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Author Topic: The perfect lie  (Read 1914 times)


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The perfect lie
« on: 09 November 2010, 01:05:49 am »
Hello girls,

I love this forum so much. I live in Holland and here we do not have any community like that even the work here is fully legal then even on internet it no place like that. After a long weeks of thinking in telling everybody what am doing I decided to do not tell people because it would cost me more trouble than it is actually worth it. This work is on high discretion level and I do not want to come around people and telling then what I do cause they will judge it and this work is full of stereotypes,more than any others, so I do want still having friends and relationships ( I feel like an alien since a few weeks ago I started avoiding people ). So, I would like to ask you for help, what kind of job I would tell to people that I do, cause I think and really anything proper comes across my mind. I'm 23, I come from eastern europe and lots of people think that girls from there come to Netherlands for this kind of job and I have no idea how to cover things up. I work from my flat, just 2-3 hours a day and have plenty of free time. It's difficult to think something what would cover the fact that I make quiet good income and rent an expensive for most people flat, live alone and have plenty of time. What could be the best perfect lie to tell to people and also to new friends with whom I would like to be closer or even a boyfriend? How to deal with this things? I have no idea how I was doing it the last three years, I think I was living like an real alien, good that I am not green and don't call myself E.T.  ;D
thanks  :)
He came in the morning and woke me up with killer instinct. Wish I could stop this now.

miss caroline

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Re: The perfect lie
« Reply #1 on: 09 November 2010, 08:57:51 am »
hi there i have same problem as you i work part time from home when kids in school i allways worry what people will think what will i say when asked where do i work so after a lot of thought i say i dont work im off sick.
one lie leads to another then for get what lie told who i think to tell lies your have to be a good lier which im not
a few weeks ago my mum was at my door as a punter was leaving omg i could have died the punter wasnt worried so i let him out back door as my mum was ringin the bell at the front door i didnt let her in she must have thought i was out .i was very worried none of my family no what i do or my mates dont no i dont no what my family would do of they found out probley cut me out of the family
very sad really isnt it i only tryin to earn a livin and bring my kids up the best i can


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Re: The perfect lie
« Reply #2 on: 09 November 2010, 03:41:08 pm »
I think to say that working as a masseur would be good, only we would have to say that we took some course  for masseurs. You can buy some books and place them at the shelf to show the family that you do studies. Saying that you work for a company that delivers massages, you can find some on the google. I think that good come as a good lie. I think I will say that to people.

Why I found it difficult to do this job and cover things up is also because of the clients. Some of them are married and won't never say even when they would come to as family friend at dinner that you and him had sex and you work as prossie. The thing is with the single clients and you never really know if you gonna meet them ever again at some social point and whathever they will tell to everybody what you are doing. And the next is that finally you might also get your close friend or school colleague at your door for incall or escort, or even once I heard that to a girl came her father! What a shock it must be! Am I making myself crazy or it's something really to worry about?  
« Last Edit: 09 November 2010, 03:46:35 pm by Candy »
He came in the morning and woke me up with killer instinct. Wish I could stop this now.


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Re: The perfect lie
« Reply #3 on: 09 November 2010, 03:47:46 pm »
Or you could give your self a little more leeway and say that you run a therapy service from home, as therapy
is a very broad description...just dont get too well known or you'll have friends popping in on the
off chance for therapy. I'm sure you'll choose something neutral and plain enough to keep nosey people away.
Being a good girl from now on.


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Re: The perfect lie
« Reply #4 on: 09 November 2010, 04:48:11 pm »
Yeah, therapy would be good. Even we can buy a massage table (cost around 150 euro/pounds) and place it in room and show to the family  ;D maybe they would jump on for a massage
He came in the morning and woke me up with killer instinct. Wish I could stop this now.


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Re: The perfect lie
« Reply #5 on: 18 November 2010, 12:22:59 pm »
Hey Ladies ..... I have the perfect cover !!!
For years i have worked under my cover of being a mobile Tailor .....
All i say is that a company  sends me clients eg men and i take their Measurement and email them back to the company.
It covers the fact that a man might pop in for half an hour or an hour ...
If i speak to anyone around me i always mention it ,as it covers my back  if they happen to see anyone old or young pop in for a short time .

I don't make the suits or have anything to do with them i just take the Measurement for potential grooms and fathers of the brides .
It has worked for years for me and no one has ever questioned me ,If they ask about it i say i only do the Measurements and all work is given to me .
I cant get my own clients so cant be booked through me . Sorry ... lol
You can always put your own twist on it to what SUITS  you .

People never suspect anything ... Good luck girls xxxx