Hello ladies,
Hope you all had a good productive day!

I?ve recently been thinking about what I could do to convert more phone calls into bookings. Generally I would say I?m quite a friendly, relaxed sort and can handle most moronic questions (after all I figure I only want to see these men for their money, not looking for marriage, so even if they?re a bit moronic on the phone ? I can cope for an hour!). However despite the best will in the world and using deep breathing exercises the following five questions still seriously pee me off. I never give rude responses but it?s not difficult to tell I?m not impressed (think Ice Maiden) and as such I?m sure I lose bookings (possibly with nice blokes who are just crap at phone calls).
I really do love the job (the freedom, money, hours etc) but the twatty phone questions is the bit I hate. Hate with a passion, I might add. If I could conquer/improve in this area, I know I would enjoy it 99% rather than the 90% as at present.
So I was hoping you could look through the list and advise on how best to handle the following enquiries? Or suggest methods that work for you? What responses do you use that work?
I got your number from a friend (hence why I expect you to regurgitate your entire profile word for word)
What?s your ethnicity? (this is despite me stating my ethnicity in no less than five different places on my profile will full photos ? inc face ? in colour!!!)
What services do you provide? (I?m getting better with this one but it still irritates the hell out of me ? I sometimes feel like replying ?hmmm...let me think....were you looking for services like accountancy, tea making, palm reading etc?? ? I?m a PROSTITUTE fgs!!! figure it out you pillock!!!)
Alright babes....are you....? (GRRRRR ? hate any question which starts like this, no wonder some of these sad sods are reduced to paying for it ? can?t think why they can?t pull with gems like these!)
I?m White/Black/Asian/Oriental/Mixed Raced ? will you see me? (seriously I get asked this by every race of man on earth ? who the hell is it that they think I normally see? Men from Mars?!
Thank you xxx
Ps would love to hear the questions that bug you too!