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Author Topic: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!  (Read 4638 times)


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Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« on: 19 August 2010, 08:00:10 am »
A preview from my blog: I've been a bad boy tonight....I was a bit horny because it was a slow day today, no clients. So a guy who had messaged me on the hookup/escort site asked to meet up despite my having an escort ad.

I intially asked him why he was messaging me as he seemed a bit young (28) and that whether he was interested in atleast a massage or something. He said he just wanted to have fun. I agreed, but when he showed up I wasn't THAT attracted to him. Right before things began to heat up...I could not get the thought out of my head telling me "this isn't right. You're giving up for free what other guys on THE SAME SITE have to pay for, even when there may be an attraction there. In addition, the guy KNOWS you're an escort and isn't going to pay you anything afterward. And even moreso, you are in a 4 star hotel supposed to be working as you've got lodging bills everyday that need to be paid, and you're around here messing around for free? What the hell is wrong with me!"

So eventually, I broke down and told him that its unfair to myself and others on the site for you to message my escort ad and get a free service. I have a personal ad, but I wasn't on there tonight. For you to message my escort ad and disregard the fact that Im an escort is HIGHLY unprofessional and makes me feel like a fool. Get the HELL OUT MY HOTEL ROOM MOTHER F***** (ok I didn't say exactly that, but came close enough.

He then had the audacity to say, "you should of told me before I wasted my gas and time." I said, "well you wasting my damn time by not coming in here with money, get your f*cking ass out my hotel room  >:(


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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #1 on: 19 August 2010, 12:42:19 pm »
He then had the audacity to say, "you should of told me before I wasted my gas and time."

Well, yeah, you should've. If you yourself don't know whether or not you're going to charge someone for sex, how the f*ck are THEY supposed to know?
Disclosure: The other person behind

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #2 on: 19 August 2010, 01:08:02 pm »
Joey, you reap what you sow. If you expect telepathy, you will be disappointed. And why on earth would you put two ads on the same site? Pay or maybe don't pay? Duh?


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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #3 on: 19 August 2010, 01:36:28 pm »
I agree totally with the above posts. Either your an escort who people are paying or your not and you cant be both. Its going to confuse your clients as well as making you look  unprofessional. I really would consider taking the personal advert down if you want people to take you seriously and not be baffled as to exactally what it is your offering/looking for.


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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #4 on: 19 August 2010, 04:11:45 pm »
correction: I do not have my personal ad running in the same city. Its currently down at the moment while Im on tour. I was saying WHEN I DO have my personal ad up and running, thats when Im more likely looking for something casual.

I only have 1 ad up and running on the site which is my escort ad. It wasn't telepathy. He knew I was an escort. But my feelings changed once we were getting into it.

Its happened to me before too, Im sure it'll happen again. Thats just the price you pay when hooking up with someone for cheap, casual sex. And to 'try it on' with an escort is just asking for trouble. He couldn't even acknowledge the fact that Im up for pay. Why the hell does someone think they can message my ad saying $$$ ESCORT $$$ and expect to get a free shag?

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #5 on: 19 August 2010, 04:58:14 pm »
Er, J, do you use the same pictures for the personal as you do the work?


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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #6 on: 19 August 2010, 06:15:35 pm »
Er, J, do you use the same pictures for the personal as you do the work? fact, I dont even show my face on my escort ad. I have not used the personal ad in the cities I've toured on. This guy was just trying to take his chances and get a freebie. Which is disrespectful. Nevermind the fact that Im advertising, because Im not being taken seriously enough.


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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #7 on: 19 August 2010, 07:00:32 pm »
Yes it was disrespectful that he asked for a freebie BUT you agreed. We all get contacted by various means asking for a free meet but most of us just ignore it or tell them politely where they can shove their offer.

