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Author Topic: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!  (Read 7067 times)

Jenny 2

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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #15 on: 12 March 2015, 02:02:54 pm »
You can look at it from all sorts of viewpoints if you really go down the psychological route as to why married men do it................

I mean regardless of whether his wife has cancer or not?  Does that makes a difference ? 

I am not in any way saying the cancer is irrelevant and it's a traumatic thing for anyone to go through (I've witnessed it first hand myself with a few relatives) but what about all the other wives who aren't necessarily ill?  You could look at it that way. 

I doubt we will ever get into the mindset of these men and I sometimes wonder if there are any men that really wouldn't take the chance, if they have an opportunity!  Men seem to be able to switch off or see it as nothing wrong. 

I mean how many of these guys willingly talk about their wives to us?  As though, in their eyes, they are doing nothing wrong at all! 

So, it's not for us to judge them really and at the end of the day, we are here making the money and that's how I see it now.  I try not to dwell too much on what they say or do as after all, they're men! 

So many of them see nothing wrong at all in what they do and if you think about it, it's just a physical need and they have to get a fix and that's how they see it.  An hour or so with us then they're off back playing happy families and I never give them another thought once they've gone. 

Nevertheless, I do have my 'nicer' ones and the 'annoying' ones or the 'pain in the ass' (not literally) ones and also I have a few disabled chaps I see too that I probably do think more of once they've left but I think in this business we can try and fathom out as much as possible but we'll never come to really understand what makes these guys tick! 



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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #16 on: 12 March 2015, 04:28:46 pm »
I've had many with ill wives, they're usual more likely to see escorts as wife can't/won't have sex. When I think about being in that position though I would be devastated.

But that's men, all about themselves. I don't mean that with any venom it's just the way it is, having a baby= must see prossy, dying wife= must see prossy, stressful work life= must see prossy, and on and on it goes
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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #17 on: 12 March 2015, 05:22:15 pm »
A lot of people here have already said what I'd say. To add to that, I've had clients come and see me before or after funerals. Again, a coping mechanism of sorts. And I don't even mean the funeral of a distant friend or relative, I'm talking of a sibling or parent.


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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #18 on: 12 March 2015, 10:51:51 pm »
You can look at it from all sorts of viewpoints if you really go down the psychological route as to why married men do it................

I mean regardless of whether his wife has cancer or not?  Does that makes a difference ? 

I am not in any way saying the cancer is irrelevant and it's a traumatic thing for anyone to go through (I've witnessed it first hand myself with a few relatives) but what about all the other wives who aren't necessarily ill?  You could look at it that way. 

I doubt we will ever get into the mindset of these men and I sometimes wonder if there are any men that really wouldn't take the chance, if they have an opportunity!  Men seem to be able to switch off or see it as nothing wrong. 

I mean how many of these guys willingly talk about their wives to us?  As though, in their eyes, they are doing nothing wrong at all! 

So, it's not for us to judge them really and at the end of the day, we are here making the money and that's how I see it now.  I try not to dwell too much on what they say or do as after all, they're men! 

So many of them see nothing wrong at all in what they do and if you think about it, it's just a physical need and they have to get a fix and that's how they see it.  An hour or so with us then they're off back playing happy families and I never give them another thought once they've gone. 

Nevertheless, I do have my 'nicer' ones and the 'annoying' ones or the 'pain in the ass' (not literally) ones and also I have a few disabled chaps I see too that I probably do think more of once they've left but I think in this business we can try and fathom out as much as possible but we'll never come to really understand what makes these guys tick! 


In my experience, these men have a sense of 'entitlement'.
If they found their wife paying a male escort behind their back they would be disgusted but...for them, to see escorts is something they 'deserve'/a treat etc. They are doing 'nothing wrong'. I don't like to dwell on that as it makes me feel sick.  :-\


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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #19 on: 12 March 2015, 11:07:58 pm »
I understand a bit what the OP means. On paper, a married man seeing a WG is judged badly, if his wife is very ill, it would be judged more harshly but if a punter phoned me to book and told me his wife is very ill I wouldn't turn the booking down based on that so I tend not think too much into it.

