So you phone me
and after a long chat you indicate you are either:
young/tasty/big penis /virgin/looking for a girlfriendand would like to meet me for no fee.
Or after booking me and not turning up,
you say something similar.
Well, that's ok
I don't mind at all
coz I get to play my favourite game:
Hotel Whore.
The rules are simpleI say that I found you really attractive on the phone and you sound like the type of guy I go with in your personal life.
1. I have to appear sincere and convincing that I am up for a freebie shag{not difficult to project, considering the job I do...
2. That I would like you to bring me something to see you make an effort. Either:
A pint of milk {'I'd love to firstly have a cup of tea with you but I'm right out of milk'}
A bunch of flowers to show you are sincere, any bunch will do even some from a petrol station or supermarket
a bottle of wine {your choice} to help me relax
I say that I work from a hotel (hotel A)
When you get to the hotel car park
I give you the room number, which is 58
After not gaining access to room 58, you will phone me, at which point I say room 38, not 58.
You later phone again from outside room 38. I'll sound confused and ask you to hold on while I open the door. I then say, sorry, room 67.
Even later you phone from outside room 67. (see where we are going with this?) and I sound flustered, explaining my other phone has just gone off, It's a regular and I have to see him, he is here in 5 minutes and likes me dressed in PVC which I'm struggling into.
"Would you like to wait in the hotel bar as he is usually only 30 minutes, so call me then."
Triple bonus scoreYou later say that you are having a flustered day. You normally use hotel A
but they were fully booked so you got a room at hotel B, hence the confusion on rooms. You are definitely in hotel B in room 67.
Repeat the game according to the above method.
5 points to get him to turn up at the hotel
Add 5 points if he has brought the item of you choice
Add 5 points for every room he knocks on
Add 5 points for every sad pathetic whining call he makes to you
Add 5 points if the hotel staff eject him
Add 15 points per door knocked on and per call made in hotel BSam is currently playing this game in the Ramada hotel.
He is currently in the bar with a pint of milk
{now you see the reason for the item request
So far I am at 40 points
What is your high score?
yes I am a very evil person