A preview from my blog: I've been a bad boy tonight....I was a bit horny because it was a slow day today, no clients. So a guy who had messaged me on the hookup/escort site asked to meet up despite my having an escort ad.
I intially asked him why he was messaging me as he seemed a bit young (28) and that whether he was interested in atleast a massage or something. He said he just wanted to have fun. I agreed, but when he showed up I wasn't THAT attracted to him. Right before things began to heat up...I could not get the thought out of my head telling me "this isn't right. You're giving up for free what other guys on THE SAME SITE have to pay for, even when there may be an attraction there. In addition, the guy KNOWS you're an escort and isn't going to pay you anything afterward. And even moreso, you are in a 4 star hotel supposed to be working as you've got lodging bills everyday that need to be paid, and you're around here messing around for free? What the hell is wrong with me!"
So eventually, I broke down and told him that its unfair to myself and others on the site for you to message my escort ad and get a free service. I have a personal ad, but I wasn't on there tonight. For you to message my escort ad and disregard the fact that Im an escort is HIGHLY unprofessional and makes me feel like a fool.
Get the HELL OUT MY HOTEL ROOM MOTHER F***** (ok I didn't say exactly that, but came close enough.
He then had the audacity to say, "you should of told me before I wasted my gas and time." I said, "well you wasting my damn time by not coming in here with money, get your f*cking ass out my hotel room