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Author Topic: very nasy argument after being insulted!  (Read 11684 times)

Anika Mae

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #30 on: 22 July 2010, 07:10:15 pm »
I can't believe there's a 'paid' section on a free site, what a dreadful place to be advertising

I believe it, there are some over here too. One of the first sites I advertised on was one of those and yes, it was totally pointless.

I put 'gay escort Texas' into Google and got a bunch of results (and pictures of hot guys which is, ahem, beside the point) that to be honest, not even knowing where to begin, I'm not sure how to interpret. But at least it shows there's more than one site to advertise on. I think perhaps not looking for clients amongst the guys who are hanging around the bargain bin might be a good first step - it seems silly but I've found it's really true, you've got to market yourself directly to the best clients, no matter how obvious it seems to me that I'm awesome and all clients should instantly know to go to my site. :P I think clients looking for a bit of something special really do want even their initial contact with your site/profile to be impressive - I know you hardly have money to spare right now, Joey, but could a paid advert on a super-slick site be worth doing at least in future so you aren't dealing with so many guys just looking for casual unpaid sex?

I've got to stick up for Joey here (not that you were having a go at him). He's talked about paid ads he's had in the past, because you have to pay for any decent advertising in the US, and he was having trouble making them pay for themselves. There might be other options that would work better, but he has had a good go at speculating to accumulate. Hopefully they'll work better somewhere with a better scene though.


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #31 on: 22 July 2010, 07:34:18 pm »
I've got to stick up for Joey here (not that you were having a go at him). He's talked about paid ads he's had in the past, because you have to pay for any decent advertising in the US, and he was having trouble making them pay for themselves. There might be other options that would work better, but he has had a good go at speculating to accumulate. Hopefully they'll work better somewhere with a better scene though.

Thats very true. For example: Earlier this month, I paid $40 for a 10 day ad on a site thats known to attract higher paying clients. Well, guess what? During that time I only had 1 client, who wasn't even local! He was from the other side of the country and just happened to be visiting. And now, I cant even afford to repost cause I paid all the bills I been behind on  :(

The place I'm moving to, I had put up a 10 day ad (same website) and had a client from there everyday, or atleast every other day. True, I was new...but even when I was new here, I'd gotten nothing from paying those ads except for the 1 guy that just happens to be visiting this so called 'convention and tourist trap'. Countless times I can recall paying $40 for a 10 day ad, getting nothing. I thought the site was a rip-off...but in actuality, I just live in a worthless, cheap state that needs to just detach from the rest of the United States and become its own damn country or back to Mexico!  >:(


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #32 on: 22 July 2010, 07:51:14 pm »
$40 for a 10 day ad

Blargh! The US sites are so expensive! I've heard other American escorts grumping about TER or Eros or whichever that charges about $300 for their top ads and was just a bit uselessly gobsmacked. I think maybe I don't take my advertising seriously enough - being an ubercourtesan just looks like too much hard work. But anyway, that doesn't matter here. I'm actually really excited about your impending move, Joey! ;D It sounds like you'll already be set to put ads up straight away on the best sites and be busy working practically within an hour of getting there. Woohoo!
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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #33 on: 22 July 2010, 08:07:20 pm »
$40 for a 10 day ad

Blargh! The US sites are so expensive! I've heard other American escorts grumping about TER or Eros. It sounds like you'll already be set to put ads up straight away on the best sites and be busy working practically within an hour of getting there. Woohoo!

Yes they are...yet many of them dont even bring much work. I think I've probably spent almost equal on advertising than I've earned. Thats why I dont like to waste even 1 year in a city where things aren't happening as fast as I want to because thats too much money, too little in return.

I hope you weren't being sarcastic about my move  :-\  I may not get work the hour I get there, but surely I'll get something within a day or 2 (or the very next morning, which is common). Plus, looking at the long haul, I'll fare better there than trying to get blood from a stone in this dump.

Miss Jameson

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #34 on: 22 July 2010, 08:12:09 pm »
OK. Fine, you made a mistake. You are going to meet hustlers wherever you move to, a freebie is a freebie and you will always have predatory clients that know which buttons to press. But stop sleeping around, it will just complicate matters, especially if you are drawing your clientele from the same community.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. You're mixing your escort and your personal life. I'm not saying that you can't have both, but I am saying that there is never a good reason to date a client without getting paid unless there was an advanced stipend involved. Never invite people from this industry in your personal life. It only complicates things. Now the feeling wouldn't change much if you had some civilian boyfriend, and he failed to help you out because of what you do. Let's just make it a point not to deal with losers either way, how about that? You are a very handsome young man, with an apparently big heart. You deserve much more.

As far as getting better/more clients is concerned, I do think that the gay escort advertising spectrum is vast, but the marketing is so similar! I encourage you to find a way to set yourself apart in your ads, and see how that helps.
Miss Jameson
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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #35 on: 22 July 2010, 08:24:46 pm »
I hope you weren't being sarcastic about my move  :-\  I may not get work the hour I get there, but surely I'll get something within a day or 2 (or the very next morning, which is common). Plus, looking at the long haul, I'll fare better there than trying to get blood from a stone in this dump.

