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Author Topic: very nasy argument after being insulted!  (Read 11689 times)


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #45 on: 22 July 2010, 11:39:12 pm »
Good on ya. If you really want a boyfriend, try and meet someone unconnected to this stuff.

Thanks for helping out Lucy (despite our fight last weekend LOL)

But unconnected to what stuff? Promiscuous sex? The only difference between gay men who pay and gay men who one is paying to be a slut, the rest are being sluts for free. So even if I decided to 'live a normal life', that is pure fantasy when dealing with many gay men. Most are immature when it comes to committing to one guy, and are just as much after the thrill as the average john riding down Broadway in New York looking for street walkers.

But its gotten worse because now, some men find a way to use the fact that Im escorting as a reason why they are slutting around. Thats why, Im thinking of hiding my face to the next city I move to. There's gonna be some changes. For the better, because I refuse to stand for this nonsense and mis-treatment  >:(

Lucy Chambers

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #46 on: 23 July 2010, 12:14:37 am »
That is a hard one, but it seems to me that if you are meeting guys in clubs and online that can't be a great way to meet genuine guys. Sport, gym, bookclubs, anything that dosen't involve alcohol or pick up joints. Stop looking, is a good tip. You will bump into mr right when the time is right.

Miss Mary

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #47 on: 23 July 2010, 12:30:08 am »
Joey, are you a Pisces??

Anika Mae

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #48 on: 23 July 2010, 01:07:45 am »
That is a hard one, but it seems to me that if you are meeting guys in clubs and online that can't be a great way to meet genuine guys. Sport, gym, bookclubs, anything that dosen't involve alcohol or pick up joints. Stop looking, is a good tip. You will bump into mr right when the time is right.

Hey now, it feels pretty strange to be arguing Joey's side twice in a day, but that's easier to say when about 49% of the people you meet when you're not looking are the right gender and sexual orientation to potentially be your Mr. Right.

Lucy Chambers

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #49 on: 23 July 2010, 09:21:56 am »
I agree. I just have not much idea where you would meet a genuine guy....


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #50 on: 23 July 2010, 09:50:20 am »
Hey now, it feels pretty strange to be arguing Joey's side twice in a day, but that's easier to say when about 49% of the people you meet when you're not looking are the right gender and sexual orientation to potentially be your Mr. Right.

Yeah...its so much easier for women. Gay men may find sex easy, but its much harder to find a man of 'Mr. Right' potential in a normal setting, away from the 'gay parts of town' in certain cities. It sucks when I meet men at the gym, and they always say, "me and my girlfriend"...ah shit  :P

Im actually a Leo and my birthday comes up next month, which is why Im hoping shit gets better quickly.


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #51 on: 23 July 2010, 11:05:09 am »
there is a certain risk mentality they are pre-disposed to and no amount of at home sex is going to stop them from seeking that thrill. Remember fundamentally people are selfish, and do all things from the point of view that benefits them.

well you most certainly are right on that point. I mean, when do people ever help people other than if it benefits them in some way? I know you kept warning me Violette, but I just didn't think it applied to 'everyone'. I mean, other than the fact that they paid me for sex, what makes them such a bad person (for me) for doing that? He invited me over to his home to meet his neighbors, friends and family. He pretty much let me have run of the house and do whatever I wanted. He was always nice and there to stick around. It wasn't so point blank. He wasn't a horrible guy, but its just that he fucked up an ultimate rule by 1. bringing up money 2. failing to pay money after initiaing both the sex act and the offer of money. Those are FELONY offenses in the law of escorting! But I guess you already explained it. The thrill.

Ok let me say this-Homo sapiens are selfish, now unless he is from another planet, or is a different species altogether, or has some brain damage, or mental, or a chemical imbalance that makes him unselfish, then it is safe to bet he is human, and thus selfish! This mean EVERYONE!!! Now of course there are degrees of selfishness, but that is another story. Think, all the things he was doing could have been simply because they made him happy? They placed the attention on him, he was validated via his association with you, thus vicariously throwing him into the spot light? Turn the table and think about things from his view point. It was win-win for him. Hot young LBFM, to decorate his pool so his neighbors could comment? Same thing with family, he gained more milage out of this situation that you did.


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #52 on: 23 July 2010, 06:37:35 pm »
he gained more milage out of this situation that you did.

LOL, I didnt know what LBFM  was until I looked it up...Well, I sort of did feel that sometimes it seemed like he was just trying to show off in front of his neighbors. And at one point, an old roomate came by and he kept trying to kiss me, and I told him, "stop, are you trying to make your former roommate jealous or something?" He denied it, but on a couple of occasions I see that he was trying to do exactly what you were saying.

I would get particularly annoyed when he'd bring up "us having sex later" to his neighbor or friends. I told him one day to not mention that to anyone else again especially around me because its non of their business to know about us having sex. Let them wonder. On the next pool party, he didn't bring it up again...

As far as more mileage gained...hmmm, its not a race. I'm sure all his neighbors and friends going to wonder WHY I stopped coming over, so Im sure thats going to backfire on his end. And what is he going to tell them? That I got upset when he refused to pay me for his sex fantasy?

