remember.

I was 18 and working for an agency when I saw this one guy. I took my bra off and didn't realise for about 5 minutes that my blow up chicken fillet was stuck to the side of my boob. I sort of just picked it off and chucked it on the floor. We had a chuckle about it the next time he came to see me. Said apparently it stood out in his mind, which made him want to come back. Well, whatever works. lol


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #31 on: 09 December 2015, 10:12:40 pm »
Not in a booking but if you fancy a giggle...might be TMI so beware!

I was prepping for anal, and I was a bit of a newbie. I was meeting a guy that liked to fuck hard and I expected him to give my arse a good going over so I spent ages douching and cleaning myself just in case. I also thought that after this it would be a good idea to test how it felt with a dildo to make sure I was relaxed and clean enough.

Thinking I was all done with the douching, I settle down on my bed with some lube and dildo and decide, yep, that doesn't hurt, great, I've done a good job. Then I don't know what happened, but on pulling the dildo out it opened up the floodgates to the water that hadn't made it out when I was douching and guess what, shitty water EVERYWHERE all over the bed. Like a horrible brown dam had burst. Thank god it wasn't an incall.

Anyway, I was so mortified anal was off the menu that night. I spent a large part of the night sat on his face praying he wasn't going to stick his finger up my bum...


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #32 on: 10 December 2015, 12:11:30 am »
Defo has to be my weave falling


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #33 on: 18 January 2016, 11:31:28 pm »
oh god I am HOWLING  ;D


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #34 on: 19 January 2016, 05:11:24 pm »
I used to see this guy who loved to be very aggressively dominated as part of an outcall. He would like to pretend to be asleep; meanwhile I would creep in, (he left the front door on the latch) take the money (in the hallway) then storm into his room, straddle him whilst he was still in bed, slap him across the face and basically be a real slutty, physically aggressive jealous bitch to him. He loved it and this roleplay was something we'd done many times before.

So, he moved house and gave me the new directions as to how to creep in and "surprise" him whilst he was as usual sleeping alone in his darkened bedroom. Creep in the front door, take money on hallway table, creep up stairs and his bedroom is the first on the right. Great.

So I do this, see a huddled figure under the duvet. So do my best "jealous mental bitch" act which he loves - fling my handbag hard down on the floor with a crash, and scream "So you think you can just fucking walk out on me then do you, you absolute bastard!"

Cue lights on and terrified looking female Japanese student in a single bed looking up at me. I apologised profusely and ran out.

Then client (woken by the screaming) called me to say "Did I say first on the right? I meant left."

Hence why he's now an ex client.

"Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding."

-Betty White


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #35 on: 19 January 2016, 08:39:34 pm »
I used to see this guy who loved to be very aggressively dominated as part of an outcall. He would like to pretend to be asleep; meanwhile I would creep in, (he left the front door on the latch) take the money (in the hallway) then storm into his room, straddle him whilst he was still in bed, slap him across the face and basically be a real slutty, physically aggressive jealous bitch to him. He loved it and this roleplay was something we'd done many times before.

So, he moved house and gave me the new directions as to how to creep in and "surprise" him whilst he was as usual sleeping alone in his darkened bedroom. Creep in the front door, take money on hallway table, creep up stairs and his bedroom is the first on the right. Great.

So I do this, see a huddled figure under the duvet. So do my best "jealous mental bitch" act which he loves - fling my handbag hard down on the floor with a crash, and scream "So you think you can just fucking walk out on me then do you, you absolute bastard!"

Cue lights on and terrified looking female Japanese student in a single bed looking up at me. I apologised profusely and ran out.

Then client (woken by the screaming) called me to say "Did I say first on the right? I meant left."

Hence why he's now an ex client.
Omg !!! Im literally crying with laughter !!! xx


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #36 on: 25 January 2016, 04:38:24 pm »
Oh god, the douche thing happened to me with an ex. It was fairly early days so I was still shaving my legs all the time and making sure I was supersupersuper clean. I got home from work (before my WG days) and grabbed my douche. I hadn't been to the toilet all day, but I was in such a rush that I thought it would be OK. Douched. Showered. Did my make-up really quickly, put on my cute new white underwear. Got a text from my ex saying he was 10 mins away. Jumped up off the floor where I'd been getting ready. Had a watery explosion everywhere. Luckily I had wooden floors! I've never moved so quickly. Cleaned up the mess. Had another shower. Lit like 100 candles and sprayed perfume everywhere. Opened the door looking flawless. I told him a few months later and we laughed really hard about it. But at the time I was devastated.

Work wise, I recently got a last minute booking. I'd been out all day with a friend. Turned up to this guys serviced apartment, not really in the zone as it was so last minute. I'd had a few glasses of wine with my friend, something I wouldn't usually do if I knew I had work on. The guy wanted to get a little kinky with spanking etc. He had possibly the worst sex face I've ever seen, all screwed up face and crazy eyes. He also made constant grunts and growls. Now, I don't really drink and the wine had gone right to my head. I tried to be cool and just get on with it but his growling was so off putting that I burst into fits of drunken laughter. Luckily I'm a total performer so I managed to pass it off as wild sex noises. He probably thought I was orgasming like never before, but in reality I was just trying to control my hysterics.

Another time I took some toys to a hotel booking, including a butt plug as the guy wanted to do some anal play on me. In the end I used the plug on him as he seemed really keen to explore after I gave him an awesome rim job. When it came to me slowly pulling the plug out he let the longest, loudest fart out that I have ever heard. Honestly it was like something out of a slapstick movie. I didn't think it was ever going to end. Luckily I was giving him a really sloppy handjob with my other hand, so we just kind of styled it out. But I swear, it went on for like a minute. Sometimes I'm amazed at my own composure.


