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Author Topic: Trying to keep my cool on this tour  (Read 3074 times)


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Trying to keep my cool on this tour
« on: 05 September 2009, 07:59:11 pm »
So this week I decided to take a spontaneous tour for the weekend, being that its a holiday and all. It was a 'local' tour, local meaning driving distance of about 262 miles (421 kilometers). Im sure thats a journey to y'all on the 'island' LOL.

Got here yesterday afternoon. Craigslist decided to screw me over by declining my ad that I posted at 10 f-ing A.M., and then not approving the edit til damn near 9 P.M. that night. I ended up only getting 1 call all night, from a blocked number that I didnt bother to answer. Then an email from someone who's been emailing me since Friday morning turned out to be a silly timewaster, who didnt even end up making it. I was hoping that'd be what get me started. Then this morning, I get a haggler who even when I counter-offered a lower in-call price, still haggled me! No thankyou.

So its still early afternoon, plenty of hours to go. But Im still tense right now. I didnt advertise early because too many times I've done so and didnt seem to make much of a difference. And I got so tired of all the 'are you in town now' calls. Hello! My ad states Im not there til the 4th of Septemeber! So I didnt even bother to advertise early. Since its a holiday weekend, they are pretty good for getting a high amount of last-minute bookings, which I dont mind.

I wanted to check out the town, without having to say "Houston, we have a problem".