Even if he tells another lie, I could care less what those crackers think about me anyhow. I noticed couple weeks ago that they are a team of gossipers, and one rather attractive 20s something roommmate/fuck buddy friend of his was the subject of their gossip which I found to be rather tasteless considering that I met this person before, and they made him out to be a bad person. So I can imagine that he'll find a way to SLAG me off in some way too. Like I said, its still going to backfire because they are going ot want to know the truth....whats he gonna tell them? A lie, he has to live with it!


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #53 on: 23 July 2010, 11:06:41 pm »
lol im a pisces   scatty emotiional but seriously tight with my money  so i dont think im a typical one
joey  you need to stop and think - moving to  a different place is great and good on you but if you take even a single problem that you have had with you to your new place then its the case of the same shit different state not a single thingk will change that 100percent gurantee please dont take offence

the beauty of escorting  is that you can be who the fuck you want to be ,  so reinvent yourself  when you move make your self the hard headed businessman that you deserve to be and dont fuck for free for fucks sake well 

keep your work and personal life seperate  any clients that want to see you out of work time tell them sure that  xxxx amount of money   money is time you pay im  your  you dont im somewone elses  your motto should be show me the money  (think Tom Cruise and Cuba ) dont mix the 2 it never works its just a free fuck for them always get the money first  -not after - not in the middle and check  it and make sure its  all there that what your doing it for not for free and even if its was you still want paying 
do you seriolsy think that if we girls didnt get the money first they would pay us after they have shot there load  ..... one or two might but  98 of em wont so money come first when you are working     

Joey, are you a Pisces??


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #54 on: 24 July 2010, 12:02:20 am »
moving to  a different place is great and good on you but if you take even a single problem that you have had with you to your new place then its the case of the same shit different state not a single thingk will change that 100percent gurantee please dont take offence

the beauty of escorting  is that you can be who the fuck you want to be ,  so reinvent yourself  when you move make your self the hard headed businessman that you deserve to be and dont fuck for free for fucks sake well  

keep your work and personal life seperate  any clients that want to see you out of work time tell them sure that  xxxx amount of money  

This is so true what Paris has said.  Totally reinvent yourself and learn from your mistakes and/or the things that have gone wrong where you are now.   At least then it hasn't all been for nothing.  

I think what you said about not showing your face in another post is a great idea too.  You will have more anonymity and therefore more control over people knowing you are an escort and wanting free sex out of you when you're just out partying and wanting to just be yourself for the night and not an escort.  Don't get me wrong I know not everyone is going to know you're an escort if you do show your face but I just think from what you've said that you should give it a try.  It will help to keep your profession secret if you do happen to meet the guy of your dreams and you don't want him to find out without you telling him.  ;)

I'm really excited about your move Joey and can't wait!  I hope you do really well and i'm proud of you for just getting up and going.  ;D
« Last Edit: 24 July 2010, 12:05:52 am by Cherrylips »


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #55 on: 24 July 2010, 12:36:39 am »
 joey  you need to stop and think - moving to  a different place is great and good on you but if you take even a single problem that you have had with you to your new place then its the case of the same shit different state not a single thingk will change that 100percent gurantee please dont take offence

I understand completely. And I keep telling myself, not to make the same damn mistakes like an idiot to the next place I go.

But really, I wouldn't be making these damn mistakes if people here werent so damn cheap. Its like a domino effect: when nobody is paying me, I feel forced to just hangout with clients and use them for drinks, pool parties, and dinners. Because I cant afford to take out the guy who I really want...someone my age and caliber!

However, when Im making steady income and things are fine, the hell would I wanna be hanging out with some old ass man for? To fucking bore me to death with their lame way of life? Hell no! Instead, I go on dates with men Im attracted to. And if they aint got money, I certainly won't roll with them cause they not going to be using me for money I had to sell my body for  >:(


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #56 on: 26 July 2010, 10:16:11 pm »
Well...there's a happy ending to this chaos...

I remembered over the weekend I left an expensive bottle of silicon lube at his place, and I was CERTAINLY not fixing to let him keep it nor go out to buy more especially since I wasn't getting paid for it (I used to leave lubes at people's place alot, until I got sick of replacing brand new bottles!)

So I went over and blew the horn a few times letting him know I was outside. My lube was returned, and there wasn't a single mention of what we had discussed in the email. There was nothing to talk about. I walked in, and walked out. It felt like the weirdest thing. As if...a relationship had ended.


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #57 on: 30 November 2010, 07:20:32 am »
Okay...I know everyone has been getting on me about the drama thing...but you CANNOT beat me up for this one!

I drove 4.5 hours south today to do some work and meet clients in another city. Low and behold, the client who I was referring to at the start of this thread happend to speed past me this afternoon on the freeway! At 1st, I didn't notice him...but something kept telling me, thats his truck, its rush hour (around 5pm), and we were in the same area of town. I drive closer, I look out the window and guess who's in the truck? My X! I was so stunned and surprised that I honked the horn a few times to get his attention and he got a quick glance of me.

But, I KNOW for a fact he knew it was me because of my car and the license plate I have is from out of state. So I think he totally wanted me to notice him!

It seems like when you try to forget about always has a way of re-surfacing, is that not crazy or what?