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #37 on: 30 January 2016, 11:33:04 am »
My client had got some remote control vibrating love eggs. He asked if I would use them and as they were sealed in the pack I said yes. Shove them in and he plays with the remote. They didn't really do much so when it came down to sex time, I open my legs and he tries to pull them out....snap....the string broke. So there I am with these vibrating love eggs stuck in my fanny and we couldn't turn them off. He was trying all kinds of ways to get them out telling me to squat and push them out (wtf) and fingering my bum trying to push them out but they wouldn't budge.
We cut the visit short and off I go to A and E. On reception were two young fit men which made me die of embarrassment explaining my issue whilst you can hear an obvious humming from my fanny. Take a seat to wait I was told (in a heaving A and E) but I was scared the plastic seats would intensify the vibration noise. I opted to stand and wait and after 15 mins these flipping balls are finally working and feeling very nice, very very nice to be honest and I was close to cumming. Terrified I might cum in the waiting area, I explain the issue to the two fit desk people who tried hard not to smirk but did get someone straight away.
Legs a kimbo, the lady doctor finally got these balls out but I didn't have the remote to turn them off. She threw them into her bin which was of course metal and made them sound even worse. She fished them out and it took 3 of us to work out how to take the batteries out.

I honestly could have died of shame. The doctor was great and told me she had seen worse and last week had to remove batteries out of a mans bum as he'd used the vibrator the wrong way round....nice!!

I watched a programme once called bizarre ER where a guy came in and said HE FELL on the toilet brush  ;D

Fell on it bare arsehole first and couldn't get it out, what are the chances?

So yeah they probably have seen worse but that was a funny story anyway.

I reckon I would have stayed at home and gave birth to them myself though or would have got a friend round to get them out  :D
oh absolutely great that's made my day lol , I had a huge and I mean seriously huge guy ( comparable with my arm) ramming so hard he came out and with full force it went straight up ( no warning ) up my arse ....which I think broke lol, laughing and typing.....lord broke out in a sweat , blood pissing everywhere , guy totes gorgeous and apologetic , it was a total accident but I had to go see my friend who's a nurse and say" do you think if I go to casualty they'll take the piss" she said " definitely" but apart from farting everytime I walked and worrying I'd shit myself at some point all healed up and don't think it's made A levels any easier particularly !


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #38 on: 30 January 2016, 11:36:54 am »
Using a totally black condom on a white guy ! I didn't realise at all they were black.....still laugh now I just said "ooh whoops sorry about that but they're 'fruity' ones and laughed but then I had a black guy who was gorgeous and I forgot and put a bloody normal one on ( in my head thinking mental note ...use those up if you get the opportunity !


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #39 on: 01 February 2016, 10:16:22 pm »
These are absolutely killing me XD
Unfortunately mine's not funny, but I was subbing for a BDSM session for my last booking, and the client really got in my head and I burst into tears halfway through our session. .......Oops?
Just want every client wants, right?


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #40 on: 02 February 2016, 06:03:31 pm »
I had a total hottie on thursday, the kind of hot that I find intimidating in civvie life. I could barely believe my luck, I was gutted that he'd only booked half an hour and he said the same lol. Genuine chemistry.

But anyway, we were fucking and I said "fuck, I should be paying you!" but it came out as "fuck, you should be paying me!" And he looked all confused and was like erm... I am? We both creased up laughing so it was ok, but I was cringing like hell.

The ugly ones are easier! I can't get that one out of my head lol  :FF


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #41 on: 23 September 2016, 05:17:32 pm »
I just found this and remembered one rather embarrassing booking. All was progressing, we were on the bed and suddenly I saw this big blood stain on the guy's leg. I thought wtf and nearly said 'do you realise.... when I looked down at myself and realised I'd started my period, very suddenly!

Normally I get a warning with a slow build up, not that time. I was super embarrassed, wiped everything down and apologised. Luckily he was happy to come via oral. I even offered some money off but he refused.

A rather strange thing about this booking was I'd actually seen the guy twice before and he didn't recognise me each time (slightly different areas).


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #42 on: 23 September 2016, 05:30:32 pm »
Being accused of stealing a wallet, and so he makes a racket infront of my neighbours,   then the sheepish client finding it was in his car the whole time. >:(  so was embarrassing for both me and client I guess.

I was once accused of stealing a mug with a cartoon character on it. The guy emailed me about it a few hours after I left, weeping about great sentimental value and could I just do the right thing and return it to him and he wouldn't take it any further. By the time I got round to reading the email, he'd already found it and sent me another to say please ignore the first email...idiot.


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #43 on: 23 September 2016, 05:43:16 pm »
A while my wig slipping off half way. :o

No more wigs for me.
"The only things in this life that you really regret are the RISKS you didn't take"


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Re: Embarrassing (but funny) things that happen with work
« Reply #44 on: 23 September 2016, 06:49:49 pm »
I did a role-play session with a guy where he was the dominant boss and I was the secretary. He basically wanted to play the big, powerful man, when in reality he was very sweet and geeky. When it was over he walked with me the 5 mins to the train station as it was dark, but then he was set upon by a group of naughty kids! They were about 13 years old max and he totally shit it! I had to go over and tell them to fuck off! The poor guy was so embarrassed, he went beetroot, poor love.