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Author Topic: very nasy argument after being insulted!  (Read 11704 times)


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very nasy argument after being insulted!
« on: 22 July 2010, 02:20:44 pm »
Oh gosh, I know Im probably going to get it...

Anyhow, myself and the guy Im seeing (mind you, he'd hired me before) were messing about yesterday and at some point he mentions to me that he'd pay me X amount to insert a dildo in me. I was telling him no, but he insisted and I decided to try it just that once.

Well, I didn't like it much...but it did go all the way in. We toyed around with it for about 5 minutes, but then I have to stop. The plan was he was going to pay me for it.

Well, this morning (I slept over) I remind him for the money and he says "oh you didn't do it long enough"  >:(  I was enraged. I was like, "you offered! How the hell you going to change up? I didnt even ask to do that, you fucking offered to give me the money if I did it, why can't you keep your word?"

I couldn't even talk to him anymore after that and I just drove off without saying goodbye or kiss or anything. I think Im just going to end the relationship. He's an idiot to make an offer for something and not even go thru with it. Im just going to leave it alone because I dont want to go to jail again for beating someone's ass because they think they gonna get over on me.

Good riddens!


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #1 on: 22 July 2010, 02:28:52 pm »
Im trying hard not to fire off a nasty email to his work address  >:(


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #2 on: 22 July 2010, 02:35:21 pm »
I am a bit confused. Are you seeing him or is he a client. If you are seeing him were you not insulted he offered you money to perform for him. I am sorry but the line has been crossed. A partner should NEVER treat you like a whore. If you do decide to speak to him again I would ask if he wants to be a BF or a client as he cannot possibly be both.
As for the money, I am afraid you were foolish enough to allow the boundaries to get crossed so you can only blame yourself
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact

Lucy Chambers

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #3 on: 22 July 2010, 02:40:17 pm »
I would get the money first  ;D


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #4 on: 22 July 2010, 02:43:16 pm »
I do blame myself partly, but that does not leave him off the hook. I am seeing him...but not a client terms.

I would not have been so concerned about the money but he offered it though. And yes, that is treating me like a whore. I mean, he's been wanting me to do other things like anal-mouth but I told him I wouldn't, and didnt.

Im trying not to feel too degraded, but its hard to though. Its like he is just like the rest of these cheap asses out here. No different than everyone else in this town.

Some clients just need to be left alone in their own little nasty world. But I dont feel too bad. I was mainly just using his ass for his swimming pool and whenever I'm bored. If business was great (which it will once I get the hell out out of this state), I would not be wasting my time with that idiot in the 1st place.

Lucy Chambers

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #5 on: 22 July 2010, 02:56:56 pm »
Bloody hell Joey. Wherever you move you will still have to get started..have you decided where? Have you started pricing up real estate? It would probably be good if you stopped pissing around and getting distracted!


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #6 on: 22 July 2010, 03:02:11 pm »
Bloody hell Joey. Wherever you move you will still have to get started..have you decided where? Have you started pricing up real estate? It would probably be good if you stopped pissing around and getting distracted!

I've already done what I've needed to do. I've looked at apartments, I'm getting ready to show and sublet mine so I cant get out of this wretched lease, and I have worked there just last month.

Come next month, the 1st or the 3rd...Im moving on. Im done dealing with this shit

Lucy Chambers

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #7 on: 22 July 2010, 03:07:08 pm »
cool! Now, no play without pay. What's the point, you are go and see him, make nice and get your deposit from him. Like you said, he has paid before. Not behaviour I would advocate in a normal situation, but offering to pay a boyfriend isn't normal.


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #8 on: 22 July 2010, 03:12:29 pm »
you are go and see him, make nice and get your deposit from him.

well, that doesn't quite make sense though?

Lucy Chambers

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #9 on: 22 July 2010, 03:15:54 pm »
 I meant you don't want a relationship, but you could do with some cash. I was suggesting that you go and see him give him the ride of his life. Before you leave. For a fee.


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #10 on: 22 July 2010, 03:30:53 pm »
 I meant you don't want a relationship, but you could do with some cash. I was suggesting that you go and see him give him the ride of his life. Before you leave. For a fee.

He's not going to pay me again! He's not...

I remember him telling me about an escort he dated awhile back, and he got mad at the escort because a friend of the client and the escort' were doing cocaine all night, and the escort wanted to get paid at the end. And he wouldn't even pay him $150 for that.

I thought it was shady for the escort to ask for money after doing coke all night with the client's friend....but at the same time I did find the story to be rather tasteless. Not really the best story to tell to an escort you are dating. That basically says he has a history of only paying escorts once, befriending them...and then not ever paying again.

Lucy Chambers

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #11 on: 22 July 2010, 03:36:45 pm »
Sounds like it is his usual scam. Lets hope he didn't have a webcam hidden anywhere!


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #12 on: 22 July 2010, 04:13:11 pm »
Honey he wasn't dating you! He has been getting his jollies for free from you and having a laugh, I will bet you as soon as you have left, he will have some other young gullible fool on the hook, repeating the same pattern all over again. Joey for the last time, this is a business, DO NOT DATE CLIENTS IT WILL AND DOES END BADLY!


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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #13 on: 22 July 2010, 04:43:50 pm »
Honey he wasn't dating you! He has been getting his jollies for free from you and having a laugh, I will bet you as soon as you have left, he will have some other young gullible fool on the hook, repeating the same pattern all over again. Joey for the last time, this is a business, DO NOT DATE CLIENTS IT WILL AND DOES END BADLY!

I know, I know...but I dont think its simply just as that. Its not like we were meeting up specifically for sex and thats it. We went out to dinner last weekend, and invited me to a pool party with his co-workers and we didnt end up having sex.

But by no means am I discrediting what you are saying. Part of me feels he really does (or did) want to date me, another part felt like he was getting a free ride. But I have no doubt that as soon as I left, he would have met another escort...but hell, I have been sleeping around with several other men behind his back too so I guess 2 can play that game  :-\

Im still a bit off about the fact that a guy I recently met while hustling on the dating site for some cash, was too afraid to be seen in public with another man, but wanted to have a 'regular basis' relationship thing going where basically he'd come over, get fucked, and go home.

I was so disgusted with the sound of that arrangement and I almost can relate our current engagement to that, except atleast he's not as closeted, and has introduced me to neighbors, friends and co-workers and even his family. Isn't that somewhat relationaship-ish?
« Last Edit: 22 July 2010, 04:47:41 pm by American Joey »

Lucy Chambers

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Re: very nasy argument after being insulted!
« Reply #14 on: 22 July 2010, 04:47:27 pm »
Have you been charging them? That's an awful lot of free sex if not.