I had a reg who used to see me when his wife fell asleep on the sofa. He was in a line of work where he could get emergency call outs. Sometimes she would phone when we were at it to see where he was and he liked to fuck me while speaking to her making excuses. I did feel a bit bad with that and felt sorry for her falling asleep and he nips out to see me but it's really the only one I've felt like that. I still always took bookings from him though until he suggested bb. Felt even more sorry for her then.


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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #20 on: 13 March 2015, 04:45:56 pm »
Hi, fairly new to forum posting,

I disagree with the sentiment that we are 'paid not to judge them'. I'm paid not to judge them in person, certainly, but what my own private thoughts are and how I would discuss infidelity when I'm not being paid is my intellectual property. That being said, I don't labour on judgement of * individual* clients because, fore-mostly, that would expel a lot of energy I don't have, and secondly because I'll never know what their independent circumstances *really* are like.

That being said once again, I'm quite aware that there are clients whose ability to feel guilt has either eroded with time or practice or never existed in the first place.There are guys who go to escorts when married because of serious relationship difficulties, breakdowns, long term marital celibacy, things that one might empathise with etc and there are guys who go because they simply don't give a salad toss as long as they don't get caught. If they came home every evening to a wife cooking their favourite meal in lacy pants they'd still seek sex elsewhere and don't mind  lying about it.

The problem for us is that we can't possibly know really 'which are which', and there would be no real benefit in knowing anyhow.


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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #21 on: 13 March 2015, 06:04:20 pm »
I have a regular whose wife was very sick with cancer since I met him, and coming to see me was literally the only form of escape from caring for her, taking her to the doctor etc, and the only time he was doing something for himself.  He worked all day and cared for her all night & morning.  I always tried to make our time as special as possible b/c I had so much respect for him, and by the way he talked about her and teared up over her I knew he loved her so much.  I don't think men go to escorts b/c they don't love their wives.  I would never expect one person to fulfill my every need for the rest of my life, nor would I be so audacious as to believe I could be everything to someone.  Men come to me to be in a safe space that's free of judgement, and in turn, they don't judge me for what I do.  Sure, some clients are going to be horrible people who have no respect for their wives and try to sleep with every living thing with boobs, but those are few and far between in my experience.  The vast majority are there because they love their wives, and instead of having an affair with the woman at the office that could destroy their marriage, they're seeking something purely physical that poses no threat to their relationship.  And I respect and appreciate them for that.  I tell my clients who work all day to support their wife and kids that they deserve to treat themselves, and I wholeheartedly believe that to be true.


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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #22 on: 13 March 2015, 07:44:27 pm »
I have a regular whose wife was very sick with cancer since I met him, and coming to see me was literally the only form of escape from caring for her, taking her to the doctor etc, and the only time he was doing something for himself.  He worked all day and cared for her all night & morning.  I always tried to make our time as special as possible b/c I had so much respect for him, and by the way he talked about her and teared up over her I knew he loved her so much.  I don't think men go to escorts b/c they don't love their wives.  I would never expect one person to fulfill my every need for the rest of my life, nor would I be so audacious as to believe I could be everything to someone.  Men come to me to be in a safe space that's free of judgement, and in turn, they don't judge me for what I do.  Sure, some clients are going to be horrible people who have no respect for their wives and try to sleep with every living thing with boobs, but those are few and far between in my experience.  The vast majority are there because they love their wives, and instead of having an affair with the woman at the office that could destroy their marriage, they're seeking something purely physical that poses no threat to their relationship.  And I respect and appreciate them for that.  I tell my clients who work all day to support their wife and kids that they deserve to treat themselves, and I wholeheartedly believe that to be true.

To be fair, you are not really in a position to know the truth about client's lives, how many people they are sleeping with, how happy their marriages are and how well they treat their wives. In my opinion a client only deserves to see me on the basis he can pay the fee and he is respectful and courteous, my moral position with regards to an individual client is disinterest whilst I'm on his time. 

I just think it would be something of a spurious waste of energy to be every Tom, Dick and Harriet's moral arbiter. But that extends to their wives, and I'm not about to make assumptions about them, including assuming that their husband supports and provides for them. What with so many wonen I know these days supporting and providing for themselves.


