Yo. Completely get your fascination with TW psychology- and these guys are definitely TWs!
When I started, about two months in, there was a guy who gave the "I'm young, I'm a virgin, I am soooooo nervous!" and so I said fine, I will meet you for literally five mins near your work which was on my way to uni so you can see I am real and feel comfortable. Met him- he lunged in for a big hug and kiss.
Oh no ya don't mister.
Chatted for a couple of mins. And then he made an appointment for the following day....and cancelled it. He then sent texts saying hi and what uni do you go to and you are cute and can I have a face pic and that I'd make a lovely girlfriend (all which I ignored) and eventually texts saying "don't ignore me, I will find you". He finally lost the plot altogether and called on another number and said "oh, hi, yeah, we met a while ago, I erm, I just wondered, erm..... well, erm...." and when I realised who it was I just lost it and said loads of horrible stuff. I felt 1% bad afterwards because he sounded really hurt- but then I realised he was a titwank, hung up, and quickly recovered from my guilt

These men, they need to be on match.com. Either that or as you say, they think they are mr.sexy-big-dicky 2009 and could woo an escort into dating him with one swooning glance and a flash of a smile. If they want to meet for a coffee because they are nervous- they are talking bollocks. We should ask them how they will they ever pluck up the courage to stick their willies in us if they are that nervous? It's bollocks.
And the amount of blokes who you see once and who then make your life a misery because they ask you on a normal date and get angry when you turn them down. Don't get me started!!!!
God, that turned into a bit of a rant, my apologies! I am actually going to dabble with semi-retirement soon, and re-reading this post has just convinced me I am ready to