Yes, sorry, I'm often being sarcastic but I definitely wasn't there. I'm honestly excited and it's mainly because you seem to have some solid plans that I really think will work out positively. And there's nothing quite like getting out of a place that sucks and leaving the crappiness behind while you get on with bigger and better things. :)
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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #36 on: 22 July 2010, 09:06:19 pm »
Never invite people from this industry in your personal life. It only complicates things.

I like how you said that...but thing is, I didnt invite him into my life...he invited me to his (but I guess I should have not taken up on it)

I guess that also goes even further. I've already mastered the concept of not inviting other escorts of the industry into my personal life, which also seems to lead to disaster, but now I learned not to invite clients either as they are just as bad.

Im going to start treating clients as what they are: disgusting, sex starved yet addicted perverts with fucked up fantasies who dont deserve a second of my time if they aren't paying  >:(  

Uh, I may need to seek out a professional therapy after this episode  :-[

Lucy Chambers

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #37 on: 22 July 2010, 09:10:55 pm »
Wow Joey, that's a bit extreme. Some clients are just lonely busy people who like a little 'room service'.


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #38 on: 22 July 2010, 09:23:27 pm »
Wow Joey, that's a bit extreme. Some clients are just lonely busy people who like a little 'room service'.

Here's the email I sent to him today, but I haven't gotten a reply....which means I told him off to the point where its officially OVER

Thats messed up that you couldn't keep your word last night. Especially when you offered to give me something, I didn't ask for it. I probably would have done it regardless, but the fact that you offered and changed it up in the morning makes me feel like you tricked me into doing that. The point is we tried it out, and you got off. If you're going to be a 'friend' or 'date' or anything other than a 'client', you cant treat me like a ho in the same sense.
I understand that maybe you feel like you don't need to keep your word anymore because I told you I 'might' be moving, on the basis of "well, he's moving, so Im going to lose him anyway"... but Im not going to deal with being disrespected in the way I was last night and by doing so you are basically telling me that you're ok with throwing away whatever friendship we've developed.

If you had no intention on paying me, then dont bring up anything about giving me money. I had no intention of taking any money from you because I know we aren't on a business level anymore. But dont offer if you not going to do it. That makes you look no different to me than the rest of these cheapskates I have to deal with on a daily basis in this city. 


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #39 on: 22 July 2010, 09:40:51 pm »
very well said Joey but it seems that you are leaving it open to discussion? I thought u had red carded him?


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #40 on: 22 July 2010, 10:33:29 pm »
I am just about to the point of screaming in total and utter frustration! Cold hard hearted bitch here, but to be blunt, you just don't shit where you eat! Plain and simple. Clients are clients, that is that. If the man comes to me from that avenue, there is no consideration for a relationship! Even if you don't meet a man through this avenue, if they are used to being a punter, there is a certain risk mentality they are pre-disposed to and no amount of at home sex is going to stop them from seeking that thrill. Now you compound this with the introduction of finances into the mix. The message you have sent is this: They can BUY you like a commodity, either with money, presents, or lifestyle. Remember fundamentally people are selfish, and do all things from the point of view that benefits them.


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #41 on: 22 July 2010, 10:41:37 pm »
there is a certain risk mentality they are pre-disposed to and no amount of at home sex is going to stop them from seeking that thrill. Remember fundamentally people are selfish, and do all things from the point of view that benefits them.

well you most certainly are right on that point. I mean, when do people ever help people other than if it benefits them in some way? I know you kept warning me Violette, but I just didn't think it applied to 'everyone'. I mean, other than the fact that they paid me for sex, what makes them such a bad person (for me) for doing that? He invited me over to his home to meet his neighbors, friends and family. He pretty much let me have run of the house and do whatever I wanted. He was always nice and there to stick around. It wasn't so point blank. He wasn't a horrible guy, but its just that he fucked up an ultimate rule by 1. bringing up money 2. failing to pay money after initiaing both the sex act and the offer of money. Those are FELONY offenses in the law of escorting! But I guess you already explained it. The thrill.

very well said Joey but it seems that you are leaving it open to discussion? I thought u had red carded him?

No, I was just telling him off without necessarily saying its over. He knows it over when I suggested what he did is telling me its ok for me to throw away the relationship.

Ok, I just noticed...I think I was so enraged this morning that I didnt even notice I spelled 'nasty' wrong. I could have swore I seen a T in there.
« Last Edit: 22 July 2010, 10:45:00 pm by American Joey »

Lucy Chambers

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #42 on: 22 July 2010, 10:52:44 pm »
What applies for me, Violette and everyone else applies because he was a client. If you are servicing clients, it can always happen to you- if you let it. You didn't meet on a even playing field, he will always see you as the rental and you cannot ever let anyone use you for sex...if you do, forget being an escort,  you will just end up in a mess somewhere.  Your email was too ambiguous..if he has nothing for you tell him to fuck off.


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #43 on: 22 July 2010, 10:55:49 pm »
Your email was too ambiguous..if he has nothing for you tell him to fuck off.

well, Im not going to call or email him again just to say that. He can take my letter as a 'Dear John' and go fuck himself with it. Either way, he realizes I have caught onto his shit and I wont stand for it anymore.

And he bet not go tell his friends lies about me that I asked him for money. Because I will find out and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And say, he said he was going to pay ME but didnt do it, which is why I...ME...dumped HIS ass!

Lucy Chambers

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #44 on: 22 July 2010, 10:57:31 pm »
Good on ya. If you really want a boyfriend, try and meet someone unconnected to this stuff.