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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #23 on: 13 March 2015, 10:14:40 pm »
I have a regular whose wife was very sick with cancer since I met him, and coming to see me was literally the only form of escape from caring for her, taking her to the doctor etc, and the only time he was doing something for himself.  He worked all day and cared for her all night & morning.  I always tried to make our time as special as possible b/c I had so much respect for him, and by the way he talked about her and teared up over her I knew he loved her so much.  I don't think men go to escorts b/c they don't love their wives.  I would never expect one person to fulfill my every need for the rest of my life, nor would I be so audacious as to believe I could be everything to someone.  Men come to me to be in a safe space that's free of judgement, and in turn, they don't judge me for what I do.  Sure, some clients are going to be horrible people who have no respect for their wives and try to sleep with every living thing with boobs, but those are few and far between in my experience.  The vast majority are there because they love their wives, and instead of having an affair with the woman at the office that could destroy their marriage, they're seeking something purely physical that poses no threat to their relationship.  And I respect and appreciate them for that.  I tell my clients who work all day to support their wife and kids that they deserve to treat themselves, and I wholeheartedly believe that to be true.


I haven't had quite the exact same situation, but close to it, and more than once - If I accept what I'm told is true. That's another thing, but some people do seem genuine and I try not to judge harshly.
« Last Edit: 13 March 2015, 10:17:02 pm by roseanna »


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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #24 on: 15 March 2015, 06:44:39 am »
We are in a fantasy fuelled profession.  This is how I see it.  If the punters are happy and satisfied with our services then we have met their needs and who are we to judge them - I certainly do not judge them whatsoever as it would be the pot calling the kettle black.

Fantasy is healthy and most people in life need an escape from mundanity and stress etc.  If seeing an escort works for them then all well and good.  It keeps us afloat and I am thankful.

I just don't like being asked why I do the job by punters as I find that rather intrusive as my reasons are very personal.

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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #25 on: 15 March 2015, 05:51:30 pm »
I have had clients ask me at the end of a booking if I think it counted as cheating, just yesterday a guy asked me, I just tell them it's their conscience and my opinion doesn't come into it, I had a client cry last month through guilt, I'm pretty hardened though, I don't try to make them feel better or justify their infidelity, it's not my problem x

If something is not perceived it doesn't exist.


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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #26 on: 15 March 2015, 11:41:29 pm »
I have a regular whose wife was very sick with cancer since I met him, and coming to see me was literally the only form of escape from caring for her, taking her to the doctor etc, and the only time he was doing something for himself.  He worked all day and cared for her all night & morning.  I always tried to make our time as special as possible b/c I had so much respect for him, and by the way he talked about her and teared up over her I knew he loved her so much.  I don't think men go to escorts b/c they don't love their wives.  I would never expect one person to fulfill my every need for the rest of my life, nor would I be so audacious as to believe I could be everything to someone.  Men come to me to be in a safe space that's free of judgement, and in turn, they don't judge me for what I do.  Sure, some clients are going to be horrible people who have no respect for their wives and try to sleep with every living thing with boobs, but those are few and far between in my experience.  The vast majority are there because they love their wives, and instead of having an affair with the woman at the office that could destroy their marriage, they're seeking something purely physical that poses no threat to their relationship.  And I respect and appreciate them for that.  I tell my clients who work all day to support their wife and kids that they deserve to treat themselves, and I wholeheartedly believe that to be true.

To be fair, you are not really in a position to know the truth about client's lives, how many people they are sleeping with, how happy their marriages are and how well they treat their wives. In my opinion a client only deserves to see me on the basis he can pay the fee and he is respectful and courteous, my moral position with regards to an individual client is disinterest whilst I'm on his time. 

I just think it would be something of a spurious waste of energy to be every Tom, Dick and Harriet's moral arbiter. But that extends to their wives, and I'm not about to make assumptions about them, including assuming that their husband supports and provides for them. What with so many wonen I know these days supporting and providing for themselves.