You have no one to blame but yourself for agreeing, instead of saying that you do not do freebies and anyone who wants to meet up for fun must pay.
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #8 on: 19 August 2010, 07:31:23 pm »
Agreed, Danielle. Why the feck you need to have a personal ad I will never know. Cherry pick your clients, hotties with a cock and a wallet come along from time to time.


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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #9 on: 19 August 2010, 08:27:24 pm »
You have no one to blame but yourself for agreeing, instead of saying that you do not do freebies and anyone who wants to meet up for fun must pay.

Well Im sorry for having a change of heart. Even if I did agree to meet for free, I wasn't attracted to him when he showed up.

Was I supposed to go ahead with it anyway? How cheap would that have made me feel for him to get off for free? Dont defend him LOL. Atleast I sat him down and EXPLAINED how I felt, and why. Whether he accepted that or not is too bad. I have money to make, and the only time I should be hooking up is when I've made enough money for the day...yesterday I didnt make any money and was feeling cheated to play around for free.


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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #10 on: 19 August 2010, 08:44:47 pm »
But the point is you were complaining he had the cheek to ask and then moan at you when you told him to leave.
You cant complain if you chose to do it. Ok you changed your mind as you didnt fancy him but that does not mean you have the right to complain about him expecting a freebie when you agreed to it.

Maybe it is just me or my age or something but I really dont understand you at all
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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #11 on: 19 August 2010, 10:06:27 pm »
You were right to not have sex with the guy otherwise guaranteed you would have felt like a tool. I've felt like that and this was when I was free - so I would imagine to be guilted, manipulated, whisked into and whatnot into fun and games for no recompense when one is an escort would feel incredibly cheapening and degrading. 

Yes, clear cut terms should have been established from the start and adhered to because it gets harder and more awkward to lay them out and put your foot down if you just do things as it goes along and once things get past a certain point.

But at any rate, don't wear and tear yourself on anyone unless you are either extremely attracted to them and/or they genuinely care for you. And only then it should be because you expect nothing so you won't feel used when and if you get nothing. After all, why have sex with men who don't truly care about you as a person through thick and thin for free when you can have sex with men who don't care about you for money? That's my philosophy - at least for me I found casual/convenient/hit and run sex without compensation is very corrosive to ones self worth.
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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #12 on: 21 August 2010, 06:37:27 am »
After all, why have sex with men who don't truly care about you as a person through thick and thin for free when you can have sex with men who don't care about you for money?

Exactly! You hit it right on the nail..

The devil should I care about 'etiquette' for? This guy basically just wanted to get fucked and leave. Its ok for clients to not give a shit because they are paying. They are paying to not have to hear about our money issues (makes sense, huh LOL).

But the point is you were complaining he had the cheek to ask and then moan at you when you told him to leave.

I can complain, why not? I would have been willing to do more even if he offered $60 for a massage. How stupid would I have felt to end up with nothing? Again, I didnt find him that attractive, was I supposed to have sex with him regardless ON TOP of the fact that he wasn't paying me? Hell....the mother fucker LOOKED like a client.

My escort sense was picking up that he has paid for sex before, but was trying to get it from me for free. Thus, immediately turning me off and consequently terminatiing the session.


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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #13 on: 21 August 2010, 12:39:04 pm »
Again, I didnt find him that attractive, was I supposed to have sex with him regardless ON TOP of the fact that he wasn't paying me?

No, you're supposed to say 'sorry, I don't fancy you'. Without '.. but if you pay me, I'd do you' added.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Well then dont call an escort for free sex dumb ass!
« Reply #14 on: 21 August 2010, 07:37:36 pm »
No, you're supposed to say 'sorry, I don't fancy you'. Without '.. but if you pay me, I'd do you' added.

Well I know his cheap ass wouldn't of paid. He should have said, "well sorry, but I have $50 on me"....then maybe I'd be willing to go forward with it.

Like the time a guy came over...I made him buy wine on the way to my place, and then when he found out I did massages, he went to the ATM, came back to my place...I gave him a massage and then we did it...