I understand that's how you operate.  I don't do the job that way.  I enjoy the human element, I enjoy talking with my clients about whatever they wish to discuss, and of course I keep my personal information out of the conversation and take what they say with a grain of salt.  With this particular client, to whom I acted not only as an escort but also as a therapist of sorts, I chose to believe him for a number of reasons I don't feel the need to get into.  And because of that I feel I gave a personalized service that helped him get through an incredibly difficult time.  Everyone approaches the job in the way that suits them best, and for me, treating clients like robots who want to fuck and leave would be untrue to my style.  It's not unusual for me to leave a booking feeling as if I was able to fill a client's emotional void as well as his physical one, and that's something that a lot of my regulars seem to come back for.  Disinterest may work for you, but I honestly don't think I could feign it if I tried.  The intellectual and psychological aspects of human interactions are the parts I enjoy the most about this job and are often what I'm sought for.

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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #27 on: 16 March 2015, 10:28:11 am »
Its not as if they are about to do something high risk that could kill them !


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Re: We know a lot of clients are married .......... but !!
« Reply #28 on: 16 March 2015, 05:04:15 pm »
I have a regular whose wife was very sick with cancer since I met him, and coming to see me was literally the only form of escape from caring for her, taking her to the doctor etc, and the only time he was doing something for himself.  He worked all day and cared for her all night & morning.  I always tried to make our time as special as possible b/c I had so much respect for him, and by the way he talked about her and teared up over her I knew he loved her so much.  I don't think men go to escorts b/c they don't love their wives.  I would never expect one person to fulfill my every need for the rest of my life, nor would I be so audacious as to believe I could be everything to someone.  Men come to me to be in a safe space that's free of judgement, and in turn, they don't judge me for what I do.  Sure, some clients are going to be horrible people who have no respect for their wives and try to sleep with every living thing with boobs, but those are few and far between in my experience.  The vast majority are there because they love their wives, and instead of having an affair with the woman at the office that could destroy their marriage, they're seeking something purely physical that poses no threat to their relationship.  And I respect and appreciate them for that.  I tell my clients who work all day to support their wife and kids that they deserve to treat themselves, and I wholeheartedly believe that to be true.

To be fair, you are not really in a position to know the truth about client's lives, how many people they are sleeping with, how happy their marriages are and how well they treat their wives. In my opinion a client only deserves to see me on the basis he can pay the fee and he is respectful and courteous, my moral position with regards to an individual client is disinterest whilst I'm on his time. 

I just think it would be something of a spurious waste of energy to be every Tom, Dick and Harriet's moral arbiter. But that extends to their wives, and I'm not about to make assumptions about them, including assuming that their husband supports and provides for them. What with so many wonen I know these days supporting and providing for themselves.

I understand that's how you operate.  I don't do the job that way.  I enjoy the human element, I enjoy talking with my clients about whatever they wish to discuss, and of course I keep my personal information out of the conversation and take what they say with a grain of salt.  With this particular client, to whom I acted not only as an escort but also as a therapist of sorts, I chose to believe him for a number of reasons I don't feel the need to get into.  And because of that I feel I gave a personalized service that helped him get through an incredibly difficult time.  Everyone approaches the job in the way that suits them best, and for me, treating clients like robots who want to fuck and leave would be untrue to my style.  It's not unusual for me to leave a booking feeling as if I was able to fill a client's emotional void as well as his physical one, and that's something that a lot of my regulars seem to come back for.  Disinterest may work for you, but I honestly don't think I could feign it if I tried.  The intellectual and psychological aspects of human interactions are the parts I enjoy the most about this job and are often what I'm sought for.


I also think we are not paid to not be judgmental.
I don't believe everything men tell me in general (clients even more) but I still do believe in the good in general.
You have to put yourself in the position of the other person. Because one day this could be you. And while there will always be girls for every punter, there should also be some who tell them the truth because their reality gets completely distorted after a while (if all those young girls accept my behavior, Can I be wrong?)
Very often I show clients my disapproval about their behavior, may it be a look on my face or just a very stupid question like;
"But don't you think it really hurts your wife if you are showing me all her personal messages for you while she is fighting cancer in hospital? Don't you sometimes feel a bit bad you have to do this?"

Honestly, I do not want to deal with the guilt that they might be wanting to share (by making me feel guilty too).

At least he could have been keeping it to himself, really.
I try to see myself from different people's positions. And maybe next time I am the wife with cancer. And I would be very grateful if someone would actually tell this man, no, dishonesty and immoral behavior cannot be always excused with  your cock and sexual needs.
I learned to control my needs of craving sweets and chocolate during stressful time for my partners bc I don't want to look like a whale ross.